5 mins AD
1 arm FW and 1 arm waiter walk while A marching. 10 yards for 3 sets.
a bunch of push-ups, band pull apart, hamstring and calf stretching. some ab wheel roll-outs
20 mins walk
feeling good by the end of the session.
A- 3x 3 power clean
B- 2 DL 60% emom x7... speed!
C- 3x 7ea single leg RDL
D- 3x 8-12 back ext
E- 3x 60s ea erom bottom calf raise hold... weighted if able
F- 3x 20 medball russian twists- slow and controlled... fee the layers of the obliques and transverse abdominis contracting and moving... awareness here...
sprint drills 3x through
A. 185,205,215
B. 235 plus 70# chains
C. 70#
D. complete 15,25,25
E. with 12# DB added
F. complete with 8# ball
completed sprint drills
A- 3x 3 push press- light, quick, form, rom
B- 3x 10 arnold press
C- 3x 5 cgbp
D- 3x 5 weighted pull-ups
E- 5x 8 hammer curls
F- accumulate 3 min of FLR/plank with feet on wall
7s hard 90-95%
53s easy 50%
A. 135
B. 35#/h for 12 reps. don't have 2 40# DB
B2. banded dead bugs x 10 x 3 sets
C. 205 per set
D. 35# per set. done on rings. little too light here
E. 35, 40x4 with opposite side KB hold.
F. complete in ~ 5 mins.
complete the AD sprints. about 7 cals per set
2 x flying 100m
rest as needed
time the 100m after a full speed buildup (20-30m)
do not tense... have to run these with body/face relaxed but as quick as able... continue to learn and feel full speed without full effort...
working on fly phase AND holding deceleration phase
5x 40m sticks
use these as a shakeout from above
this was timed by my wife as she stood at about the 75m spot. We set up cones and when I passed through the start cones she started the watch and stopped it as I crossed finish line. Can still feel hamstring a bit but not painful just ache and a bit tight maybe.
this seems a bit slow since I ran a hand timed 11.7 last June and a FAT 12.08 last July. Who knows though, no idea how accurate timing was and was during training. Still feeling faster and hoping to go sub 12 FAT on July 10.
completed sticks.
this seems a bit slow since I ran a hand timed 11.7 last June and a FAT 12.08 last July. Who knows though, no idea how accurate timing was and was during training. Still feeling faster and hoping to go sub 12 FAT on July 10.
completed sticks.
20 block starts
10 on the straight
10 on the turn
A- elevated front lunge step ups x 7ea, 3 sets
B- 3x 7ea cossack squat
C- 3x 7 pendlay row
D- 3x 12 bent over single arm db row
E- 3x 10 skull crushers
F- 3x 5 weighted dips
G- 3x 15s ea awkward plank
Bonus AD- 30min ez recovery ride
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