Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Achilles Tendon Rupture

I realize to most this will be boring, but it is as much for me to get thoughts down as it is for anyone reading.

This was not a blog post I wanted to write. This is not the direction I wanted my training or this blog to go in. I've seen the recovery from injury, the inspiration blogs, and I wanted no part of one of those. I'm not going to the CrossFit Games or Regionals, I'm not a professional athlete or anything remotely close. Lately I've paid more attention to my body than at any other time in my life. Feeling beat up? Extra day of rest. Sore shoulders? Get it sorted out, take 6 weeks off from any pressing or snatching, work mobility, be diligent with stretching etc., I have stepped down from every box for years. I have closely monitor all sprinting and double unders. It's not worth it to get injured exercising.

All that care is out the window now. Thursday night, 1:30 left in a REC league basketball game. I catch an inbounds pass and prepare to square up and drive on the man overplaying me. And then I feel it and crumble to the ground.

All the following thoughts race through my head in ~2 seconds. WTF I just got shot in the ankle.  Actually no I didn't because I didn't hear a shot.

 Someone must have thrown a basketball at me and hit me right in the heel. Why would they do that? Nope that didn't happen.

The man guarding me just kicked me in my heel as hard as he could. Ok nope that didn't happen because he is right in front of me.

I looked quizzically at the our bench to figure who had struck me in the heel. They look quizzically back, like they had no clue what happened.

And then I realized what happened. Immediately. I tore my achilles. I knew it without a doubt. I even said it to them when they came out to help me off the court. I said "I just tore my achilles, I can't believe it. " It was a play extremely like how Kobe Bryant tore his. I wasn't landing or loading for a jump or anything. Just catching a pass and starting to move.

Go to orthopedics for x-rays that night, blah blah blah. It was explained that I tore my achilles and that I was in a splint.

Follow up with a doctor on Tuesday and surgery right after that. I chose to have surgery at Upstate Medical in Syracuse because I believe in their care, surgeons ability and customer service compared to mine and others past experiences in the Binghamton area. This could be another blog post but I'll leave that alone for now.

My thoughts Friday:

Where do I go from here: The light right now is very faint at the end of the tunnel. 6 months minimum for full recovery. I'm extremely active and most of the enjoyable activities I participate require physical exertion. Basketball season is obviously done, hunting season over, Mistletoe Mayhem CrossFit competition at our gym done, CrossFit Open done, Can-Am Toughest Competitor Alive competition in July done as I won't be able to train the running events as needed.

My goals will be small and day to day. I have nothing to rush for and nothing to hurry back to participate in. I will have small things I wish to accomplish every day. Generally I participate in a few competitions a year and this gives my training focus and direction. I was really looking forward to the Toughest Competitor Alive competition at the Can-Am games in July. It was 8 events I felt generally good about and would be competing against other Police/Firefighters in a MASTERS age group (30-35). I guess that's why they have Masters age groups though. Because Masters go and tear their achilles. Now my next competition is unknown. Maybe the OPTathlon in October? I don't know right now.

Laying out my goals in small increments works best for me. Right now they are day to day
Thursday 12-5-13 - date of injury.
Friday 12-6-13.  Upper body volume work. DB bench, pull-ups, band pull aparts, shurgs, curls.
Saturday 12-7-13  Upper body mobility and shoulder mobility.
Sunday 12-8-13.  Upper body mobility and shoulder mobility.
Monday 12-9-13.  Upper body max effort. Bench Press up to 225x3 with sling shot on.
DB bench, DB row, band pull-aparts, KB shrugs, curls.

Picture before surgery:

Tuesday 12-10-13 Surgery

Thoughts starting immediately after surgery: let's get this thing healed. Recovery is in my hands now and having the right mindset is important. Plus I was on pain meds so I felt like I could take on anything. Pain was not too bad immediately after surgery and when I went to bed. I'd say about a 2 or 3 on a scale to 10.

Wednesday 12-11-13 Recovery. Pain is now very high. Probably a 7 or 8. The meds knock it down a bit and that last for about 3 hours.

Thursday 12-12-13 Recovery.   Upper body mobility and shoulder mobility
Friday - 12-13-13  If I'm up for moving, Upper body volume.

A final note on perspective. I know in the grand scheme of things, this is not a huge deal. I realize people have it infinitely worse than this. This is just my thoughts and emotions and my place to organize things so that I can come back and be an active person again.

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