Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Training October 29th and 30th

Above Knee Hang Power Clean Cluster, 2.2.2 x 4 sets, 4-5 min - all touch n go reps, drop bar after 2nd rep
(Perform an AMRAP Set of Strict HSPU's after each set)
500 Double Unders for time (perform 3 burpees every time you break)
4 sets:
30 sec Airdyne @ 75%
30 sec Airdyne @ 80%
30 sec Airdyne @ 85%
30 sec Airdyne @ 90%
30 sec Airdyne @ 95%
2:30 min rest

HPC cluster.  205 per set.  Last set missed the last rep.
HPSU  15,10,8,8

500 DU for time.  burpee penalty for breaks.  9:57.  broke at 151, 172(ugh), 254,324, 387, 453, finished. I think 151 is a PR. 

61c, 60c, 58,57. Done on old airdyne.  This got tough.  

A. OHS @ 55X1, 2 reps x 4 sets, 5 min - all tough sets
B. Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance, 1.1 x 5 sets, 3 min - build per set
C1. Front Squat with Chains @ 22X1, 2 reps x 3 sets, 3 min - all tough sets
C2. Bar Muscle-ups, AMRAP x 3 sets, 3 min

A. 155(1), 155, 165, 165 (1 at tempo, 2nd rep was 3s out of bottom)
B. 135,145,155,165, 170(F snatch, lost it forward.  )
C1. All sets w/ 38# chains added.  205,215,215
C2. Tried some bar muscle-ups in warm-up and couldn't figure them out as I've never tried them before.  Did ring muscle-ups for first 2 sets   10,8.   Then tried the bar ones again and got 2. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Grace PR plus MAP session. October 26th and 27th

10 minutes @ 75%:
15 cals Airdyne
15 KBS - 24kg
--5 min recovery
10 minutes @ 75%:
15 cals Airdyne
15 Box Jumps - 24" - step down every rep
--5 min recovery
10 minutes @ 75%:
Row 200m
15 Wall Balls - 20#
--5 min recovery
10 minutes @ 75%:
Row 200m
15 GH Sit-ups

7 rds
6.5 rds
6 rds
5.5 rds. 

Everything felt really good today. Movements were unbroken controlled pace. Felt like I cold have kept up pace for 20 mins on all.

5g P, 20C at halfway point.  


Build to a moderate effort Clean and Jerk 
Row 20 minutes @ 50% effort

Built to 205. 

 PR by 40s from October 2010. Started with 12, broke for chalk and then just grinded it out AFAP from there. Felt fine afterwords. Next time it will be 15-16 to start and no chalking between. Just be an absolute race start to finish with sub 2 as the goal. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Training, Tuesday October 23rd and Weds Oct 24th, 2012

Complete 1 round every 3 minutes for 45 minutes:
3 KBS - 40kg
6 C2B Chin-ups
9 Burpees - no jump @ top
12 Wall Balls - 20#

complete. all rounds about 79s. breathing was great. I felt fine during this. Longer aerobic pieces I almost always feel fine on. 

I felt good for these 3 sessions. 

Power Clean Cluster, x 3 sets, 5-7 min - 1st set @ 205lb
Kipping HSPU, 1 tough rep every 20 sec for 10 minutes - go as deep as possible
3 sets:
30 sec Row @ 2:00/500m
30 sec Row @ 1:55/500m
30 sec Row @ 1:50/500m
30 sec Row @ 1:45/500m
30 sec Row @ 1:40/500m
2:30 min rest
5 min rest
AMRAP Double Unders in 60 sec x 5 sets, 1 min b/t sets

Pc cluster -  205,215,225

Kipping HSPU- 4 mins at 2", 2 mins at 3", 3 mins at 2", 1 with 0".   Doing singles is harder than multiple. Really struggle with this.  Numerous misses.

Rows completed, easy

DU's -  103, 75, 82, 83, 85

Monday, October 22, 2012

Training Monday October 22nd, 2012

A. OHS @ 55X1, 3 reps x 3 sets, 5 min - all tough sets
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, build to a tough single
C1. Back Squat with Chains @ 22X1, 3 reps x 3 sets, 3 min - all tough sets
C2. Muscle-up Cluster, x 3 sets, 3 min

A. 125,135,140.  Tough but kept the tempo.  Surprised myself here
B. 155.  missed 135x3, jumped to 145 hit it.  missed 155x1 jumped to 165 missedx3.  back to 155 for an easy make.  Bar is plenty high and I'm plenty fast.  Not turning over fast enough and bar in bad spots for all misses.  Didn't have camera so couldn't record. Usually I can record and fix.  Got 165 a few weeks ago so was hoping for same or better today.  
C1.  all sets + 38# of chains.   185,205,215(2).  Felt heavy at that tempo. I haven't squatted heavy in a while. I think I need to squat heavy consistently. 
C2. complete.  Hard towards last 2. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Training October 19th, 2012

A. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 30% RM + Chains x 6 sets, 1 min
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, build to a tough single
C. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, 5 reps @ 175lb per minute for 10 minutes - if 5 unbroken becomes impossible, stop then and there
D. 8 fast burpees to 6" OH every minute for 15 minutes
E. Airdyne Sprints, 20 sec @ 97% x 5 sets, 3 min b/t sets

A. Complete at 95# plus 38# chains
B. 250#
C. 5 rounds and 3 reps on the sixth round and then grip gave out. 
D. complete felt good
E. 20,21,22,22,20 cals.   NO POP, probably from all the work previous. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Training October 18th, 2012

The origin plan was to train Tuesday at 5AM.  After getting back at 830pm Monday and being spent I knew this wouldn't be wise so I took an additional day off. On Wednesday I had to travel for work and was still a bit sore and mentally did not want to train at all, so I took another day off.  3 days off in a row. Today (Thursday) I was ready to train and did so at the SP Academy.

A1. Press @ 11X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
A2. Wtd Pronated Chin-ups @ 60X0, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
B. Kipping HSPU to extra depth, 1 rep x 30 sets, 15 sec - increase depth where possible
C. One Arm DB Rows @ 20X1, 4-6 reps/arm x 5 sets, 30 sec b/t sides (stretch pecs during breaks)
D. Side Lying Powell Raises @ 60X0, 6-8/arm x 3 sets, 30 sec b/t arms (stretch pecs during breaks)

A1. 135, 145x2,150(1), 145x2, 145x2  -  not sure if it was a 55lb bar or not but it felt heavy. all weights are assuming 45# bar.  I pressed 165x2 on July 16th so this is a major drop-off. 

A2. 25, 50, 60x2, 60x2, 60x2

B. complete w/ 1" plates.  A few sets took 20s between but generally on pace.

C. 85x6, 90x5, 90x5, 90x4, 90x4

D. Left arm  10,15,15   Right arm 10,15,20

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Optathlon review October 14th, 2012

Event 1 CJ - 250# (-10 from last year)
Event 2 TJ - 27 feet 0.5 inches  (up 7 inches from last year)
Event 3 2:58.5  ( up 1.1s from last year)
Event 4 - 4 rounds.  poor placing amongst field
Event 5 - 38 feet 11 inches - up 7 feet from last year
Event 6 - 12:31.  Up 45s from last year

Event 1 Clean and Jerk- score 250#.   (-10#) from last year. Good news is that in the last year my clean has went up 25# from 260 to 285.  Bad news is my jerk is still shit. A part of that was my inability to do much jerking overhead in the past year due to a shoulder issue.  I have now sorted out the shoulder issue and was able to jerk pain free at the competition. And truth be told as recently as a month ago I just wanted to be able to do this event and not have to take a DNF, so getting only 205 isn’t a huge let down. Now that my shoulder is pain free and I can do jerks my focus on them during every session needs to be proper mechanics without concern for load. My focus will be on keeping chest up and putting head through on the jerk. I need to continue to work on shoulder flexibility. I have the power today to CJ 275 but lack the proper mechanics at heavier loads.  Next year the goal is 275#.  I get there by focusing on form at lower loads because I believe I have the power to do it.

Event 2. Standing Triple Jump.  27’ ½”. (+7.5”) from last year. I didn’t expect to PR on this but a final jump that went well allowed for that. This is something that I still want to maintain touches on over the year just so that it isn’t completely foreign. I will be getting some indirect training on this, as I will be playing basketball once a week in a fairly competitive league. Next year the goal is 27’6”. I get there with continued touches on bounding and really improving the flow of the three jumps.

Event 3.: Row 500m, rest 90s, Row 500m.  1:26.8, 1:31.7 for total time of 2:58.5. (+ 1.1s from last year.)  This was my best workout relative to the field but was a huge disappointment as 6 days earlier I had rowed a 2:57.8 and that was at 95% effort.  I moved the damper to 5.5 from 5 but don’t really think that made a huge difference as I generally row much better at a high damper. I could tell halfway into the first row that it was going to be more difficult than I was anticipating to keep the pace I wanted. I kept the pace fine but used a bit more effort than I really wanted to be at that time. The second row was rough, as I knew it would be but I just couldn’t keep it under 1:30. I think for me personally doing the test at 95%, 6 days before almost made me remember how bad it was last year, and then when it came time to get deep into the pain cave I shied away from it this year. This year hurt and I was in rough shape after but it was nothing like last year. Last year I was on ground in tons of pain for 10 minutes after and then another 30 as I walked around and moved.  I didn’t quite get to that nasty disgusting place this year. Next year the goal is 2:56. I get there by continuing to work hard on the rows during training and really maintaining good body position on the rows in a fatigued state. It’s easy to maintain good position when doing longer sustainable pieces or even doing sprints with full recovery, but my focus on every pull on the rower for the next year needs to be with perfect form.

Event 4: 8 minute AMRAP of
 8 Thrusters 115#
8 CTB chins
8 bar facing burgees
Score:   4 rounds  - no comparison point.

Looking at that now a day later doesn’t make that score any less shitty. That’s 1 round every 2 minutes. For 24 reps in a round. Of not super difficult movements. Even with a super conservative pace I should be exceeding 4 rounds of this.  I was breathing super heavy and couldn’t function well at all. I hope with further training that this is a workout I can get to 5 rounds and beyond on.

Event 5:  Overhead shot toss 16# ball.   38’11”. (Up 7’ 10”) from last year. Was pleased to make a good gain here. This was mainly due to familiarity of the movement and really understanding how to best heave the ball.  It’s my belief that as the clean and squat go up, so does the throw.  To throw 40’ next year I just need to keep getting stronger and get touches on the movement.

Event 6:  3k run 12:31. (+42s) from last year. Quad cramped and started to get painful around 400m in and turned this run into a complete shit show. This wasn’t a true measure of my capabilities here as the battle wasn’t with my aerobic system it was with my aching quad and figuring out how to keep moving with a quad that was getting more painful each step. Looking back a day later I suppose I was pleased to not completely cramp and lock up until the run was over. My expectation on this was in the 11:30 area so in that regard I was a bit disappointed but many athletes had similar experiences cramping on the workout and not coming close to expectations. The goal on this is still 11:30 and I think I could do it next week if I didn’t cramp.

In summary my total score went down a bit from last year due to decreases in the CJ, the row and the run despite the increases in the jump and throw.  While in the past I have almost always improved performance on game day, this particular time I definitely did not do that. As far as nutrition goes, maybe more whole foods throughout the day could’ve prevented the cramping as other athletes that didn’t cramp mentioned they did this. Also I had a cup of what I later found out was super strong coffee. I had a huge headache while getting ready for CJ portion.  I don’t drink much coffee but like to for max effort lifts. While I had pop on the lifts (but shit technique) I don’t know if the coffee had anything to do with the lack of pop I felt on rower etc., the rest of day.  

Goals next year
CJ-275#  - how I achieve this:  focus on technique EVERY lift without concern for poundage as the explosive quality is there for 275# I just need to improve technique. Improve shoulder flexibility to make getting into the proper positions possible.
TJ – 27’6” – How I achieve this – touches, technique
Row: 2:56- technique during every rowing session of the year.
Event 4- improve this energy system.
OH shot toss – 40’.  Touches on technique and keep improving clean and squat.
3k run 11:30. – Maintain, as I truly believe I had this but just cramped. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Training Wednesday October 10th, 2012

3 sets:
Run 200m @ 50%
Run 200m @ 75%
Run 200m @ 85-90%
Run 200m @ 95-97%
Walk 3 min b/t


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Training October 9th, 2012

OH Med Ball Toss, 1 max effort toss per minute for 10 minutes
Standing Triple Jump, 1 max effort rep x 3 sets, 1 min
10 Burpees to 6" OH per minute for 5 minutes
5 x 30 sec Row @ 90%/30 sec Rest - damper 5

OH TOSS  got some good tosses around 34' to 36' with 14# ball.  

STJ = 26"

burpees got faster per round

1:28.9 average. got slower per round.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Training Monday October 8th, 2012

500m Row @ 95%
90 sec rest
500m Row @ 95%
*Do not go guns a blazin
15 minute Run @ 50% effort

1:27, 1:30.8.   damper at 5.  Not too bad.  think a few seconds less is capable for competition 

Split Jerk, 1 rep per min for 15 minutes - 5 sets @ 145lb, 5 sets @ 165lb, 5 sets @ 185lb
Power Snatch, 5 touch n go reps @ 135lb x 5 sets, 1 min 
5 C2B every 30 seconds for 5 minutes

SJ- complete. felt good and easy. Maybe because it was 185.  Shoulder felt good and that's the important thing. I think my issue was completely tightness related a LOT of ART, foam rolling, lax ball rolling, barbell mashing and an expensive deep tissue massage and my should is 80% better.  considering I was concerned with being able to jerk at all a month ago this is good. 

PS- complete. PS is coming along.  Think I'm ready for a PR here just based on how fast and light reps have felt in last couple weeks. 

C2B complete, easy. Probably could've managed ~7 per set.  

Feeling good as we taper towards comp.

Figure this is a good place to state my goals for the coming competition. 

CJ- 265.  Last year was 260. I spent most of the last 7 months dealing with a bad shoulder so rarely got to jerk heavy weights. I have never even hit 250 in training, so I'd have to be ok with 245 or so but I just know when it's competition time if my shoulder holds up I'll get a decent weight. 

Triple Jump- Last year was 26'5" I believe. I'd be fine with that as my distance this year. 

500 row repeats.  Goal is 1:26.5 then a 1:28.5.  I figure 1:26.5 leaves me capable of 130 no problem and then a little extra push and actually going 100% will give me that 1:28.5 for a 2:55 total. 

Unk circuit.-   just don't be a pussy and don't leave anything out there.  Seems easy enough.

Med ball shot- 31"1 I think last year.  I don't really have a distance in mind as I haven't measure my practice throws but my Front Squat, Back Squat and Cleans are all way up from last year so my hip power is up and should translate.  

3k Run:  11:46 last year.   11:15 is goal this year. Might be optimistic at end of long day but I ran an easy 5:49 mile the other day so I'm hoping to 6:00 mile pace for 7.5 laps.  We will see. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Training October 6th, 2012

A. Power Clean, build to 90% RM for a single
B. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3-3-3, 5 min - only last set tough, set 1/2 are builders
C. 3 sets ALL OUT:
8 Thrusters @ 115lb
8 C2B
8 Burpees to 6" OH
8 Thrusters @ 115lb
8 C2B
8 Burpees to 6" OH
Rest 4 x work time

A. 255.  PR is 285.
B. all with 38 lbs of chains added.   185,205,235. 
C. 2:25, 2:12, 3:07.   I hate these kind of sets as they are just outside my comfort zone. First set was a bit slow due to lack of proper warm-up. I only have so much time in the 5am session. 2nd set was unbroken but movement was controlled and slow but it yielded my best time.  

3rd set was a train wreck.  I was at 1:05 after first round which in theory should have set me up nicely for another ~2:12, but then I straight up caved. Took ~ 6 breaths before starting the thrusters when I wanted to take 3. split the thrusters into 4 and 4. More breaths before CTB. Stopped after 3! CTB. Mercifully finished the set.    It's at that exact moment, the halfway point of the sets today where workouts are won, and in today's case lost. The moment when you can breath 3 more times and be a bit more comfortable or the moment when you pick the fucking barbell up and realize there is 24 more reps to finish this stupid set and be done. The man that picks it up and worries about the pain later is the man that wins.   I need to pick up the barbell. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Training October 4th, 2012

For max reps:
3 minute Airdyne
3 minute KBS - 24kg
3 minute Double Unders
3 minute Wall Balls - 20#

Airdyne - 109 cals -   new Airdyne.  Skeptical of this as my PR was 100 on older versions. 
KBS       - 70       -    I set it down cause forearms were shot and was worried I wouldn't be able to pick up rope. Not how I wanted to handle this workout in hindsight
DU       -  182 - 
WB       -  62  -  too small of sets. breathing became limiter. 

Run 1,600m on flat @ 80%,90%, 5 min walk b/t sets

6:34 , 5:49.   

Wow was I surprised with the 5:49. That was a true 90% with plenty left in tank. Probably could have kept that pace for another 800m.  Very pleased with this.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Training October 2nd and 3rd, 2012

21,18,15,12,9,6,3 rep rds for time:
Thrusters @ 65lb

7:39. I just plain suck at typical crossfit style workouts. I start breathing hard and heavy and I'm done. I wanted this to be in sub 7. I didn't really reach muscle failure just breathing.  All Thrusters unbroken. Chins broke in middle sets intentionally and to breath.

4 sets:
45 sec Row @ 95%
45 sec rest on Rower
45 sec Row @ 95%
8 min rest

1:24.4, 1:25.2, 1:28.5, 1:30.5 were the averages. Each time first set was ~2-4 seconds faster than second set. 

A. Max Effort OH Toss, 1 max effort rep every 30 sec for 5 minutes - 15-20lb ball
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 3-3-2-2-1-1, 2 min - build per set
C. Split Jerk, 3 moderate effort reps x 3 sets, 2 min - skip this part if it hurts
D. Clean, build to a tough single - no fails
E. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 80% RM x 3 sets, 3 min

A. workout done at 5 am so I couldn't toss ball. Worked up to 46" flat footed BJ. Not much pop at 5am
B. 125,135,145(1) 150(1) 155, 165. 
C. 155,175,175. Very moderate but felt good. 
D. ---had to skip because neighbors bitched about weights dropping at 5am. I've been doing it for four years but apparently today was the day. 
E.  @280 complete.