notes: knees, ankles, calves a bit tight.
300m x 4 with 7 mins rest. 45s,43s,43s,46s. Did this running on right hip at track. only 1 turn.
A. PC/PJ x3 175 x 4. Tried to keep it light and snappy. Jerk is sloppy as I haven't done it in >6 months.
B1. braced 45 degree DB rows x10 50x5 sets
B2. incline DB press x10 50,60 x 3 sets.
C. Cossack squat x10 x 3. unweighted. Really worked mobility here. Felt good.
D. russian twist x 20 x5.
10x50m sprint in supine position. Sets 2-7 were snappy. Good drive phase and got to top speed quick. Also felt top speed start to drop a bit around 40-45m.
A. PS x2. 135,145,145. These felt really bad.
B. OHS x5 115 x3. This causes right shoulder pain. And as a result the load I can use is completely dictated my how much of that pain I can tolerate. I don't plan to use these again.
C. jefferson curl. 5x5. Used 15# KB standing on 4" plate.
D. band resisted hip thrusts with shoulders elevated on bench. 5 reps with left leg, 5 reps with right leg, 5 res both legs. x 3 sets. 2s pause at top.
E. downward dog. 60s x 5. bent knees
10/22 will be a rest day and likely will get back on it Sunday with some runs and circuit training. Will make adjustments to program starting with Tuesday 10/25.
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