Friday, July 21, 2017

week 4


7x 30m start from blocks - bumped this up to 10 as I could not complete sled drives on same day as block starts based on equipment/time of day etc., 
- work on drive phase
4x 20s drive into wall

A. Front Squat built to a moderate 255 single
B. glute bridge  335x10, 405x5, 405x5. 
C. single leg back extension x 8 per leg x 3 sets. 
D. cable pull throughs x 10 x 3 


Thurs 7/20 rest

Friday - 7/21

decided to do day 3 based on it pairing with lifts better

Day 3 - 
5x short hill sprint (30-40m)
walk down rest
3-5min rest
repeat for total of 3 sets (15 sprints)
2x 60s/ 45s/ 30s/ 15s
tight high knees with 'resistance'... ie on soft surface
work:rest 1:1, 3min bw sets

A. snatch pull/snatch at 135#  EMOM x 6.
B. banded DL x 2 @ 245 EMOM x 6
C. SL RDL 50# x 10 reps x 3 sets
D. SL hip thrust x 10 per leg  2 sets.
E. banded hip flexion x 10 per leg x 2 sets.

Saturday 7/22

Sunday 7/23

Needed to change order of days due to hill and track availability. 
Day 2
5 sets, 5min rest between sets
125m sprint [85%] focus on drive, then extended fly phase and ease the last 90m letting mechanics carry you
15s rest
50m sprint [92-95%]
45s rest
block start (just far enough to complete drive phase

complete.  with 15s rest, the 50m was rough, block start a bit easier. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

week 3

tuesday 7/11 meet.  
electronic 12.08 in 100m.  bad start, did not complete drive phase.

weds 7/12
Upper body bodybuilding.  pull and push.   FW 60s on 60s off x 3 with 50#/h.

thurs 7/13 - rest.  hammies a bit sore, feeling a bit beat up.

Friday 7/14
rotary drill 3 x30m
hill sprint 150m or so x 5.  last one, power output was low.
3 sets of 30s tight high knees
A. snatch pull x 2 at 135#  EMOM x 6.
B. Front Rack BSS 95 x10 per leg x 2
C. SL RDL 40# x 10 reps x 3 sets
D. SL hip thrust x 10 per leg  2 sets.

Saturday 7-15

Sunday 7-16
150m 85%
rest 15s
75m 90%
rest 5 mins.   during rest did either side plank 25s per side or 10T2b/5 hanging leg raise/5 hanging knee raise.

This was tough.

Monday, July 10, 2017

restart week 2

Monday 7/3
 3 x250 (100% for 50m, 80% for 100m, 90% for 100)
36s, 37,40.   Last set was a slog.   Changing the speeds was very tough.

Upper body BB.

Tuesday July 4
stick drills 40m x 10

A. PC/HPC quick build to a tough 225.

B. split squat
50#/h x 8 reps x 2 sets.

C. 1 leg hip thrust with leg elevated.
8 reps x 4 sets.

D. 1 arm FW 30s with 100#    2 sets per side

Wednesday 7/5
Upper body BB.

Thurs 7/6 - rest

Friday 7.7
10 block starts
Upper Body BB


Sunday 7/9
5 x 150m 80%.  Done on soccer field as I'm on vacation and no tracks close.

warm up drills, cool down

Tuesday -meet.