Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 1 Pump Games

In 8 minutes complete 1k row and establish max CJ.   Double Unders in the 8 minutes as tie breaker.

245 CJ + 64 double unders. Did the row in ~3:30. Loaded the barbell quick and hit 225. ~90s rest then hit 245, barely with some nasty press out. So far so good with about 2 minutes left and this is where I screwed up.  I couldn't decide between resting and trying for 255 and doing DU's. I did a bit of DU's then loaded 255 and tried to clean it but wasn't close.  Did a few more double unders so final score on this WOD was 245 CJ with 64 double unders.  In hindsight since I barely made 245 I should have immediately done as many double unders as I could have without hemming and hawing.  Definite error that cost some spots in standings.  Will see later how many spots, but I easily could have had ~110 double unders.

Using a quote I believe is from Dan John : "the goal is to keep the goal the goal." My goal is not to excel at this competition in September. My goal is to peak for the OPTathlon and more specifically the events at Optahlton in mid October. Getting 245 on the CJ is 15 lbs under my PR, but most importantly I was able to split jerk without pain in the shoulder as I have been focused on fixing that.  I think with another month of good shoulder work (i.e., getting a healthy shoulder)  I will be able to CJ > 260 which is the goal, amongst other things. 

Funny as I thought back to June when I weighed 199, that extra 15 lbs sure would've been helpful for this weekend as the CJ would've been better as well as the back squats. 

for time:
30 BS 185#
40 pump sit-ups
300 yard shuttle
40 pump sit-ups
30 BS 185#

10:20.  oof.  not so good. Did first 30 BS slow and steady with a few pauses at the top. Apparently this was way too slow as I came off the squats in 9th or 10th in a 10 man heat, but I didn't feel I could really go much faster.  All sit-ups unbroken and fast, run was ok and caught a few guys here but it wasn't a very long run to make up much ground. Last set of BS were slow and steady and went 20, dump the bar few breaths and 10 reps. Was maybe 3rd or 4th in the heat.  Just too slow on the squats. Can't put my finger on exactly what makes those squats so hard for me but plenty of guys finished the WOD in ~7 range. High rep squats,thrusters etc., always get me.

All in all amongst the 5 workouts these 2 are sure to be my worst relative to the field. These WOD's are  heavy and that's just not my strength. Tomorrow's WOD's while still heavy include a bit of other things I think I can make up some ground on. 

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