done on 1/2912 block starts+dynamic work with med ball [light, 8lb max weight]5 sets:4 ball slams4 hurdle hopsunderhand ball toss as high as possible
A. PC 225,245,265,275,285 ties lifetime PR
B. low incline bench 220x3, 195x8,195x8
C. neutral grip pull-up 70x3, 35x6,35x6
D. one arm row 100x8, 100x8
track work complete. felt very good today. sub 7.54 is goal
hurdle drills
A. FS built up to 255x3
B. single leg DB RDL x8 35,45,55.
C1. cossack squat x 12 35,35,35
C2. hanging leg raise with 10# x 20 reps.
D1 pallof press
D2. windshield wipers
1/31 - rest
hurdle drills
A1. 45 degree DB row 50x10 x 2 sets
A2. db bench 80x9 x 2 sets
B. split snatch 135 up to 195
C face pull x 10 x 3 sets
D. abs --forgot what I did
E. 4 med balls slams 4 hurdle hops x 5 sets.
weather has been bitter cold and snow, so haven't been able to run much.
A glute bridge 345x5, 435x5,435x5 275 AMRAP, 17.
B. kneel to squat 3,45,55,65,75 all for 2
C. db reverse lunge 80#/h x 8 reps per leg. 1 set.
D1 cossack squat x 12 with 35,35,45
D2. harop curl x 5
D3. toes to ring x 12 x 3 sets
hurdle drills
6 light sled pushes
4 150m strides.
track was snow covered so did sled pushes in yard and strides in street.
A1. clapping pushups x 10 x 3 sets
A2. 28 method DB curls with 20# DB
B1. DB rotational "throw"
B2. star plank 30s per side
B3. lying leg raise x 10 x 3 sets for al
C1. reverse crunch x 15
C2. russian twist with 20# DB x 20
C3. v-ups x 12 x 3 sets for all
30 mins mobility.
downward dog
calf mobility
pigeon pose
samson stretch
couch stretch
a,b drills
hill sprints for 50m x 6
-- did not have any way to do med ball toss into sprint
A. CJ EMOM from 135 up to 215. quick and snappy
B. bench 225x3
C. ring pull-up 55x3
D. one arm row 100x8 for 1 set
Outdoor training next week looks like Sunday, Weds,Thurs. Meet on Sunday morning 2/12