Snatch Balance, 3 moderate effort reps per min for 10 minutes
OHS, 3 moderate effort reps per min for 10 minutes
Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 135lb, 10 reps per minute for 10 minutes
SB 125, then 9 sets at 135. I'm very tentative with this movement, but much stronger than a month ago.
OHS 145 for 5 sets, 155 for 5 sets. OHS kill my wrists, but is getting better with better shoulder positioning.
FRWL complete. tough towards end.
5 x 2 minute uphill run @ 90% effort/3-4 min walk/jog down
Tough but complete. last set about 15m from first 2 sets.
10 x 20 sec Uphill Sprint ALL OUT, 4-5 min walk down/recovery
complete. Sets 9 and 10 were about 8m short of where sets 1 and 2 were. Was losing a bit of starting pop on these. This reminds me of training for soccer back in the day.
For time ALL OUT:
9 Power Clean @ 155lb
15 Burpees to 6" OH
6 Power Clean @ 155lb
15 Burpees to 6" OH
3 Power Clean @ 155lb
Rest 15 min
For time ALL OUT:
9 Power Clean @ 155lb
15 Burpees to 6" OH
6 Power Clean @ 155lb
15 Burpees to 6" OH
3 Power Clean @ 155lb
2:15 2:45.
I hate that I drop off so much on these and this is where I could use the most improvement for "crossfit" styled events. First one there was a slight pause in set of six PC and slight pause twice in second set of 15 burpees. Breathing was limiter in first set.
2nd set dropped bar a couple times in set of 6 Pc and had a bunch of short pauses during burpees. Limiter on this set was lactate in legs. Used the legs on the PC and then I'd feel the burn pretty good on the burpees.
A. Push Press, build to 1RM
B1. Back Squat with Chains @ 10X0, 5 reps @ 50% 1RM x 3 sets, 10 sec
B2. GHR with Bands @ 20X0, 8-12 reps x 3 sets, 1:30 min
B3. CGBP @ 20X1, AMRAP @ 85% RM x 3 sets, 1:30 min
C. Prowler Sprint 10 sec ALL OUT @ 185lb load x 5 sets, 2 min b.t
A. 235 (10# PR from last week)
B1 175 + 38# of chains total. bar moved fast.
B2. orange band medium resistance. 12 per set.
B3. 220 lbs. 2,2,3. Yea I don't do many reps at 85%.
C. complete. not sure but this didn't seem too bad. 15s would have been rough but at 10s the set was over before much pain began. Recovered well between sets.