Friday, April 25, 2014

4-23-14 to 4-30-14

4-23-14  Day 3 - ABC + 30 min MAP Low %’s
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 6-8 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 6-8 sec L Sit from bar
30 min @ 75% effort:
50 cals AirDyne
20 KBS - 24kg
50 cals Rowing
20 Air Squats

4 rds + 1 calorie. 

Day 4 - off

4-25-14 Day 5 - OHS work + Pull Strength + Pull Stamina + Row ALEnd
A. OHS @ 22X1, 5-4-3-2-1, 2 min - moderate effort
B. Weighted Wide Grip Pronated Chin-up @ 30X0, 2-3 reps x 3 sets, 3 min
C. AMRAP Strict Pronated Chest to Bar x 3 sets, 3 min
D. Row Sprint, 20 sec near all out x 8 sets, 2 min

A. 85,95,105,125,135. Lower half felt fine. Right shoulder felt a bit wonky. 
B. 70x3,75x3,80x2
C. 10,8,7
D. 122m ,125,122,124,127,126,124,122

Day 6 - LBC + 30 min MAP Low %’s
Weighted Side Bridges, 30 sec per side x 5 sets per side, rest as needed b/t
30 min @ 75%/moderate effort:
(2k Row buy-in)
30 sec front bridge
20 alternating step-ups onto 20” box
10 right arm hang kb snatch @ 16kg
10 left arm hang kb snatch @ 16kg

8 rounds plus 30s bridge and 20 step-ups. Row at an easy 7:30

Day 7 - RDL int + FSq mod + SL int
A. Romanian Deadlift @ 20X0, 5-5-3-3, 3 min - tap plates to floor at the bottom
B. Front Squat @ 50X1, 4-5 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - moderate
C. DB Split Squats @ 30X0, 6-8/leg x 5 sets, 1 min b/t legs

A. 235x5, 265x5, 305x3, 305x3
B.115,135,155,165,165 all for 5 reps. Felt pretty good. Lower half is fine. 
C. 55#/ h, 70, 80,80, 80.  7 and 6 reps with left leg for last 2 sets. All other sets with 8 per leg. 

4-28-14 Day 8 - Press stamina + AD MAP (60/60—>120/120)
Press @ 11X1, 10-15 reps x 3 sets, 3 min
10 x 60 sec AirDyne @ 85-90%/60 sec AirDyne @ 50%

Press 105x12, 105x10, 105x10. 
403 calories on AD.  31/11 early, slowed to ~27/10 late. 

4-29-14 Day 9 - off

Thursday, April 17, 2014

4-17-14 to 4-23-14

Week 6

I was traveling Wednesday and rested so workouts are a day behind until Sunday

4-17-14Thursday  Wednesday - Press assistance/Pull stamina + Deadlift slow + AD pace endurance
A. Deadlift, work to a moderate effort single
B. Seated DB OH Press @ 20X0, achieve an accurate 6 RM
C. Weighted Pronated Chin-up @ 30X0, achieve an accurate 6 RM
D. 150 cals @ high effort x 1 effort

A. up to 365 on 31mm bar. Was a bit conservative after tweaking back last week. 
B. 6RM at 65#/h. Think I would have hit 70#. Next set of DBs I had was 80#. 
C. 58#.
D. 5:36. About a 9/10 effort wise. Painful but not outrageous
after 1 min 31 cals, 2 min 58, 3 min 87, 4 min 109, 5 min 135.  This was best recollection. It looks like minute 4 was the big let down. 

Friday Thursday - GHR + Goblet Squat + LBC + ABC (flexion) + Post Delt/Scap
A1. GH Raise @ 22X0, 6-9 tough reps x 5 sets, 1 min
A2. Front Squats @ 50X1, 10 reps x 5 sets, 1 min
B. EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 6-8 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 30 sec Right Arm Farmer Hold with heavy KB or DB
3rd - 6-8 sec L Sit from Bar
4th - 30 sec Left Arm Farmer Hold with heavy KB or DB
D. Posterior Delt/Scap extra work

A1. 10#, 20#, 25#, 25#, 25#.  9 reps for all sets. 
A2. 65,75,85,85,85. Low back fatigued a bit. Certainly could go higher but want to progress slowly with achilles. 

B. complete. Used 88 and 25# KB on farmers hold. I can farmers walk now. 
D. complete. 

Friday - Deadlift slow + Step-up + Row MAP
A. Deadlift @ 11X1, work to a moderate effort set of 5
B. 1000m Row @ 1:39/500m x 2 sets, 6-8 min b/t efforts
C. DB Russian Step-ups onto low box, 30/leg x 2 sets, 1 min b/t legs

A. 335. Felt good today. 
B. 3:15.5, 3:16.3, so kept it a bit under the 1:39 pace.  Felt good on both. 7 mins rest. 
C. complete with 35#/h.

Sunday - Press int + Deadlift slow + AD LP1-->LP2 
A. Press, work to a max (5 min after last attempt)
B. Press @ 20X0, AMRAP @ 85% RM x 3 sets, 5 min
C. Deadlift @ 11X1, 2 reps @ 225lb per min x 10 mins
D. AirDyne, 60 sec max cals x 1 ball busting effort

A. 165. missed 172 x 3.  Press is so up and down. Hit 180 a couple months ago. 
B. 147 x 3,2,2.  Further proof that press was all messed up today.
C. skipped because I was on 4th day in a row and had deadlifted yesterday. 
D. 38 cals on blue AD rested 8 mins then 47 on black AD. STILL figuring out which AD's read properly for different efforts.  Blue does not read sprints properly. Black does. So 47 is the number but will beat that if done fresh. 

Monday - GHR + Goblet Squat + AD MAP
For time:
100 cals AirDyne
100 Air Squats - hands on back of head
100 cals AirDyne


Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 9 to 15th, 2014. On vacation in Orlando.

Week 5
4-9-14  Wednesday - Press assistance/Pull stamina + Deadlift slow + AD pace endurance
A1. Press @ 50X0, 3-5 reps x 5 sets, 10 sec
A2. AMRAP Strict Pronated Chest to Bar @ 20X0 x 5 sets, 3 min
B. Deadlift @ 3010, 2 tough reps per min x 10 mins
C. 2 minute AirDyne @ 90% effort x 4 sets, 4-6 min b/t - use a rower if gym not equiped

Workout done in hotel facility. subs made.
A1. DB press at tempo x 6 with 50lbs per hand
A2. done on weird pull-up bar.   5-6 per set. 
B. DB dead lift with 35#/h.
C. done on a Life Fitness bike.  45,50,50,42 cals.  

Thursday - GHR + Goblet Squat + LBC + ABC (flexion) + Post Delt/Scap
A1. GH Raise @ 22X0, 6-9 tough reps x 5 sets, 1 min
A2. Goblet Squat @ 20X0, 15 moderate reps x 5 sets, 1 min
B. Strict Knees to Elbows, 50 reps in fewest sets possible - 30 sce rest b/t sets
C. Weighted Side Bridges, 30 sec x 3 sets per side, 30 sec b/t sides
D. Posterior Delt/Scap extra work

A1. subbed weighted good mornings. done with 20-30# DB held across chest. 
A2. 40,45,50 x 3.   Next cycle I think I can back and front squat. 
B. 5 sets.  17, 11, 8,7,7
C. complete with 20# DB added. 
D. complete

Friday - Deadlift slow + Step-up + Row MAP
A. Deadlift, 1 moderate effort rep per 30 sec x 15 mins - control lowering too
B. 800m Row @ 1:39/500m x 4 sets, 5 min b/t efforts
C. Barbell Russian Step-ups on low bench, 20/leg x 3 sets, 1 min b/t legs

A. 245,265,275x3 , 295x 5,315x5.  Tweaked something in my back. First time this has happened. 
B. complete, got tough at end with back being super tight by now.
C. skipped as my back was really bothering me by this point.   

Sunday - Press int + Deadlift slow + AD LP1-->LP2 
A. Press @ 11X1, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 2 min - no max sets, just increase as reps decrease
B. Deadlift @ 21X1, 4-5 reps x 5 sets, 2 min - try a touch higher 
C. AirDyne, 60 sec @ 97% x 4 sets, rest as needed
D. AirDyne, 10 min EZ Spin

Moved this to Monday to allow back to rest. Was in pretty rough shape Friday and Saturday. Feels much better now, but still tweaked a bit. Done in hotel gym so had to make some mods. 

A. 1-arm DB press x 5-6 reps x 5 sets.  50# per arm.
B. DB suitcase deadlift 50#/h x 5 reps x 5 sets.  Felt ok on back, still a bit sore. 
C. done on LifeFitness bike.   32,33,33,27 calories. Calories are a little harder to come by on this bike. 
D. swim cool down 10 mins. 

Monday - GHR + Goblet Squat + AD MAP
5 sets @ high effort:
15 tough GH Raises
30 sec rest
30 cals AirDyne
30 sec rest
15 moderate Goblet Squats
3 min b/t sets

complete with Good mornings subbed for GH raises and 20 cals ~ 1 minute on LifeFitness bike. 50# goblet squats. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Week 4. April 2nd, 2014

Week 4
4-2-14 Wednesday - Press assistance/Pull stamina + Deadlift slow + AD pace endurance
A1. Split Press @ 22X2, 5-5-5-3-3, 2 min - stand in a split jerk receiving stance as best you can
A2. Weighted Shoulder Width Pronated Grip Chin-ups @ 20X0, 1-2-3-5-10, 2 min
B. Deadlift @ 5010, 5 moderate reps x 5 sets, 2 min
C. 100 cals @ goal pace x 2 efforts, rest 7-10 min b/t

A1. 115,125,130, 145,145
A2. 90, 80,70, 60, 15
B. 215,225,235,235,235

C. 3:49, 4:19.  done in PM, after doing A and B in AM.  Legs were still sore from Monday's workout, made it hard to keep going. 

Thursday 4-3-14 to 4-8-14 off.  Stomach bug that was rendering me useless and then a day of travel.