Sunday 10-30-16
day 1
on a 100m course [or soccer field] perform the following
800m [8 lengths with 7 turn arounds]
600m [6 lengths with 5 turn arounds]
400m [4 lengths with 3 turn arounds]
15min rest, take 20min if needed
slightly more rest if needed this week. note difference in feel during the 600/400 if more recovery is needed.
if run at high intensity, the turnarounds should be rough and quite ‘lactic’ on the turnarounds…
goal is to get the times down as close as possible to the track times...
will get shorter starting next week.
Done Sunday.
800m in 2:50
rest 15 mins. during the rest did 3 sets of awkward planks for ~20s each side.
600m in 1:59
rest 15 mins. During the rest did pallof press with band 3 sets of 10 per side.
400m in 1:21. grass was a bit wet and I wiped out on a turn.
A. Hip thrust x 10. 295,325,335,355.
B. skater squat x 8 per leg with 15# x 3 sets.
C. Trap Bar DL x 6. 365,375,375.
D. harop curls 5x5.
E. flute bridge one arm press x10. 40,50,60
F. Core circuit x 1.
PM mobility.
day 2
tight high knees-
3 sets, 5min rest between sets:
40m, 2min rest
30m, 2min rest
these can be brutal when done tight. move forward/translate slowly forward. 40m should take longer than 60s. legs like pistons and stay as quick as possible the entire time. arms from chin to pocket / chin to pocket, keep elbows 75-90deg. knees up, toes up, chest over thighs, pelvis under, legs towards midline (not splayed)… [things to think about that are common corrections].
done 10.31.16.
Did the in place version in sand. Was not able to keep up speed for 60s, so the sets went 40,40,30,15. x3.
Core circuit x 1.
day 3
3 cross fields, 4 sets-
3-5min rest between.
hit 90% max RPE across middle and relax through this portion as much as possible while maintaining top speed or close to it…. goal here is twofold… to work some recovery [not maximal effort] from the past 2 days of work as well as working on feel of moving quickly but effortlessly and utilizing position work [i.e. from day 2] to hold mechanics that will keep you moving forward quickly will less perceived exertion…
hurdle walks [or other hip opening work with some ‘pop’ to it]`
done 11/1
Hurdle walks4 cross fields.
3 cross fields x 3 sets. rested 4 mins. completed 4 sets of 1 min of downward dog during the rest.
A1. power clean TnG x 4. 205,215,215. rest 30s
A2. l-sit x 14s rest 1:30
B1. braced DB row x 10. 60x6 sets.
B2. incline DB press x 10 60x2 sets, 70x3 sets.
C. Cossack squats x10 20# for 3 sets.
D. 1 arm DB clean and press x 10 45# for 1 sets per arm, 50# for 2 sets. 20s btw arms.
F. db shrugs 70#/h. 15,20,20
day 4
5-7 sets [based on time and feel… once the 30m sprint is slowing or fatigued, call it a day]
150m acceleration [take 50-70m to accelerate slowly to top speed and maintain, focus on technique to help get you to top speed]
30s rest
30m sprint [get to top speed as quickly as possible… work on drive phase here]
3min rest
done 11/3
Completed at track. Generally up to top speed easily by 50m, was not really able to hold that the whole 150m, generally slowed around 120m mark.
30m starts were good. I need to push into start but drive phase feels fast, powerful and quick, very quickly into top speed. Am really gonna enjoy the 60m races if I get off the line well.
A. Power Snatch. Build to a moderate 4. 145.
B. Snatch Grip RDL @32X1 8,8,8 165 for all sets. Done for the nice stretch, not load.
20 min EMOM
Min 1 - 5 jump squats with 20# DB per hand
Min 2 - banded Russian KBS x 15 with 70# KB.
Min 3 - FW for 25s with 100# DB per hand.
Min 4 - Jefferson Curls x 5 reps.
day 5 done 11/4
5 short hill sprints- 30m, rest walk down; 2 sets, rest as needed
5 long hill sprints- 50-70m, slow jog down; 2 sets, rest as needed
5 empty sled sprints [or light tire pulls], 60m, rest as needed
A1. Ring pull-ups x 5 reps. 8 sets with 38#
A2. Ring dips x 5 reps. 8 sets with 20#
B. Tgu. 3x3. 55,70,70
C. Off set hammer curl. X10. 4 sets with 35# db and 70# kb.
Short hills x6
Long hills x 6
Sled sprints 30m x 4. I don't have 60m of space for sled on same day as I do hills. Unless I drop the lifting on that day which I can do if needed.
Dropped the volume a bit today as feeling some achilles and hamstring tightness.
Hills after the Accels and starts yesterday is a bit tough as back to backs.
For sleds I just don't have the space unless I leave my house which on a day I lift and go to the hill doesn't really leave me time.
Notes for the week:
Couple little aches/recovery issues this week. Achilles on non ruptured side is tight a bit in morning. Sleep and available time is limited with new born.
My big goal right now is to see how I do on 60m on 12-30-16. If I can avoid injury I think I can perform well in 60m on 12-30. I need to run sub 7.7 to qualify for an invitational in February. Sub 7.55 is all-American for my age. I think that is doable. I just need to stay explosive and think I can do well relative to those times. So those are the goals!
I bought spikes and starting blocks, so will intro those as necessary.
A2. Ring dips x 5 reps. 8 sets with 20#
B. Tgu. 3x3. 55,70,70
C. Off set hammer curl. X10. 4 sets with 35# db and 70# kb.
Short hills x6
Long hills x 6
Sled sprints 30m x 4. I don't have 60m of space for sled on same day as I do hills. Unless I drop the lifting on that day which I can do if needed.
Dropped the volume a bit today as feeling some achilles and hamstring tightness.
Hills after the Accels and starts yesterday is a bit tough as back to backs.
For sleds I just don't have the space unless I leave my house which on a day I lift and go to the hill doesn't really leave me time.
Notes for the week:
Couple little aches/recovery issues this week. Achilles on non ruptured side is tight a bit in morning. Sleep and available time is limited with new born.
My big goal right now is to see how I do on 60m on 12-30-16. If I can avoid injury I think I can perform well in 60m on 12-30. I need to run sub 7.7 to qualify for an invitational in February. Sub 7.55 is all-American for my age. I think that is doable. I just need to stay explosive and think I can do well relative to those times. So those are the goals!
I bought spikes and starting blocks, so will intro those as necessary.
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