Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 1 January 29th to February 3rd, 2014

Week 1  January 29th to February 3rd, 2014

Wednesday - Bench int + Dip/CU int + ABC
A. Bench Press @ 20X1, build to a tough set of 5
B1. Weighted Ring Dips @ 20X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
B2. Weighted Wide Grip Pronated Chin-ups @ 21X1, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C. Hollow Rock, 10 sec perfect movement x 10 sets, rest as needed b/t
D. Scap/Posterior Delt work

A. up to 205. maybe a bit more in there.
B1. 6x35#, 6x45#,  5x53#, 5x53#
B2.  6x35#, 6x45#,  5x53#, 5x53#
C. complete
D. complete. 

Thursday - AD Supra Aerobic 
30 x 20 sec Airdyne @ 90-92%/40 sec Airdyne @ 50%
15-20 min hip flexor/pec stretching

501 calorie for the 30 minutes.  Just under 17/min. about 10 during 90% and 7 during 50%.  9.6 miles. 

complete. also added some t-spine stretching in there. 

Friday - Bench mod/emom + Horizontal Row int + LBC
A. Bench Press, 2 reps @ 75% RM per min x 15 mins
B. One Arm KB Rows @ 20X0, 4-6/arm x 6 sets, 30 sec b/t arms
C. Single Arm Farmers Hold, 30 sec tough per arm x 6 sets, 30 sec b/t arms

A. complete at 190#.  Using 250 for 1RM since 270 was 18 months ago and am not there now. 
B. complete x 6 reps at 88#. May need to figure how to add weight to KB.
C. 88# x 4. 113#x1, 123# x1.  Using 2 KBS. 

Saturday - AD MAP
10 x 2 min Airdyne @ 85-90%/2 min Airdyne @ 50%
15-20 min hip flexor/pec stretching

~690 calories. ~48 every 2 minutes @ 90%.  

Sunday - Press int + Bench speed/emom + Horizontal CP stamina
A. CGBP @ 10X1, 3 reps @ 50% Bench 1 RM per min x 10 mins
B. Press @ 30X0, 5-4-3-2, 2 min - all tough set, do from seated if needed
C. Scap/posterior Det work
D. 30,20,10 for time:
Hand Release Push-ups
Ring Rows - make the set-up tough enough so you can't do 30 unbroken

A. 125. Easy, fast.
B. 135x5, 145x4, 155x3, 165x2. done standing no problem. 
C. complete
D. 6:08.  

Monday - AD low %'s
40 min @ moderate effort:
10 hang muscle snatch @ 45lbs - no knee/hip bend - use arms only
30 cals Airdyne

16 rounds plus 10 snatch and 21 cals. 

8 weeks post-op picture. Doesn't really look much different than 6 week post op. 


Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 21- 27th, 2014

January 27th
A.  Build to a 1rm bench. - 245. Just  Failed 255.  Not being able to drive through feet makes a big difference here.  270 is lifetime pr. Big difference now though is I am benching properly. I used to bench with a massive elbow flare which allowed for more weight but was terrible for my shoulders.  Elbows are tucked now which feels better but less weight.

B. build to a 1rm weighted pull-up.  113#  pronated.  Just missed 118 supinated.

January 26th, 2014

Airdyne @ z1 pace for 45 minutes.   540 calories.  12 calories/ min. about 62 rpm. forgot to track miles.

January 25th
Shoulder prehab/rehab   and Achilles rehab.  One leg balanced is already markedly better. 30s hold no problem today.

January 24th
30 sets   30s @ 90% / 30s @50%   570 total calories.  19/min. ~ 82 RPM during 90% ~ 60 during 50%

January 23rd
A1. Ring Push-ups  Rest 20s. 31,31,25
A2. defrancos ab circuit. Rest 60s

B1.weighted chins  15x 13#, 11x 18#, 9x18#, 8x18#
B2. banded face pull with external rotation

C side lying external rotation x 10 reps x 3 sets.

D1. banded tricep pushdown x 25 reps x 3 sets.
D2. banded external rotation with bands x 10 reps

some FLR in rings.  ~90s .

January 22nd
Airdyne 15s @ 95%/ 45s @ 50% x 10.   190 calories.
10 minutes rest - did banded rotator cuff work
10 minutes z1 on Airdyne.   120 cals.

First day of PT.

January 21st - rest

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 16th - 20th, 2014

January 20,2014

A1. barbell floor press x 5 . Rest 60s   165x5,185x5, 195x6.
A2. Defranco's ab circuit (10 reps of sprinter sit-ups, v-ups, toe touches, and  hip ups) Rest 60s x 4. 

B. strict pull-ups x max reps.   20, 14

C1. barbell row 8-12. Rest 60s x 4.  135x9 x 4 sets.
C2. band pull-aparts x 25 reps. Rest 60s x 4.  complete.

D1. close grip supinated pull-ups x max reps. Rest 10s. x3    15,10,9
D2. flutter kicks with 5# per leg added. x 50.  Rest 60s x 3

E1. supinated ring rows x 10 reps. Rest 10s x 3.  10,10,10
E2. KB side bends with 2 KB totaling 60# x 12. Rest 60s x 3.   12,12,12

F. captains on crush gripper  5-7 reps/ hand x 4 sets. 

picture of the Achilles~ 6 weeks post-op. 5 more weeks walking in CAM boot. PT starts the 23rd which will be 6 weeks and a few days post-op. Looking forward to starting the PT to get some mobility and strength back in the ankle and achilles. Still quite a bit of swelling there and massage will hopefully start to help there.

January 19th,2014
Airdyne 2 minutes @ 95% while in CAM boot.
Rest 10 minutes x 4

63 calories, 52 calories, 52 calories, 48 calories.

Well that was a dumb training session on my part. I wasn't ready for this as can be seen from the substantial drop off after first set. Still a long ways to go. I would have been much better served starting with something much shorter like 60s.

January 18th
A. Foam roll and Cressey shoulder routine.
B. Arnolds. 10x35#, 9x45#, 9x45#, 8x45#.  Rest 60s.
C. Cubans with barbell.  45# x 6 reps x 3 sets.Rest 60s
D. l-lateral raises.  12 reps x 15# per hand x 1 set.
E1. Side lying DB abduction to 45 deg.  12 reps x 15#. Rest 60s
E2. banded external rotations x 10 per arm. Rest 60s
F1. toes to rings x 15 reps. Rest 30s
F2. band pull aparts x 25 reps.  Rest 60s x 3

January 17,2014
30 minutes on Airdyne.   30s @85% / 30s @ 50 %.    540 total calories. 18/min. up from 510 last week.   Starting to get a bit difficult towards end. CAM boot limits power on the 85% pieces.

January 16, 2014

A. Bench Press 155x22, 155x18, 155x13.    Up 6 total reps from last week.

B1 strict pull-ups x max reps.  Rest 60s   16,12,10,10.  Volume bench is taking away from these a bit.
B2. band pull aparts- medium thickness.  x 20.  Rest 60s x 4.

C1. lateral raises x 12 reps.  10#/ h.  Rest 30s x4
C2. Dip bar leg raises x 10 reps.  Rest 30s x 4

D1. L-up cluster  Rest 60s
D2. Banded tricep pushdown x 25 reps.  Rest 60s x 3

E1. E-rom push-ups on paralettes.  x 15-20 reps.  Rest 10s
E2. windshield wipers on pull-up bar. x 10 reps.  Rest 10s
E3. barbell curl x 12 reps w/ 65#.   Rest 10s

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5 weeks Post-Op update. January 11th- January 15h 2014

January 15th, 2014

Airdyne --12s @ 95% / 48s @ 50% x 10.   170 calories. ~9 per 12s "sprint." Workout was done in CAM boot so power is a bit dampened due to the clunkiness of the boot.

January 14th - rest.  On feet most of my day between work and coaching. Heel aching, little swollen, not much pain anywhere else.

January 13th
A. built to a moderate 3 in the incline bench while wearing Sling Shot.  185# x3.

B. incline DB bench press.   45# x20 reps x 2 sets.

4 sets:
C1. Supine Ring Rows x 12 reps.  Rest  1 minute
C2. Band Pull Aparts  x 25 reps. Rest 1 minute

D1. DB shrugs x 15 reps.  Rest 1 minute   80#
D2. Supinated Chin-ups x max reps.     In CAM boot  15,12,10

E. Battle Rope -standing 30s rest 2 minutes x 5.

I had a check -up at the doctor's office today. I am now 5 weeks post-op. He has cleared me for partial weight bearing in the boot. He advised to go to full weight bearing in the CAM boot when it feels good. I have pretty much been doing partial weight bearing the past week so I have moved to full weight bearing immediately. It feels fine and there is no pain while walking in the boot. The doctor advised me to stay walking in the boot for 6 weeks and follow-up with him on February 24th. He advised me to wait 1 week and start physical therapy. I plan to start PT on January 22nd. He stated I could walk in shoes in the house in a completely controlled (read:safe) situation.  For example walking down the hallway without a 3 year old dive bombing into my leg, and the hallway free of action figures and various other toys.

 All the research I have done indicates the most frequent time for re-rupture is the next ~7 weeks. Many instances of re-rupture occur when someone pushes it too hard too early or a freak slip or accident generally while in "2 shoes." I feel it will be good to be forced to stay in the boot. I am taking the "take it slow and get it done right the first time approach." I have nothing to rush back for and want this to heal correctly the first time, even if it is a little bit slower. I look forward to starting the PT to get some of the adhesions broken up. It's a thick mess down there right now.

Time line:
December 5th- AT rupture
December 10th- surgery. Put in cast.
December 23rd- first follow up post-op staples removed. cast removed, put in CAM boot. Allowed to shower and slightly stretch.
January 13th- 2nd follow up post-op. given clearance to start partial weight bearing in CAM boot. move to full weight bearing when it feels good. moved to full weight bearing immediately as it was pain free.
January 22nd- will be first PT appt.

January 11th and 12th, rest.  busy weekend and I didn't make time for training.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9th and 10th, 2014

January 10th-  building from last weeks AD session.

30 sets :  30s @ 75% / 30s @50%.   510 calories. 17 cals/min.  Forgot to trac distance.

Plus some mobility and rotator cuff work.

January 9th, 2013

building from January 2.

A1. Bench Press @ 155 x max reps (-1) 155x20, 155x16, 155x12.  Rest 90s
A2. Banded Face Pull with External rotation.  10,10,10.  Rest 90s

B. for time:
10 toes to bar
10 Hand Release Push-ups

was cruising early then the volume bench caught up and push-ups were tough. hobbled around between movements. First "conditioning" outside of Airdyne efforts in over a month. Muscular endurance was the only issue.

C1. supinated pull-ups x max reps (-1) Rest 90s   14,11,9,7.  --supinated pull-ups went quick. My tiny little biceps fatigue quickly.
C2. mini band pull aparts x 25 reps. Rest 90s.  25,25,25,25

D1. l-lateral raise  10# x 12 reps x 4 sets.  Rest 20s
D2. Side bends with plate.   15 reps per side x 4 sets.  35,35,45,45

E. captains of crush gripper.   ~30 reps per hand with #1.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 5th to January 8th, 2014.

January 8th
The plan was 30 mins of 30s @75%/30s @50%. The plan was to progress from the 3rd. After 5 minutes I was choking on the freezing cold air of the garage gym and had to abandon this. My asthma starts when it is cold and if I get breathing too hard in cold air symptoms kick in.

Changed it to 30 minutes of riding Airdyne. Pedaled hard for 15s burts occasionally but mostly easy pace throughout. 380 calories total. Will get to the AD progression on Friday.

January 7th rest  ---this day marks 4 weeks post-op.  Hopefully weight bearing next week.

January 6th
A1. built to a moderate 3 in CGBP @ 225#
A2. banded external rotation w/ face pull. x 10 reps x 3 sets.
B1 max strict pull-ups. rest 1 minute x 2.   18,15.  added weight of CAM boot. These are progressing nicely. need to keep hitting volume of strict pull-ups.
B2. deadbugs x 5 per side  x 2. Rest 1 minute.
C1. barbell row 95x12, 115x11, 115x12, 115x12.  Bit awkward with CAM boot on.
C2. mini band pull-aparts.  25,25,25,25

Janaury 5th- rest

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 4th, 2014

A. Arnolds  10x35, 11x35 10x45, 10x45
B. Barbell Cuban Press  6 x 45# x 3 sets.
C. l lateral raises 12x 15# per hand  x 1 set.
D1. side lying DB abduction to 45 degrees.  10# for 10 reps on right side.  15# for 10 reps on left side. x 3 sets.
D2. banded external rotation.   10 reps x 3 sets.

Have used Saturday to be a light day with focus on rotator cuff work. Tempted to do a bit more UB work but shoulders are feeling good, so gonna stay with it.

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3rd, 2013

30s Airdyne at 75%/ 30s Airdyne @ 50% x 30.  = 480 calories. 9.8 miles.  16/min.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

A1. Bench Press 135x21, 155x16, 155x15
A2. banded face pull w/ external rotation  10,10,10

B1. pull-ups 14,11,10,9 ----having the CAM boot on adds ~10 lbs.
B2. band pull-aparts   15,15,15,15

C. l lateral raise  12 reps x 10lbs x 4 sets.

D1. banded tricep pushdown.  20# Go Fit band   25,25,25
D2. Defranco's Ab circuit x 10 reps x 3 sets.

E. Captain of Crush Gripper.   "1" gripper   7 reps/ hand x 5 sets.

On the Achilles front things are improving. There is a lot of swelling that is going to be the painful part of recovery. My range of motion is improving daily as I do the exercises. The only exercises the doctor has me doing were pointing the toe and bringing the toes back towards me. The tendon feels strong. It feels as if I could weight bear with the boot on but I will wait for doctors orders to do so. Next appointment is on the 13th. Today I return to work in the afternoon.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December 31, 2013

Tuesday December 31st, 2013

Airdyne 30 minutes at z1 pace.  390 calories. 9.1 miles.  13/cals per minute.

rotator cuff work and

Toes to rings x 15 reps x 4 sets.