Saturday, June 30, 2012

Training. Week 1 complete!

June 30th 
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort (i.e. don't push it too much):
Row 500m
15 Wall Balls - 20#
15 Box Jumps - 20"
3 rounds plus 27m

--3 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Airdyne 30 cals
10 Toes to Bar
10 KBS - 24kg
3 rounds plus 12 cals

--3 in recovery
10 mintutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 400m
10 DL @ 95lb
20 Walking Lunges
3 rounds plus 250m

Friday, June 29, 2012


June 29th AM

A. Push Press @ 11X1, 3-4 reps x 4 sets, 4-5 min
B1. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 3 min
B2. Wtd Pronated Chin-ups @ 21X0, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 3 min
C. OHS @ 33X1, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, 3 min
D. One Arm KB Rows @ 20X0, 7-10/arm x 4 sets, 1 min b.t sets - use 88lb KB

A. 185,195,205,215x2.  missed 3rd rep on last set due to poor bar path. have to stay tight.
B1.   225,235,255,260(4).   all sets with 38 lbs of chains added.
B2. 35,45,55(5),55(4)
C. 95,115,125(4)
D. 8,8,7 per arm 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


5 x 15 sec Sled Sprint ALL OUT @ 50% BWT on Sled, 4 min b.t sets
85-90 yards for each one.  

5 x 30 sec Airdyne @ 97% effort, 5 min b.t sets
30 cals, 28 cals, 25 cals, 24 cals, 22 cals

3 x ALL OUT: 20 Burpees to 6" OH, 5 min b.t sets 
46s, 46s, 68s  -  not mentally tough on last set.  This is where the improvement must come for me. 

Squat Snatch @ 115lbs, 1 perfect/fast rep every 30 sec for 5 minutes
complete, easy. Probably could've managed 125. Every rep felt clean and fast. 
Snatch Balance @ 115lbs, 3 perfect rep every 1 min for 5 minutes
Still struggle with snatch balance. missed 3 reps total.  2 towards the end as shoulder fatigue set in. 

Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort
Calf Rolling/Stretching
complete ~8:30 mile pace. 50% effort feels so slow

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


285 lb power clean from Binghamton fittest competition. 

June 27th, 2012

A. 3 Position Power Snatch (high hang, above knee, below knee), 3 x 5 sets, 4-5 min - full pause in each position
B1. Romanian Deadlifts @ 31X1, 4-6 reps x 4 sets, 2 min - full pause 2-3 inches from floor
B2. HSPU to extra depth @ 30X0, 3-5 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C1. Barbell Russian Step-ups @ 11X0 - 24", 10-12/leg x 3 sets, 1 min (1 min b.t legs)
C2. Wider Grip Pronated Chin-ups @ 30X0, AMRAP x 3 sets, 1 min

A. 125,135,145,150,150 (failed last rep, didn't pull aggressively enough)
B1. 225,245,265,275 all for 6 reps. Will use straps next time to add weight as hanging onto the bar was hardest part. 
B2. 3 reps per set off of 25lb bumper plates ~2".
C1. 75,85,95 (10 per leg)
C2. 10,12,11

Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort
Calf rolling/stretching

25th - AM
A. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 4-5 reps x 5 sets, 4-5 min
B1. GH Raises @ 20X0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, 2 min - add DB's under chin to increase intensity
B2. Standing Single Arm DB OH Press @ 30X0, 4-7/arm x 3 sets, 2 min (30 sec b/t arms)
C1. DB Split Squats @ 30X0, 8-10/leg x 3 sets, 1 min (1 min b.t legs)
C2. One Arm KB Rows - 88lb @ 20X0, 7-10/arm x 3 sets, 1 min (1 min b.t arms)
D. Push-ups, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 unbroken for time

A. chains weigh 19lbs each. 1 set of chains added each set for 38lbs of chains. 
weight before chains   165x5, 185x5, 215x5, 220x5, 225x4. 

B1. 12x10lbs, 12x25lbs, 8x 35lbs.  DB was awkward to hold. Will use plates next time. 
B2. 45,55,65 all for 7 reps per arm.
C1. 45,55,65  all for 10 per leg.  Did not raise rear leg.  Will raise rear leg next time
C2. 8 reps per arm for all sets.  

D. 2:28.  set of 12 was tough.  little bit of snaking towards end.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Binghamton Fittest Competition June 23rd, 2012. New bench press PR and new power clean PR.

Binghamton's Fittest competition:

1 RM bench press- 270.  10 lb PR.  Don't bench much at all but a PR none the less.

1RM power clean ---285   10 lb PR and it flew up. Man I want 300 before years end.

10 minute AMRAP
7 burpees
7 deadlifts 205
7 box jumps 24"
7 pull-ups

7 rounds plus 17 reps.  All deadlifts and pull-ups unbroken and fast.  Burpees and box jumps were intentionally slow. Splits were pretty even.  Maybe should have picked up pace a bit earlier.

400m run
800m row
400m run


I think first 400m was ~75s. Transition on the rower was atrocious. I failed to set my damper where I wanted in and the straps were set all the way tight. I lost a handful of seconds here.  Wouldn't happen in a competition I wasn't in charge of but was wearing many hats today so my prep for each WOD took a backseat to keeping the event moving.

WOD 4:

5 rounds for time
5 front squats - 155#
7 toes to bar.

2:47. Only broke last set of T2B, but broke them twice. Only cost a few seconds but the killer instinct to finish needs to be there. Fresh this WOD is much faster but we squeezed all these WOD's into 3 hours so was on fumes at this point.

As far as running the competition it was a great success and everyone had a wonderful time.  We look forward to doing it again in December.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday June 21st, 2012

A. Squat Clean, build to 85% RM for a single
225 easy and fast.   Looking for 275-285 here on Saturday

B. Bench Press @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 50% RM x 7 sets, 45 sec
130.  Looking for 260-265 here on Saturday

C. DL @ 11X1, 2 reps x @ 50% RM x 7 sets, 45 sec
255. easy. 

D. Burpees, 15 reps as fast as possible x 3 sets, 1 min b.t sets

feel good and ready to go for Saturday.  No stress about the competition aspect, thats the fun part.  The organizing and making sure things run smoothly is the stressful part. 

25 competitors registered. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday June 19th, 2012 Training- Mile repeats

3 x Run 1600m @ 95-97% effort, rest 20 min b.t efforts
(practice Muscle-ups/HSPU's b/t efforts - only a few reps)

first 1600m :  5:51
2nd 1600m :  6:20----was at ~2:58 at 800m but couldn't hang on
3rd 1600m :  6:29 ----was at ~2:58 at 800m but couldn't hang on.

all sets done on an official High school track. 

legs didn't respond well after first 800m on sets 2 and 3. I used to a do a lot track work while training for soccer and actually don't mind it too much.  I prefer the training to be 200s, 400s with a few 800s and only 1600m pieces occasionally. 

My ability on the track has actually gotten worse over the years after starting xfit style training. I've gotten much better at plenty of other things but for example my 3k time at last OPTathlon was 11:46. In college (2003) my 3200m time was ~ 11:55. If I could put that old (read 22 year old) engine in my body now with added strength and skill in Crossfit I think I might perform much better. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Couple training days and PR's.

Monday June 18th, 2012

15 minute AMRAP
15 KBS - 70 lbs
15 burpees

results: 7 rounds + 15 KBS + 11 burpees. All KBS unbroken. Burpees paced slow. ~10s rest after burpees before picking up KB. 

rd 1 : 1:11
rd 2: 1:42
rd 3: 1:39
rd 4: 1:57
rd 5: 2:04
rd 6: 2:23
rd 7: 2:27   completed this round at 13:23.
remaining 26 reps in the last 1:37. 

Sunday June 17th, 2012

7.5 hours sleep. Small meal 1.5 hours before.  Bad idea. 

Sled Sprint 100m ALL OUT with 50% BWT on Sled x 5 sets, 4-5 min b.t sets
19.7, 22s,22s,24s.  Cut fifth set as I had an emergency bathroom break. 
Prowler Sprint 200m ALL OUT with 50% BWT on Sled x 3 sets, 6-9 min b.t sets
paced out the 200m as I forgot the measuring tool. This was miserable. 
1:32, 1:50, 1:56. Prowler didn't stop on first set but had some brief pauses on second and third. Physically this was tough and I know I pushed hard but I need that competitive push whether it's a workout partner or a goal time to really dip into that painful area and push and thrive.  

This was in the top 5 of toughest workouts I've done in last year.  

Saturday June 16th, 2012

7.5 hours sleep night before. Up for 1.5 hours in middle of night for no reason. Meal 45mins before lifting. 

A. Front Squat @ 20X1, build to 1RM, 10 min rest once 1RM is achieved
B. Front Squats @ 20X1, AMRAP @ 85% RM from part A x 1 set
C1. Wtd Supinated Chin-up @ 30X0, build to 1RM
C2. Wtd Bar Dip @ 30X0, build to 1RM

A. Front Squat  -   315 lbs . 15lb PR from December.  See below.   Didn't look good as my back rounded horribly. 
B. 3 reps @ 85%.   267 lbs.   I always score low on these, and I think thats why I struggle with typical xfit wods occasionally. Didn't start a fourth rep as I paused at top. 
C. 110 lbs.
D. 115 lbs. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday June 14th, 2012

last meal before wod 12pm.  wod at 2:30 pm.  9.5 hours of glorious sleep last night.

20 minute AMRAP
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings with 70 lbs

12 rounds plus 4 reps.

handstand push-ups were the limiter by far. hspu are easily my worst movement. I didn't gas in the workout at all but that is simply because I was getting unwanted rest on the hspu.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Start of a new journey

I am excited to start training with an individual program from Mike Fitzgerald. I decided to cut the Hatch Squat Cycle short by 2 weeks because of my realization that while my squat and leg endurance was getting better I was neglecting other important aspects of fitness. I will use the blog to document my training and measure progress.

I am going to note some food and sleep things with each training day to better assess how I perform in certain energy systems on low sleep etc.,

Testing Day 1 :

Wednesday June 13th.   5:00 pm.  Last meal at 12:30 pm. coming off a night shift. 4.5 hours sleep. first set pleased with effort, second set was a disaster. My forearms were throbbing going in so I only started with 5 power cleans before having to set it down. 

15,12,9 rep rds for time ALL OUT:
Power Clean - 115lb
*Goal is under 2:30 min       2:41
Rest 5 min
15,12,9 rep rds for time ALL OUT:
Power Clean - 115lb
*Goal is under 2:30 min       5:39.  oof.  I did not recover well at all, and this felt like a terrible slog. Grip was main issue. Probably would've need close to 15 mins for full recovery. 

Video of the first set is below.   I am second to start the workout as my training partner Ryan Andrew started with a 30s head start.

Monday, June 11, 2012

back squat PR

Below is a PR back squat at 352 lbs.  Bodyweight is currently 195. This was the last heavy day on the Hatch squat cycle. Finished with a +110 lbs weighted chin up