April 13th, 2013
BSq mod with Chains/CU + MU's + short DU tester
A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 50% RM + Chains x 5 sets, 1:30 min
A2. Weighted Parallel Grip Chin-ups @ 30X0, 3-3-2-2-2, 1:30 min
B. Ring Muscle-ups, 4 unbroken per min for 6 mins
C. For time:
150 DU's
15 Power Clean @ 115lb
150 DU's
A1. 205 +40lbs of chains x 2. 215+40 lbs of chains. 225 + 40lbs of chains x 2. I only have two chains right now. 2 more coming in the mail so I can do these properly in future.
A2. Done on rings. 35,50,70,88,93. Way too light on the 3s.
B. complete.
C. 4:16. unbroken on 1st set of DU's. PC started in singles then got some doubles and triples in to finish. Last set of DU in sets of 30. Faster PC was best way to make up time. Felt pretty good though.
April 12th
Jerk intense + Clean moderate + Snatch tech + Burpee LEnd
A. Split Jerk, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 3 min - only the singles should be max effort
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean. Squat Clean, 1.1 x 5 sets, 2 min - start @ 205lbs, add 10lbs per set
C. 3 Position Hang Squat Snatch (above knee, below knee, floor), 1 rep per position x 5 sets, 1:30 min - all sets @ 115lbs
D. AMRAP Burpees to 6" OH in 60 sec x 3 sets, 60 sec rest
A. 185,205,225, 195,215, 245. Failed at 240x2 before going up to 245 and hitting that. Hit jaw on way up on 2nd 240.
B. 205,215,225,235,245. Think I would have hit 255 today, felt good.
C. Complete. This was hard to get shoulders loose and proper after. Snatches tech work probably needs to come first in the workout for me.
D. 24,23,21. Ugh. I really didn't feel like doing this. Pushed through best I could. Breathing good, pop started to fade on set 3.