Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23rd, 2013

For reps;
1 min C&J @ 135lb
1 min Burpees
1 min Row Cals
1 min Burpees
1 min C&J @ 135lb

77 reps.  +6.   80+ was the goal. I can't drop weights from overhead at 530am anymore due to neighbor complaints. I think if I could have I would have gotten to 80. Lowering the weight slowly and in control on the 2nd set of CJ really slowed me down. I would have been doing fast singles, instead it was do a rep, slowly lower it etc.,   Excuses, excuses. 

breakdown was as follows:
14 CJ
21 burpees
14 calories
21 burpees
7 CJ    

so it went to plan pretty much until the last minute and I was breathing hard and legs were tired .

15 min rest
10 minutes @ 90%:
10 Toes to Bar
15 Push Jerk @ 75lbs
20 Air Squats

7 rounds plus 3 reps. 

Squats were slow and paused quite a bit. Need more volume squat maybe. Might not be bad for this week while I don't have access to a barbell.  

5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Power Snatch @ 75lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec Airdyne
30 sec rest

12 ps per round
~18/round.   low of 16 high of 22. 

5 min rest 
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Power Clean @ 95lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jump Overs - 24"
30 sec rest

~14 cleans per round
~12 BJ--landed on top each rep, not sure if this was correct

5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec R Arm KB Snatch @ 24kg
30 sec rest
30 sec L Arm KB Snatch @ 24kg
30 sec rest

13/ arm for all sets

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21st, 2013

A. Push Press, build to a heavy single
B1. Push Press, 3 touch n go reps x 6 sets, 1 min - all sets @ 185lbs
B2. Bar Muscle-ups, 4 reps x 6 sets, 1 min
C. 10 Chin-ups per min for 10 minutes
D. KB Front Squats @ 24kg/arm, 10 reps per minute for 10 minutes 

Apparently a couple days off didn't help me as this session was a complete shit show. Only slept ~9 hours monday and tuesday. Looking forward to vacation for some R&R and of course some workouts, but I always feel recharged coming back from a vacation due to low stress, lots of sleep and some good workouts. 

A. 215. missed 225.  --235 is PR
B1  3,2,3,2,2,3.  Tried for 3 but some sets it wasn't happening. 
B2. 0,3,3,3,3,3.  Didn't warm these up at all and couldn't get 4 today. These are hit and miss. 
C. complete.  did first 2 sets strict then first handful of last 8 sets strict.  Accumulated 51 of the reps strict. Felt pretty easy
D. This was a disaster, put me into feeling awful 2 sets in. My reps/minute were as follows
10,10,10, 6,10, 7, 9, 6,5, 10. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday February 18th, 2013

A. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, 3-3-2-2-1-1, 2 min - moderate
B. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, 2-2-2-1-1-1, 1:30 min - moderate, increase per set, focus on dip and foot position upon landing
C1. touch n go Squat Clean, 2 reps @ 205lb x 10 sets, 30 sec
C2. Ring Muscle-ups, 3 reps x 10 sets, 30 sec
D. 100 Hand Release Burpees - no jump @ top

A. 145,145, 155,160, 170,170.  bit more than moderate. not much pop.
B. 185,205,215, 235, 235F, 235.  Super uncomfortable with this lift.  Feels like if I miss it is going to crash on me. 
C1. could not hang onto bar for touch and go so it turned into fast singles. no pauses. felt good. 
C2. all complete no problem.  

D. 6:26, probably could have dropped the hammer sooner and survived. Good lesson not to wait too long to really go for a piece like this. Hand release are tough. breathing was fine. lack of pop in chest was limiter to going much faster. (5-7 minutes) 
breakdown by minute from memory was 17,33,48,63,77,92

Saturday, February 16, 2013

OPT online competition February 15th and February 16th

Day 1 (comprised of 3 tests):
Test 1: Snatch TnG Skill Test

In 10 min find your 10-Rep TnG (“Touch-and-Go”) Squat Snatch from the floor (video submission required)
Tried 142 and missed on rep 7.  

10RM for squat snatch was awkward. Tough to choose initial weight as I warmed up with doubles, triplse and maybe a set of 4. First set was with 137, which I hit. Was definitely a tough weight. Thought maybe 142 was possible so gave that a shot at about 6 minutes in but missed when I got a bit unstable coming out of bottom on rep 7. Legs felt a bit fatigued after this, nothing terrible but definitely there. 

- After completion of the Snatch TnG Skill test, you must take a 10 Minute Rest before moving onto Test 2
Test 2:  Burpee Repeatability Test
AMRAP Burpees in 40 sec/ rest 20 sec x 4      Jump to touch object 8" over max reach. 

19,17,16,15.  Pretty much all out from start. Started to notice lack of pop in round 3. Just tried to move and definitely not break at all. Was able to breath but by last set my arms/chest lacked pop.  Was dropping fast, just wasn't coming up as fast. 

- After completion of the Burpee Repeatability Test, you must take a 15 Minute Rest before moving onto Test 3
Test 3:  Deadlift/Wall Ball Test
7 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts @ 175lbs for men, 125lbs for women
15 Wall Balls @ 20lbs to 10ft for men, 14lbs to 10ft for women
7:01. Previous tests definitely had an effect on this. How much I don't know. Felt pretty much recovered from burpees when this started but this felt more like a grind than I expected. Fresh this is mid 6.  Not sure any longer on the rest would've helped if it was even an option. First 3 rounds done in ~2:35 so was on pace for a good low 6 but dropped off a bit after that.  Breathing was definitely the limiter, but shoulders were lit up a bit too. Broke DL on last Rd at 6 then 4 fast singles, broke WB on last set at 12/14/.   

After completion of Deadlift/Wall Ball Test, you have completed Day 1.
Day 2 (comprised of 1 test):
Test 4:  90 Minute AMRAP
AMRAP in 90 Minutes:
1300m Row
200m Farmer Carry @ 2pd/hand for men, 1.5pd/hand for women
15 Wall Walks
42 Double Unders

7 rounds plus 600m rowed.  Pretty much 12:30 per round consistent. Rowed about 2:00/500m. Wall walks were hardest part. Typically spent 4 minutes or so, maybe a bit more per round on these.  Would love to see a 90 min AMRAP in the Open!  It seems all open workouts test 5-15 minutes and all test the same thing. A nice endurance piece would be interesting to see. It will never happen because it would a logistical nightmare for gyms to pull-off. I actually kind of liked this in a weird way. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13th, 2013

10 minutes @ 90%:
100 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar
--10 min rest
10 minutes @ 75%:
300m Row
10 GH Sit-ups

4 rounds plus 71 double unders.  had 3 rounds @ 6:05, then DU started to slow a bit.

5 rounds plus 132m .

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 11th and 12th, 2013

3 sets @ high effort:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
25 Wall Balls - 20#
1 min rest
5 min rest
3 sets @ high effort:
15 C2B Chin-ups
15 OHS @ 95lbs
1 min rest
50s, 58, 83 - dumped rep 14 forward otherwise would've been ~65s.
5 min rest
3 sets @ high effort:
10 Hand Release Burpees
20 KBS - 32kg
10 Hand Release Burpees
1:30 min rest
1:52, 1:48, 1:59

A. Squat Snatch, build to a moderately tough touch n go 3RM
B. Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 3 min - all sets @ 80% RM
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 70% RM x 5 sets, 2 min
D. Double Unders, AMRAP in 30 sec x 10 sets, 30 sec rest

A. 155.  hit 165 for 2 and just missed 3rd rep when I let it drift a bit forward.  Would've tried and hit 165 with more time but had to move on. 
B. complete at 205.  Still feel like a deer on ice with the jerk, but no shoulder pain when jerking so that is really nice. 
C. complete at 245. High bar, no belt. felt good. certainly could handle more for 5x5. 
D. 55,55,52,56,55,55,56,54,42,55.      3 total misses.  one in the set of 52, 2 in the set of 42. felt good. 

TnG snatch x 2 at 165. Any feedback on the lifts is appreciated!

Tng Snatch x 2 @165 2:13 from pat skinner on Vimeo.

CJ 1.1.1 @ 80% 1RM. Any feedback, especially on jerk is appreciated. 

cj cluster 205 2:13 from pat skinner on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

CrossFit Dewitt competition.

CrossFit Dewitt Competition

10 minute AMRAP
7 hang snatches 135#
25m plate push  -  45# iron plate across turf surface
25m "Joe's Drag"      it was this:     with 45# plate
50m run

I got through 3 rounds, 7 snatches and the plate push.  Hardest thing was easily the "Joe's Drag".
17th place. Felt like this was well paced for me. Snatches went unbroken in round 1, then 4/3 after that.  Drag was killer on midline, and some different standards as far as knee tucks were allowed.

7 min amrap
500m row
deficit deadlift 245#
push-ups off of 45# plate with chest to deck
GHD sit-ups

I completed 7 push-ups into the round of 9.  Results aren't up yet but I think that I got between 6th and 8th on this workout. 1:40 row.  15/6 with a breath break on DL.  10/5 with a breath on second set of DL.  9/6 on push-ups with a couple breaths rest.  All GHD and final DL and push-ups unbroken. Generally ok with this workout as well. Probably could have done DL unbroken but I think that would've not allowed for fast movement elsewhere. This was kind of a wheelhouse workout for me as I generally handle any workout with deadlifts well. The deficit was tougher than expected.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7th, 2013

3 unbroken Bar Muscle-ups per min for 5 minutes
5 min rest
3 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups per min for 5 minutes
5 min rest
10 min @ 90%:
10 OHS @ 95lbs
10 Toes to Bar
10 Box Jump Overs - 24"
--5 min rest
10 min @ 75%:
20 Walking Lunges
20 KBS - 20kg
20 Anchored Sit-ups

muscle-ups complete. 

first 10 min AMRAP - 6 rounds plus 15 reps. Unbroken on OHS. first few rounds of T2B unbroken then a quick break at 7 on last 3 rounds. Tried to do reps a few seconds before I wanted to on each movement to keep it going. 

second AMRAP @ 75%.   5 rounds plus 10 reps. steady pace unbroken. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6th, 2013

Quickly build to 80% RM for a Power Clean single
15,12,9 for time:
Power Clean @ 115lbs
Rest 10 min
15,12,9 for time:
Power Clean @ 115lb
(2:41 and 5:39 last time)
10 min EZ Ride on Airdyne when you come around

built to 230 quick.

2:36 ---maybe could shave 5 seconds with faster burpees. 

not sure what to make of this as extra rest helped tremendously. frustrating watching video where I stop, but I am what I am as athlete.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday February 5th, 2013

Front Squat, build to 90% RM for a single
Thruster, build to 90% RM for a single
5 Thrusters per min for 7 minutes @ 155lbs - bar taken from floor for 1st rep
500 DU's for time

FS- 285- felt good
Thruster - 215 - felt like shit. coming onto toes which is killing drive out of bottom
complete.  missed 5th thruster on 6th set. 
7:38. started with 81, then sets of 40-50.  then some sets of 20-30 towards the end. couple accidental misses at 10 or so. 600 Rhiannon was probably doable. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3rd, 2013

5 sets @ 90%:
25 Box Jump Overs - 24" - land on top every rep, no rebounding
500m Row
100 Double Unders
4 min b/t sets

4:15   1:35.6 row.   double unders 55,84, 100
4:05   1:44.9 row    double unders unbroken
4:28   1:46.7 row     double unders 65,80, 100
4:21   1:44.9 row    double unders   10,70,100
4:21    1:47.0 row    double unders 80,100

usually feel ok on these aerobic sets. make it two rounds or 3 rounds for time and I would suffer.  Four minutes worth though and I can hang on ok.    

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 1st and 2nd, 2013

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
20 Thrusters @ 135lb
20 C2B Chin-ups (check to see if this is correct)   20 chin -ups
20 Burpees

3 rounds plus 8 thrusters.     4 less reps than Jan 7th, 2012.  Really thought I would improve on this, but it was same old story of heavy breathing and inability to keep moving. Kinda feels like confirmation that I'm just not wired well for this sport. Have been consistent in training but just can't make progress with regards to "crossfit workouts."  I think I need more opportunities to test and really find out what is there and what I can do in the 7th, 8th, 9th minute of a workout. Right now my default on the testers is to back off so I can breath and then continue when "comfortable"  I need to train in that mental state of THIS IS A COMPETITION WORKOUT and every rep counts and being comfortable is not going to maximize results.  

1st round was in about 4:10
2nd round complete with about 9:50 left. 
3rd round complete with about 90s left. 

My training partner made the observation that I was WAY too slow on the burpees. I was stopping repeatedly on burpees to try and breath.  His thought was that I might as well move slow and steady through the burpees because it wasn't like I was going to get breath back anyways.  Then get a bit of breath back before and during the thrusters since they would be broken. I tend to agree as regardless of the other movements went in the workouts I should have moved through the burpees in 90s or less, which probably wasn't the case. 

I'm hungry for another test of any kind as I really want to see improvement somewhere. I think I honestly might need more "testing" style workouts even if that means less frequent training or more recovery styled workouts in between. I manage training sessions well but don't typically have the resolve to dig in and go on round 3 or 6 minutes into a testing workout. Training has not developed that mindset for me because I always know the set is over in 2,3,4 minutes. I think I need to be in the spot of breathing super heavy with much of the workout still in front of me. 

I think I've built the training base and need more chances to apply it in a 3,2,1 go scenario where 5 minutes in I'm grabbing my shorts and breathing heavy but still have much of the workout to go. 

Feb 1st
Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 4-5 min

Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 4-5 min
Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3-2-1-1-1, 3 min - increase per set, nothing max
KBS - 40kg, 15 reps x 3 sets, 1 min

PS - 155,165,172 (F rep 2), 175 (F rep 2).  misses felt technique based.  Very comfortable with 175 PS now which is improvement. 

PC - 225, 240, 247, 252 (F Rep1 and hit rep 2 and 3. WTF?)  missed first rep at 252 as I caught it low and was not ready at all to stand it up from ~quarter squat. Actually stumbled back which has never happened before. 

with 38# chains to each set.  245, 265, 275, 285 , 285

KBS unbroken problem.