Friday, October 30, 2009

day 30/45

A1. Medium Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 4-6 x 4; rest 30 sec
A2. DB Walking Lunges @ 1010; 6-8/leg alt'ing x 4; rest 30 sec
A3. Supinated Strict Chin Ups Unweighted @ 52X1; amrap x 4; rest 30 sec
A4. DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-12 x 4; rest 120 sec

a1. 185, 200, 210, 215
a2. 25,35,25,25 - using 25lb plates
a3. 11,8,8,8
a4. 8 x 10lb plate x 4

day 29/45

Power Snatch/OHS/Snatch Balance - 1.2.3
(start where you wish, take only 45 sec after each set, add no more or no less than 5# per set; how far can you go?)
Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3; rest as needed b/t sets
(moderate effort; work on landing)
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
Double Unders
Anchored Sit Ups

PS/OHS/Snatch Balance
110,115,120 125(F) lost it forward on Snatch Balance. Wrist fatigue came fast with the short rest.

Split Jerk- 115,125,135,150,155. This moderate work was helpful in figuring a few things out.

Annie - 3:55. (PR) Everything unbroken.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

day 28/45

3 sets:
12 SDLHP - 60% BWT
Row 90 sec @ 2K row race pace
rest 2 min

used 115lbs. all SDLHP were unbroken. 500/m row pace was 142.8, 143, 142.8

3 sets:
12 thrusters - 50% BWT
60 sec double unders
2 min rest
WOW!. This is was tough. used 95lbs for thrusters. Had no energy for double unders. Reps for DU's were 62,75, 65. This was extremely difficult.

3 sets:
15 chin ups unbroken
20 box jumps - 20/14" unbroken
rest 30 sec

Chins were easy. box jumps were slow steady.

This workout as a whole was an absolute smasher.

Highlights from the Weekend doubles Sunday

part 2:
Row 3000 m @ damper 7
Score = ave watts over 3000m divided by your body weight in lbs
(ex. 340 watt ave/170 lbs = score of 2.0; high score wins)

time was 10:37.7. my watt avg = 291, bwt=188. score =1.55. Pretty pleased with this effort. I rowed 2k at the NE Quals in 6:59. I was at 7:03 at the 2k mark here and still had plenty in the tank. Excellent improvement in 5 months.

Highlights from the Weekend doubles Saturday

part 1:
A1. OHS @ 32X1; 4-6 x 4; rest 120 sec
notes - ass to grass == finished with a 6x125. good step forward on this lift for me.

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
light jog - 30 sec
90% high effort run - 30 sec
walk - 30 sec
repeat 10 times
maintain same high output speed for run for middle 30 sec
this way of running is an excellent way to improve times and form, by set 7 and 8 I was gassed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This turkey was fast, but I caught him during my 4th sprint in today's WOD. Not quite fast enough!!!

day 23/45

1 min interval runs
(1st 20 sec increasing speed to top speed by 20 sec; 2nd 20 sec maintenance at top speed; 3rd 20 sec decreasing speed from 40-60 sec)
rest/walk 3 min; repeat 8 times

these runs are increasing efforts from 0-20s (80....100%), very high effort from 20-40s (100%) and decreasing effort from 40-60s (100...80%); goal is to understand different speeds to enable to shift gears as needed when needed;

all 8 runs felt good. Running is a skill I feel comfortable with, especially sprinting.
Rest day tomorrow and doubles on Sat & Sun.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

day 22/45

part 1:
Press - build quickly to a 1RM got to 155. recent PR is 163
Split Jerk - build with as much time as needed to a 1RM got to 205 . recent PR is 215
Dead Lift - 60% 1RM; 8 sets of 2; rest 45 sec b/t sets - focus on explosive concentric, these are not touch and go reps, reset at bottom each time

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
5 sets;
20 unbroken chest to bar chin ups with speed
10 sec rest
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec - DO NOT pace these
rest 90 sec

could not do it exactly as written. Had to break up the CTB chins starting in RD 3.
burpees per round - 14,13,13,12,12

Sunday, October 18, 2009

day 19/45


WOD 3:
5 rounds for time;
40 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken chin ups

chin breaks vertical plane for chin ups

25:33. lots of time resting before taking on the chin-ups to ensure they were unbroken. Made a huge mistake and started too early on round 3 and only got 12 chins, so had to rest again then hit the 25 in a row. Probably cost me 4-5 minutes.

rest 6+ hours

WOD 4:
150 wall balls - 20#/14# to 11ft

10:17. 11ft target made it harder on my shoulders.

Wall Ball Demo:

4 workouts in 2 days has me wiped out.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

day 18/45

(4 workouts for total time in 2 days)

for time:
50 reps - split jerk - 165#/105# - from rack
(when you fraction reps, i.e. rack bar on rack or drop to gound you have to perform 10 toes to bar)

done at 10:15am . 17:04. 7 breaks and 70 Toes to bar. Overhead movements are a definite weakness, glad to work them.

rest 8+ hours

5 rounds for time;
7 muscle ups
21 SDLHP - 95#/65#

done at 3:30 pm. 38:17. This was far from a competitive time, but it was my first WOD doing legit full extension muscle-ups so it was ok.

post times for each WOD and total time for the 2 WODs today to comments
arms at full ext at top and bottom of muscle ups
shins to chin for SDLHP
you must bring feet together after split catch before lowering weight for jerks

Thursday, October 15, 2009

day 16/45

3 sets:
235lb Dead Lift x 15 reps
20 Box Jumps - 20"
90 sec rest
3 sets:
15 KBS - 70lbs
25 double unders
90 sec rest
3 sets:
15 GHD back extensions
15 GHD sit ups
90 sec rest

Everything done unbroken, fast and smooth

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

day 15/45

weightlifting/gymnastics day
A1.Bench Press @30x0 tempo rest 2 mins btw sets- 6x175,6x195,4x210,4x225, 2x235, 2x235
A2. suppinated weighted pull-ups @ 41x1 tempo rest 2 mins btw sets, 3x35, 3x45, 3x55, 3x60, 3x62.5, 3x67.5

B1. strict ring dips @22x0 tempo AMRAP(As many reps as possible) 14,12,12 1.5 mins rest
B2. dead hang to inverted on rings @ 2121 tempo 10,10,10
felt good today. recovered from the 2 a days over the weekend.

Friday, October 9, 2009

2 a days DAY 1

part 1:
on a 2 minute timer sprint run 400m and immediately perform AMRAP(As Many Reps As Possible) chin ups with the time you have left in the 2 minutes; rest 3 min, repeat 5 times

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
25 reps for time;
80 kg(176 lb) squat clean and jerk
chin ups - chin must break vertical plane; record all of reps completed
C&J - hip crease below knee cap in catch; you must jerk the weight overhead; pressing, thrusting, push pressing not allowed

Did Part 1 at 8am today. my chin-ups per round were as follows : 25,16,17,17,17. total reps =92. 400m runs were in the 1:20 to 1:25 range.

Part 2 at 4pm. My 1 Rep max is ~220 so this was about 80% of that for reps. Completed in 17:20. Cardio felt fine, just need to be stronger.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why I Crossfit?

A couple more posts for Why I Crossfit. It's best to read this series in order.

All 4 posts can be found by clicking to the link and scrolling to the bottom. These posts basically sum up the reasons I crossfit, and this author does it much more eloquently than I could.