Done on 1/15. Ran in street. Approx distance, 35s per 14 sets250m sprint7min rest
A. med ball chest pass x5 x 3 sets
B1. low incline press 185x3,185x3,195x3 165x9
B2. DB snatch alternating x 3 per arm. 60,70,70,70
C1. neutral grip pul-up on rings x8
C2. one arm dead stop row x8. x 3 sets.
D1 landmine rotations x10
D2. windshield wipers x10 x 3 sets for both
day 220 block starts-5 normal and try to get marks of 1st 3 strides-5 go past the marks from first 5-5 with blocks set with feet even [set the footplates to the same place]-5 normal/regular+single leg box jump worksingle leg rebound jump [box or other]
Done on 1/16. Also did landmine rotations x 10 for 4 sets. and toe lifts x 10 for 3 sets.
1/17 legs
A. db squat jump x6 x 3 sets with 15# hand
B. fs x3 . 225,235,235. 205 x8
C. hang power clean 205,225,245,255,265,275(PR)
D. DL x 3 up to 365. Stopped here as didn't want to push it following the HPC work.
E1. landmine rotations x 10
E2. windshield wipers x 14 x 3 sets.
1/18 - rest, 20 mins stretch
done on 1/19. sled push felt good. really driving 34 sets:30m tight high knees+7 sets30m sled push-moderate load, focus on drive the whole time.-rest as needed
A1. toes to ring x10
A2. kneeling pallof press x10 per side x 3 sets for both
B1. 45 degree db row x 10 50,50,50
B2. db bench x9 70,80,80
C HPS/PS/Split snatch 115,125,135,145,155.
D1 ring dips x 12
D2. hammer curl x8. 30,35,35 slow controlled and pause at top. x 3 sets
E1. tricep pushdown x 10 x 2
E2. BB curl x 10 65,85
day 4hurdle drills+4 sets, 20m eawalking A drillskipping A drillwalking B drillskipping B drill+3x 150m sprint 90%, 90s rest
done on 1/20
A. kneel to squat x 2 reps. 0,15#,35#,45,45
B1. cossack squat x 12 25#,35,35
B2. harop curl x 8 for 3 sets
C. band hip thrust with 25# 20,20,20 reps
D1. hanging leg raise with 8# ball x 20 reps. x 4 sets
D2. banded kb swing x12 with 70# x 4 sets
E1. FW 25s with 100#/h x 4 sets
E2. gh raise x 10 with band.
A and B drills done. 150m on pavement. 20,21,21
rest on 1/21. short hike in woods about 1 mile total.
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