5 sets @ 90%:
Row 500m
100 unbroken Double Unders
Rest same as work time
3:04, 2:52, 3:04, 3:29, 3:04. broke DU on 3rd and 4th set. Rows about 1:40- 1:42. Last set slowed it to 1:46 to really focus on DU.
A. Power Clean. Squat Clean, 1.1 per minute for 10 minutes
B. 5 touch n go Power Snatch per minute for 7 minutes
C. CGBP with Chains @ 20X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 2 min - 90% effort per set, no max
D. On the minute Muscle-ups (+1 rep per minute)
A. 205x4, 215x2, 225x3, 235x1, 245x1. Started too light. Rushed for time so started a bit early and used first couple minutes to get properly warm.
B. 135 x4, 140x3. Missed last rep of workout, couldn't pull anymore.
C. all sets with 38# chains added. 155, 165,165,170,170
D. 5 minutes plus 4 reps. Thought this would be more. Couldn't pull anymore. Failure was due to fatigued muscles, not breathing or anything else.