still sore from meet. sore hamstrings and obliques etc., notes for next meet I need to take a bit of recovery time.
did upper body only today and a bit of easy AD and stretching
A. med ball chest pass 3 sets of 5 with 8# ball. explosive.
B low incline press 155x8, 170x8
C1. land mine row x10 reps 105x 3 sets
C2. land mine press x 10 reps 105x 3 sets
D1. one ring chins 10, 9x10#, 7x10#
D2. dips x 10 reps x 15# x 3 sets
day 1 --- done on 1/2
12min rest between
track was mostly snow covered so I did as shuttles on a 100m stretch that was mostly clear except the turnarounds.
400m in 1:14
300m in 50
200m in 31
200m below
then did very moderate effort legs. still sore and beat up.
A. BS x8 205,205
B. SGDL with 2s pause at bottom x8 155,155
C. BSS 45#/h for 10 reps per leg x 2 sets
D1 strict T2b x 10
D2. jefferson curl x 5 x 4 sets.
1-3 rest
day 2 -- done on 1-4
3 sets
walking A drill 20m
skipping A drill 20m
walking B drill 20m
skipping B drill 20m
40m sled pull x5
rest as needed
completed on 1-4 with upper body
day 3
10 block starts
5 sets
40m tight high knees
*focus on front side piston like movement with legs and arm mechanics [75-90deg elbow, hand should go from chin to pocket to chin to pocket…] keep elbows in, and work on motion from shoulder...
done on 1/5
* subbed block jumps as it was in the 20s temp wise and couldn't get to a gym.
weights first today.
A. snatch pull x 2, power snatch x 2. 95,115,125,135,145,155
B. Split snatch 165,175,185, 195F
C1. stir the pot on swiss ball 60s
C2. glute bridge 20,15,12 195x20, 225x15, 245x12.
D1. cossack squat x 12
D2. harop curl x 8. x 3 sets.
E. one arm FW for 30s with 100# x 3 sets per arm.
day 4
10x moderate sled push 20m
*drive knees forward and keep body lean and front side mechanics...
10x block jumps- from the blocks explode out like you are starting, but try and jump out and spot where your first foot touches compared to the start line… mark this and see how far you usually go on a normal start [first 1 or 2] and then the remainder, too to increase this distance while maintaining start lean...
1-6-16- rest
A. core work - approx 100 reps of stabilityy type work
B. banded hip thrusts x 20 rest 30s x 5 .
C. 12x moderate sled push 8m indoors.
D. 8x block jumps.
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