Sunday, December 30, 2012

Training December 29th and 30th, 2012

5 sets @ 90%:
Row 500m
100 unbroken Double Unders
Rest same as work time

3:04, 2:52, 3:04, 3:29, 3:04.    broke DU on 3rd and 4th set. Rows about 1:40- 1:42.  Last set slowed it to 1:46 to really focus on  DU.  

A. Power Clean. Squat Clean, 1.1 per minute for 10 minutes
B. 5 touch n go Power Snatch per minute for 7 minutes
C. CGBP with Chains @ 20X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 2 min - 90% effort per set, no max
D. On the minute Muscle-ups (+1 rep per minute)

A. 205x4, 215x2, 225x3, 235x1, 245x1.   Started too light. Rushed for time so started a bit early and used first couple minutes to get properly warm. 
B. 135 x4, 140x3.  Missed last rep of workout, couldn't pull anymore. 
C. all sets with 38# chains added.  155, 165,165,170,170
D. 5 minutes plus 4 reps.   Thought this would be more. Couldn't pull anymore. Failure was due to fatigued muscles, not breathing or anything else. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Training December 26th and 27th, 2012

5 min @ 90%:
5 Ring Dips
10 KBS - 32kg
15 Box Jump Overs - 20" 

4 rounds plus 21 reps

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
9 C2B
12 Wall Balls - 20#
15 cals AD

3 rounds plus 7 reps.

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
15 Burpees - no jump @ top
15 GH Sit-ups

3 rounds.  GH sit-ups were tough for some reason. Usually good for 20-25 unbroken easy. 

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
50 Double Unders
15 OHS @ 45lb

3 rounds plus 50 reps. missed a lot of double unders. 

A. Snatch, build to a 2RM - 5 sec b/t reps
B. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X0, build to a tough single
C. Power Clean and Push Jerk Cluster, x 5 sets, 2 min - no fails, just hard sets, start @ 185lb
D. Airdyne Sprint, 5 sec ALL OUT every 30 sec for 10 minutes

A. 175.    hit 185 for one, which is a true full snatch PR, missed 2nd rep.   tried 195 2x and just missed twice.  Just need to be more stable in bottom and I can snatch 200#. 

B. 295 + 19# of chains per side.  
C. all sets at 185.   Probably could have handled a bit more weight but PJ is ugly due to shoulder flexibility. Wanted to keep it lighter and try to focus on snapping under. 

D. 113 total calls, 1.5 miles. Did not pedal during rests.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Training December 24th, 2012

5 sets @ 90%:
5 Muscle-ups
30 cals AD
2 min b/t sets

1:18,1:19, 1:25, 1:24, 1:30.   All muscle-ups unbroken no problem. 
5 min rest


5 sets @ 90%:
12 Ring Dips
50 Double Unders
12 Chin-ups
50 Double Unders
2 min b/t sets

1:58, 1:50, 2:04, 2:12, 1:53 (amazing what relaxing on the double unders and controlled breathing on the chin-ups do. I had high breathing on set 4 and really focused on "slowing down" on set 5 and had much better success and less heavy breathing. )

all ring dips and chins unbroken. ~half double under sets unbroken. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Training December 22nd and 23rd, 2012

A. Power Snatch, AMRAP @ 155lb in 1 minute x 5 sets, 1 min rest
B. Power Clean. Squat Clean. Front Squat, 1.1.1 per minute for 10 minutes
C. Kipping HSPU to Extra Depth, 3 reps per minute for 15 minutes

A. built to 175 full snatch because everything was feeling good and doing full snatch as I warm-up reminds me to pull under more on power snatch. tried 185 and 195 and JUST missed both. Think I can hit those.  Usually full snatch is a disaster. 

power snatch reps : 8, 6, 7,6, 6.  

B. 195x2, 205x4, 215x2, 225x3.  Did an extra set because everything felt strong. 
C. 2" x 3. 3" x 6.  4" x6.  only got 2 reps on a couple of the 4" sets. 

5 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Rowing 
60 sec rest
60 sec Box Jump Burpees - 24" 
60 sec rest

319m, 318m,326m, 308m, 310m
16 BBJ per set.  was surprised to hit 16 for all sets.  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Training Friday December 21st, 2012

A. Power Snatch, build to a heavy single
B. Power Clean, build to a heavy single
C. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps x 3 sets, 4 min - start @ 80% RM
D1. Press @ 11X1, 4-5 reps x 3 sets, 2 min
D2. Weighted Pronated Chin-ups @ 30X3, 2 reps x 3 sets, 2 min

A. 175(-10 from PR).   missed 185 3x.  Was only close once. Bar plenty high enough just not pulling under. Probably just need to practice hitting more reps close to 1RM to get comfortable with pulling under heavier weights. 

B. 260 (-25 from PR) missed 270 and 275 close. 
C. 250,260,265 - felt awful. 
D1. 135x4, 135x5, 140x4
D2.  35,45,45.   Wasn't sure where to start here. 

All in all not a very good session. Didn't have pop and wasn't really hitting the positions well. Need to take a bit more recovery measures as my hamstrings were still sore from mon/tues squatting volume. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Training Dec 17th- 19th, 2012

1 tough HSPU to Extra Depth every 20 sec for 10 minutes
2 unbroken Muscle-ups every 30 sec for 10 minutes
5 sets @ ALL OUT effort:
10 C2B Chin-ups
10 Ring Dips
1 min rest

got 27 total reps. first 6 mins at 2", last 4 at 3".  Missed a few in the middle due to poor midline. 

missed 1 set. First rep each time is hardest. I could definitely do 40 for time faster than 10 minutes. 

complete. first 4 sets unbroken 25-27s.  5th set broke ring dips. 38s. 

3 sets @ 90%:
15 KBS - 88lb
25 Wall Balls - 20#
35 Double Unders
1:30 min b/t sets

10 min rest
3 x 50 cals on AD @ 90%/90 sec rest
10 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
15 Burpees to 6" OH
15 GH Sit-ups
15 OHS @ 45lb
1:30 min b/t sets

1:46 unbroken, 1:47 unbroken, 1:53 dropped wall ball intentionally  2x

1:32, 2:01, 2:10.  Lactate in legs was limiter.  First set was an honest 90%, easily could've gone 1:25ish but backed off. would be interesting to see if I could hold a 1:50 or so for 3 sets. The stopping and starting makes this harder than 150 for time would be.  

1:52 unbroken, 1:53 unbroken, 2:06, slower burpees and couple pauses in GHD. Quads were blown up at end of this. Love the squatting volume and learning to deal with that though as it feels like a weakness. 

A. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, build to a tough triple
B. Squat Snatch, 3 touch n go reps per minute for 10 minutes - start @ 135lb
C1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 10 reps @ 225lb x 3 sets, 1 min
C2. CGBP @ 20X1, 6-8-10, 1 min

A. 155.  165x2.  Technique was MUCH better than video I posted last week. Stayed over bar longer, got under bar fast and was receiving bar well. Was very close on 3rd rep at 165.  
B. 135x4, 140x3, 145x3   (hit only 2 reps on set 8,9, got all 3 on set 10. leg fatigue seemed to be reason for misses)
C1. 10,10, 8 at tempo last 2 reps had 3s pause in top. 
C2. 195, 175, 165x9

Friday, December 14, 2012

Training Dec12th-14th, 2012

A. Tall Squat Clean, build to tough single - no dip
B. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, build to a tough single
C. Thruster, 1 tough rep every 30 sec for 10 minutes - bar taken from rack
D. 15,12,9 for time:
KBS - 88lb
Burpees to 6" OH

A. 205. Not 100% sure I did this right. Started in high hang and almost no hip extension or pull, just dropped under it.  
B. 38# chains added.  250 + chains.  hit 260 about 2 weeks ago  but fourth training day in a row had me feeling a little less pop. 
C. 145x4 , 155x4, 165x4, 175x4, 185x 4 and missed last one.  Probably started too low. 
D. 3:26. All KBS unbroken. 15 and 9 of burpees unbroken.  Paused a few times on burpees on round of 12 to breath. Feeling close to pushing through this but couldn't get it today.   


3 sets:
AMRAP Ring Muscle-ups
Airdyne 50 cals @ 80%
3 min rest

2:24, 2:24, 2:26

5 min rest

3 sets:
Row 500m @ 80%
3 min rest
1:51,1:44,1:43  - could probably have maintained a lower time but tried to stay diligent with only 80% effort. 

5 min rest
3 sets @ high effort:
AMRAP Toes to Bar
100 DU's
3 min rest

80s,82s, 91s.   All DU's broke. After 30 ub T2B  my grip,triceps,shoulders were fatigued and I couldn't keep the rope spinning

A. Muscle Snatch, build to a tough single
B. Power Snatch Cluster, x 3 sets, 5 min - start @ 150lb
C. OHS @ 55X1, 3-2-1, 4 min

A. 145.
B. 150 x 3 .   last rep each set was tough.  worked on staying over bar longer and catching a bit deeper. Still not proper depth but lower.  
C. 145x2, 155x2, 170x1. 

Basketball in PM was good. Had a lot of pop and generally good energy. Feeling better since the flu. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Training December 11th, 2012

5 sets @ 97%:
5 tough Push Jerk 
15 C2B Chin-ups
15 cals AD
Rest 8 x work time

5am session

165#, 60s - good output, everything quick and unbroken.
175#, 62 - same.

180#, 85s.  crashed.  after this set I just wanted to go inside and take nap. definitely didn't recover after this set.

180# x 2 reps on PJ.  70s.  after failing a PJ and not able to get another I just moved onto C2B and Airdyne as I figured it was better than waiting ~20s to MAYBE hit the last 3. 

165# - 116s. Yea I was done for. Lowered the weight to make sure of 5 reps and the rest was a slog. broke the chins up and wasn't pedaling hard at all on the airdyne.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Training December 9th, 2012

A. Clean Pulls @ 300lb, 1 rep per minute for 10 minutes
B. Power Clean Cluster, x 3 sets, 5 min - start heavy
C. 50 Squat Clean for time @ 115lbs (perform 3 Muscle-ups every time you break - i.e. any time you pause, drop the bar, etc., must be continuous movement)

A. complete, felt like good pop here.
B. 225, 232, 235x4, no leg drive left after 4.
C. 9:09.  5 sets.  breaks were at 18,27,35,43,50.  Was shooting for 4 sets. Respected the muscle-up penalty too much and took long breaks, should have done fast sets of 8-12 as the muscle-up penalty isn't that bad at all but the long breaks killed my time. I could do 5 rounds for time of 10 unbroken SC @ 115 3 muscle-ups faster I think. 

*Hardly have ate any food since Wednesday because of flu. Hoping to be done with these flu symptoms soon. *

Friday, December 7, 2012

Training December 7th, 2012

A. Snatch Pulls @ 225lbs, 1 rep per min for 10 minutes
B. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch. OHS, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 3 min - increase per set, only last set tough
C1. Push Press @ 11X1, 2-2-2-2, 2 min
C2. L Pull-ups, AMRAP x 4 sets, 2 min

was sick with flu Wednesday so didn't play basketball and didn't have much energy for  this session. Was a bit of a going through the motions session. Not eating much food from 12pm Wednesday until this morning had a large effect.   

A. complete.  These felt super heavy. I can't imagine snatching this weight right now. 
B. 135,145,150,155, 162(F on SS.) 165. 
C1. 175, 190, 197. 200(F).  - was spent by last set and barely gave 200 a real effort. 
c2. 8,6,6,6.  Stayed super strict on these. The second the legs dropped I called it a set. Supinated grip feels much better so used that for all sets. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Training December 3rd and 4th, 2012

Kipping HSPU to extra depth, 3 tough reps per minute for 10 minutes
3 unbroken Ring Muscle-ups per min for 10 minutes
15,12,9,6,3 rep rds for time:
Kipping HSPU
unbroken Toes to Bar
3 rounds for time:
20 GH Sit-ups
20 Hand Release Push-ups

Kipping HSPU - 2 sets @ 2", 2 sets @3", 6 sets @ 4".   Broke 2 sets of the 4" sets but fast singles.

muscle-ups complete, easy.

7:42. All HSPU expect last set broke. toes to bar unbroken easy. 

4:15. sit-ups unbroken. 2nd and 3rd set of HR push-ups started to break. tough after all the previous pressing. 

Feeling good on gymnastics

A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3-3-3, 4 min
B. Hang Squat Clean, 3 tough reps per minute for 5 minutes
C. 5 sets @ 97%:
10 touch n go Squat Clean @ 155lb
Airdyne 20 cals
Rest 6 x work time

A. 285,295,305  Felt really good here. Low bar.
B. 195,205,205,210,210.  Felt real good here as 3RM on 11-13 was 215. 

C. I typically try not to write a story for these but a little explanation is needed for today's variety of times.

1st set : 53s.  Did hang squat cleans by accident. Felt good from hang! 
2nd set : 130s.  Did the proper squat cleans but was a disaster. Did 5 stopped etc., 
3rd set: 59s. Lowered the weight to 145# to keep it 10 TnG reps.
4th set:  110s. weight up to 150#. Could not do TnG  7,2,1.  
5th set: 68s .  150#  Could not do TnG.  8,1,1.   

sets 1,2,4 on old ass not generous Airdyne.  Sets 3 and 5 on newer airdyne that is a bit more generous. was doing wod with a buddy so we switched airdyne.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Re-test, December 1st, 2012

OPTathalon Event 4
8 min AMRAP:
8 Thrusters @ 115lb
8 C2B Chin-ups
8 Lateral Barbell Burpees

completed optathlon event 4, fasted at 5am.   screwed up the order and went thrusters, burpees, ctb.    4 rounds plus 10 reps.   up 10 reps from October. 

rd 1 complete at 1:04
rd 2 complete at 2:40
rd 3 complete at 4:23
rd 4 complete at 6:40

Halfway into 4th round is where things got really slow. Felt like I couldn't jump over barbell for burpees.  Getting better at just doing it. Felt better than in October.