Sunday, January 29, 2017

week 16 sprinting

12 block starts
dynamic work with med ball [light, 8lb max weight]
5 sets:
4 ball slams
4 hurdle hops
underhand ball toss as high as possible
done on 1/29
A. PC  225,245,265,275,285  ties lifetime PR
B. low incline bench   220x3, 195x8,195x8
C. neutral grip pull-up  70x3, 35x6,35x6
D. one arm row   100x8, 100x8
track work complete.  felt very good today. sub 7.54 is goal

hurdle drills
A. FS   built up to 255x3
B. single leg DB RDL x8    35,45,55. 
C1. cossack squat x 12    35,35,35
C2. hanging leg raise with 10# x 20 reps. 
D1 pallof press
D2. windshield wipers

1/31 - rest

hurdle drills
A1. 45 degree DB row  50x10 x 2 sets
A2. db bench   80x9 x 2 sets
B. split snatch  135 up to 195
C face pull x 10 x 3 sets
D. abs --forgot what I did
E. 4 med balls slams 4 hurdle hops x 5 sets.

weather has been bitter cold and snow, so haven't been able to run much. 

A glute bridge   345x5, 435x5,435x5    275 AMRAP, 17. 
B. kneel to squat  3,45,55,65,75 all for 2
C. db reverse lunge   80#/h x 8 reps per leg.   1 set.
D1 cossack squat x 12 with 35,35,45
D2. harop curl x 5
D3. toes to ring x 12   x 3 sets

hurdle drills
6 light sled pushes
4 150m strides. 

track was snow covered so did sled pushes in yard and strides in street. 

A1. clapping pushups x 10 x 3 sets
A2. 28 method DB curls with 20# DB
B1. DB rotational "throw"
B2. star plank 30s per side
B3. lying leg raise x 10    x 3 sets for al
C1. reverse crunch x 15
C2. russian twist with 20# DB x 20
C3. v-ups x 12    x 3 sets for all

30 mins mobility.
downward dog
calf mobility
pigeon pose
samson stretch
couch stretch

a,b drills
hill sprints for 50m x 6
-- did not have any way to do med ball toss into sprint

A. CJ EMOM from 135 up to 215.  quick and snappy
B. bench 225x3
C. ring pull-up  55x3
D. one arm row 100x8 for 1 set

Outdoor training next week looks like Sunday, Weds,Thurs.     Meet on Sunday morning 2/12

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

week 15 sprinting

day 1
3 sets
300m sprint
7min rest

Complete on 1/22.  41,42,49.   blew up on last set.  hammies were tight entire rest period before. 

A. med ball chest pass 3 sets of 5 
B. low incline press   205x3x3.  185x8 
C1. neutral grip ring pull-up x8 with 10#
C2. dead stop 1 arm row x8   70,85. 
D1. toe lifts x 15 with 55 plate on top x 3sets
D2. windshield wipers x 20 x 3 sets. 

day 2
15 block starts
bounding work, 20m ea, 1 set.
single leg right 
single leg left
alternate R/L/R/L…
alternate R/R/L/L/R/R/L/L
double leg bounds
double leg with 2 hops forward, then one hop back, then repeat until complete.

Complete on 1/23. 

A. db jump squat x6   15,15,25//h
B. FS x3.   245,245,245
C. HPC.PC   up to 225.  no pop today. 
D. hanging leg raises x20 x 3 sets. 
D2. jefferson curl x 5

rest on 1/24

day 3
3 sets on a soft surface:
tight high knees
60s/ 45s/ 30s/ 15s
w:r = 1:1
3min between sets
7 sets
30m sled push
-same as last week, moderate load, continue to focus on the drive.
-rest as needed

Did not get to this week.  Too cold and never had a chance

Upper body on 1/25

rest on 1/26

day 4
hurdle drills
3 sets, 30m ea
walking A drill
skipping A drill
walking B drill
skipping B drill
5x steep hill sprints, 30-50m
rest 2-4min

complete with lower body on 1/27
rest on 1/28

Thursday, January 19, 2017

week 14 sprinting

day 1
4 sets
250m sprint
7min rest

Done on 1/15.  Ran in street. Approx distance, 35s per run. 

A. med ball chest pass  x5 x 3 sets
B1. low incline press  185x3,185x3,195x3   165x9
B2. DB snatch alternating x 3 per arm.  60,70,70,70
C1. neutral grip pul-up on rings x8
C2. one arm dead stop row x8.  x 3 sets. 
D1 landmine rotations x10
D2. windshield wipers x10   x 3 sets for both

day 2
20 block starts
-5 normal and try to get marks of 1st 3 strides
-5 go past the marks from first 5
-5 with blocks set with feet even [set the footplates to the same place]
-5 normal/regular
single leg box jump work
single leg rebound jump [box or other]

Done on 1/16. Also  did landmine rotations x 10 for 4 sets. and toe lifts x 10 for 3 sets. 

1/17 legs
A. db squat jump x6 x 3 sets with 15# hand
B. fs x3 .   225,235,235.   205 x8 
C. hang power clean 205,225,245,255,265,275(PR)
D. DL x 3 up to 365.  Stopped here as didn't want to push it following the HPC work. 
E1. landmine rotations x 10
E2. windshield wipers x 14 x 3 sets. 

1/18 - rest, 20 mins stretch

day 3
4 sets:
30m tight high knees 
7 sets
30m sled push
-moderate load, focus on drive the whole time.
-rest as needed

done on 1/19.  sled push felt good. really driving here. 
A1. toes to ring x10
A2. kneeling pallof press x10 per side    x 3 sets for both
B1. 45 degree db row x 10   50,50,50
B2. db bench x9    70,80,80
C HPS/PS/Split snatch   115,125,135,145,155. 
D1 ring dips x 12
D2. hammer curl x8.  30,35,35  slow controlled and pause at top.   x 3 sets
E1. tricep pushdown x 10 x 2
E2. BB curl x 10  65,85

day 4
hurdle drills
4 sets, 20m ea
walking A drill
skipping A drill
walking B drill
skipping B drill
3x 150m sprint 90%, 90s rest

done on 1/20
A. kneel to squat x 2 reps.    0,15#,35#,45,45
B1. cossack squat x 12   25#,35,35
B2. harop curl x 8    for 3 sets
C. band hip thrust with 25# 20,20,20 reps
D1. hanging leg raise with 8# ball x 20 reps.  x 4 sets
D2. banded kb swing x12 with 70# x 4 sets
E1. FW 25s with 100#/h x 4 sets
E2. gh raise x 10 with band. 

A and B drills done.   150m on pavement.   20,21,21

rest on 1/21.  short hike in woods about 1 mile total. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

week 13 sprinting 1/8 to 1/14

Sunday 1/8
Hurdle drills
A. One legged box jumps.   4 sets of 2 per leg onto 20" box. 
B. TnG PC x3/SJx1.   up to 225.  
C. PC+SJ up to 255.   265 Failed jerk. 
D. low incline press 165x10, 175x8
E1. 1 arm landmine row   100,105,105 for 10 reps
E2. 1 arm landmine press  100,105,105 for 10 reps
F1. jackknife chin x 10 x 3 sets
F2. dips x10   15,25,25 

Monday 1/9
stretch and foam roll

Tuesday 1/10
Lower body
A. squat x8.  225,225,235.  
b. sgdl x8   185 x 3 sets
c. BSS x 10/leg.   50,60,60
d.  DB RDL x 10   50,60,60

Weds 1/11
upper body
A1. inverted ring rows x12
A2. face pull x 15
A3. DB bench x 12     60,70,70
B. 60 degree incline lateral raise x 15 x 4 sets
C1. band tricep push down x 15
C2. curl while holding kb on off side.   4 sets x 12 per arm. 

Thursday 1/12
300m in 45s with a turnaround at 150m on pavement 
rest 12mins 
200m in 26s straight ahead on pavement
rest 11 mins
100m on pavement ~13s

Tried showing less of my soles when running, felt awkward but potentially smoother. Didn't feel as laborious but also like i was putting less force into the ground.  stride length definitely longer. 

Friday 1/13   weather and schedule did not cooperate this week so only got one actual running session in. 

hurdle drills
block jumps x 8
high knees in place x 3
lower body

Saturday 1/14 - rest

Thursday, January 5, 2017

week 12 sprinting

still sore from meet. sore hamstrings and obliques etc.,  notes for next meet I need to take a bit of recovery time. 
did upper body only today and a bit of easy AD and stretching 
A. med ball chest pass 3 sets of 5 with 8# ball.  explosive. 
B low incline press   155x8, 170x8
C1. land mine row x10 reps   105x 3 sets
C2. land mine press x 10 reps 105x 3 sets
D1. one ring chins 10, 9x10#, 7x10#
D2. dips x 10 reps x 15# x 3 sets

day 1 --- done on 1/2
12min rest between

track was mostly snow covered so I did as shuttles on a 100m stretch that was mostly clear except the turnarounds.

400m in 1:14
300m in 50
200m in 31

200m below

then did very moderate effort legs.  still sore and beat up.

A. BS x8  205,205
B. SGDL with 2s pause at bottom  x8  155,155
C. BSS  45#/h for 10 reps per leg x 2 sets
D1 strict T2b x 10
D2. jefferson curl x 5 x 4 sets. 

1-3 rest

day 2 -- done on 1-4
3 sets
walking A drill 20m
skipping A drill 20m
walking B drill 20m
skipping B drill 20m
40m sled pull x5
rest as needed

completed on 1-4 with upper body

day 3
10 block starts
5 sets
40m tight high knees 
*focus on front side piston like movement with legs and arm mechanics [75-90deg elbow, hand should go from chin to pocket to chin to pocket…]  keep elbows in, and work on motion from shoulder...

done on 1/5
* subbed block jumps as it was in the 20s temp wise and couldn't get to a gym. 

weights first today. 
A. snatch pull x 2, power snatch x 2.    95,115,125,135,145,155
B. Split snatch   165,175,185, 195F
C1. stir the pot on swiss ball 60s
C2. glute bridge   20,15,12    195x20, 225x15, 245x12. 
D1. cossack squat x 12 
D2. harop curl x 8.    x 3 sets. 
E. one arm FW for 30s with 100# x 3 sets per arm. 

day 4
10x moderate sled push 20m
*drive knees forward and keep body lean and front side mechanics...
10x block jumps- from the blocks explode out like you are starting, but try and jump out and spot where your first foot touches compared to the start line… mark this and see how far you usually go on a normal start [first 1 or 2] and then the remainder, too to increase this distance while maintaining start lean...

1-6-16- rest
A. core work - approx 100 reps of stabilityy type work
B. banded hip thrusts x 20 rest 30s x 5 . 
C. 12x moderate sled push 8m indoors. 
D. 8x block jumps. 

Bitter cold until wednesday.  Should be able to get to 50m track on mon or tues and hit the endurance work weds or thurs. 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

week 11 sprint training

Week 11

Not recalling everything but


250m stride, easy, 85-90%, feel the top end but don’t push/stress here.
7 block starts
3x 40/30/30
40m gradual acceleration
30m top end, front side mechanics
30m controlled deceleration
rest as needed
hurdle drills

+ some legs.
A. FS moderate double up to 255.
don't recall remainder.

3x 150m sprint 90% RPE, turnover/ez feels at top end… no stress… no push

completed on 12/27.
plus upper body and PC.  PC up to 235 x 2.

5-10 block starts based on feel
hurdle drills / mobility
did not do.  Little bit of a cold and needed the rest.

warm up
sprint drills in garage 
cool down

done on 12/29.  Just some light drills in garage .

race day

60m in 7.71.  
notes on this race.  I started warming up to early.  Expecting the meet to run on time and not realizing how it run I was pretty much warm....cooled down and had to warm back up. AS for the race.  Decent start I think, good turnover.  Need to fix those strides and mechanics for sure.  For next meet if they have predicted times I need to predict a bit faster to be in a heat with a bit faster runners.  I predicted 7.7 so I was on but being in a faster heat may have helped.

Untitled from pat skinner on Vimeo.

rest about 1.5 hours and then 200m in 26.32.  The last 80m kind of hurt and felt laborious.  Running the banks was a disaster, felt like I was all over in my lane. Also I leaned at like 185m as can be seen in the video (right when Mandy talks I lean) . Complete inexperience and I thought I was at the finish line! Next time, just gonna run through it, I don't have enough race experience to be leaning.

Untitled from pat skinner on Vimeo.

Overall experience was awesome. Really enjoyed myself.  Technique needs to be focus as the power is there I think.