day 1
15min rest between
cold sub-
20-25s speed work of choice- rower or bike… whatever you feel most comfortable in this time domain without causing injury due to unfamiliarity with movements recently.
Done on 12/18. Was ~33F with some wind out. Track was still snow covered so I measured it and ran in the street.
27.1 used 12 mins rest as I was recovered. about 95% effort on each one.
26.9. Timed on my wrist watch so a bit of awkwardness there.
A. FS x4 235 x 3 sets.
B1. RDL x 6. 295,305,305. with 2s pause at bottom
B2. 25 push-ups
B3. X walks. Did not understand the adductor work described so did these.
C. DB reverse lunge x 8. 60#/h for 3 sets.
D1. strict T2B with ankle weights x 10
D2. pallof press x 12 per side.
D3. harop curl x 8
D4. russian twist with medal x 20. all for 3 sets.
A. Power Clean up to 235. no pop today so stopped here
B1. 1 arm ring row x 10 x 3 sets
B2. decline DB press x10 x 3 sets. 60,70,70
C1. seated db clean and press x10 x 3 sets 30#/h
C2. hammer grip face pull with band x 10 with crossover bands
D1. pushdown x12 with bands
D2. pinwheel curl x 8. 35,35,40
E1. ab wheel roll out x10
E2. cossack squat x 10 x 3 sets
E2. cossack squat x 10 x 3 sets
day 2
20 block starts
rest as needed
cold substitution
shorter and inside if able
completed 12/20. also did 5 sets of 3 med ball rotational throws
12/21- rest
12/22 - lower body
hurdle drills + hops
A. db squat jumps 5 sets of 3 with 20#/h
B. db russian step up 3 sets of 10. 30,35,35
C1. kb swing x 12 70# banded swing
C2. body saw on sliders
C3 FW 30s with 100#/h
D. banded weighted gh raise 3x10 with 10#
12/21- rest
12/22 - lower body
hurdle drills + hops
A. db squat jumps 5 sets of 3 with 20#/h
B. db russian step up 3 sets of 10. 30,35,35
C1. kb swing x 12 70# banded swing
C2. body saw on sliders
C3 FW 30s with 100#/h
D. banded weighted gh raise 3x10 with 10#
day 3
10 block starts
5 sets
15 sec tight high knees rotary
hurdle hops/drills
tight high knees rotary- as opposed to the piston motion [like an A drill], work on the same start/end position, but this time focus on more of a rotary motion in the front side mechanics… think ‘riding bike’ in the front side, again with same starting knee up/toe up position and keep foot/ankle dorsiflexed throughout the motion.
keep knees towards midline… adduct.
day 4
5x light sled push 20-30m
5x moderate sled pulls 20-30m
10 block starts
hurdle hops/drills
Done 12/24 with upper body work. Did not use sled, just did 10 sled pushes. Feeling good.
Next week I plan to
sunday- rest
monday, tues, weds- workout
thurs- rest
Friday - Race day
Saturday- unsure
Sunday - workout
Monday- workout