Monday, October 24, 2016


High knees:
3 sets complete.  Can feel that it's very hard to dorsiflex right ankle.

Core :
Got this from
  1. Bodyweight Hand Walk Outs – Anti-Extension Exercise
  2. Push Up Plank Alternating Shoulder Touch – Anti-Flexion and Core Stability Exercises
  3. Short Back Bridge – Core Stability and Hip Flexion
  4. Tight Rotations – Anti-Rotation – Rotational
  5. Bird Dog Variations – Anti-Lateral Flexion Exercises
  6. Side Bridge or Side Plank – Anti-Lateral Flexion Exercises
  7. Plank Bodysaw– Anti Extension
  8. Dead bugs – Anti Extension
  9. Hip Thrusts – Hip Flexion
  10. Hanging Leg Raises – Hip Flexion
Plus 2 minute abs 

Focus on hip flexor, ankles,, groin 

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