Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What the hell is Crossfit?

Im gonna try out this blogging thing. The focus will be on Crossfit. I will try to post links to certain things I find on the internet that I find informational.

What is Crossfit? It's a question that gets asked daily. The way I answer changes every time, but put simply it is a strength and conditioning program. It's not just any program though. It's the best. It's results based fitness. It's functional fitness. It's a sport. It's a way to get anyone/everyone in shape. It's a scalable program. Anyone from a 5 year old to a 85 year old can do a version of it. It will improve your quality of life and make you feel better on a day to day basis.

It uses movements we are all familiar with: pushups, situps, pull-ups, and squats. It uses movements that some of us are familiar with : squats presses, deadlifts. It uses gymnastic movements, it uses Olympic movements: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, it uses things we have never heard of or are even sure what they are: burpees, HSPU, KBS.

It then takes all these movements and combines them in different rep schemes and time domains.

The workouts are fun, painful (in a good way)and competitive. You compete against others and most importanly you compete against yourself to be better every day.

If this interests you start here: http://www.crossfit.com/ Look around on the page. There is a workout of the day(WOD) posted right in the middle. That's your workout for the day. If you can't do it or don't have the equipment there is all kinds of substitutes so that you can do it. Try it, it will channge your life. If you have questions email me.

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