blocks 5x30m
drop squat 2x3
TBDL jump 2x3
A. BB BSS 145x4 x 2
B.speed DL 255x3 x 2
C1. nordic x 3 x 2
C2. eleknas x 8 x 2
A. 20s medium/ 40s easy x 10
B. A few rounds of 30 push-ups and ab work
A. 20s medium/ 40s easy x 10
B. A few rounds of 30 push-ups and ab work
Wickets in gym ~ 8m x 3sets
5s build, 5s sprint on AIrdyne rest 90s x4
Straight leg bounds 20m x4
Alternating leg bounds 20m x4
Wickets in gym ~ 8m x 3sets
5s build, 5s sprint on AIrdyne rest 90s x4
Straight leg bounds 20m x4
Alternating leg bounds 20m x4
A. Hip thrust. 2x4
B. Power clean. 2x 3
C1. Rdl 2x3
C2. Suitcase carry. 20m/arm x 2 sets.
B. Power clean. 2x 3
C1. Rdl 2x3
C2. Suitcase carry. 20m/arm x 2 sets.
Dynamic upper body work. 30 mins
Dynamic upper body work. 30 mins
1/25 - 20 mins stretching
60m In 7.52, 200m from lane 6 in 25.25
60m In 7.52, 200m from lane 6 in 25.25
10 mins bike
Upper body rep. 50 mins total.
10 mins bike
Upper body rep. 50 mins total.