Tuesday, November 17, 2009
don't be a stat
Get with a program that you can stick with for the new year and will actually enjoy doing.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The workouts were as follows:
Workout 1:
For power ratio:
Row 800 m
My time was 2:27. My avg watts was 449. My body weight is 186. 449/186= 2.4. This is my power ratio.
rest 5 min
Workout 2:
7 sets (95#/60#) for time;
Power Snatch x 1
Snatch Balance x 1
OHS x 1
Hang Squat Snatch x 1
My time was 4:48. This won't be competitive with the best of the Big Dawgs. I stink at these movements and they are a work in progress. Considering this workout would have taken me ~12mins as recently as 6 months ago I think my progress in the overhead movements is good. Will continue to plug away.
rest 5 min
Workout 3:
As many rounds (total reps) in 3 minutes;
3 chest to bar chin ups unbroken
3 push up burpees
I completed 55 reps. A little more mental toughness and 60 was possible. The cumulative effect of all 3 WODS started to add up halfway through this WOD.
rest 240 min
Workout 4:
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Paleo Diet
This is the diet I try my best to follow. It is not always perfect but when I do follow it strict, I feel and perform much better. It is a good website with lots of information.
Friday, November 6, 2009
day 38/45
(Athlete must increase speed and intensity per 400 m so that last 400 m is the same speed as your 90 percent 400 m)I.E. 60,70,80,90 percent
6:14 very hard to get to 90% the last 400m.
Rest 3 min
As many sets in 4 min:
30 unbroken double unders
(Athlete MUST stop at each 30)
8 sets, 9 next time
Rest 3 min
Run 1 mile
(Reverse order of 1st mile...400's in 90,80,70,60 percent efforts)
6:54 couldn't get to 90 right away. kind of a mental block knowing that 1200m was still to come
Rest 3 min
Attempt in 6 x 30 second intervals;
20 double unders within each 30 second interval on a repeat 30 second interval timer
completed all 6
Rest 3 min
Run 1 mile as cool down, focus on form..keep effort below 80 percent
OPT Big Dawgs Online Comp is 8 days away. Looking forward to it.
day 37/45
A1. Front Squat - 1,1,1,1,1; rest 240 sec
A2. AMRAP Chin Ups - 5 sets; rest 240 sec
FS- 225,245,260,267(F), 245
chins- 38(PR), 35, 28,28,24 - total 153. I used the chin breaks vertical plane standard. pleasantly surprised at the # of chins today.
In warm-up felt great on the FS and felt primed to set a PR. I did not account for how the kipping chins would make my legs just tired enough not to have the hip explosion needed.
rest 8+ hours
5 rounds for time;
12 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
12 knees to elbows
21 double unders
part 2: 6:51.
kicked the rope out of my hands 3 times on rd 4, cost me a low 6 min. K2E had a couple breaks due to grip.
post loads for part 1 and time for part 2 to comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
day 36/45
A1. Power Clean @ 11X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 180 sec
A2. Bench Press @20X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 180 sec
B1. KBS - 2pd/1.5pd amrap in 30 sec x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. HSPU @ 2020; amrap in 30 sec x 3; rest 90 sec
C. DB External Rotation @ 3010; 6-8/arm x 2; rest 45 sec b/t arms
PC- 3x195, 3x195, 2x205
BP- 3x215 3x225, 2x235
KBS- 16,17,16
HSPU 5,5,4 - I stink at HSPU but the tempo made it even tougher.
I don't have DB's so missed out on part c.
day 34/45
Sprint Row 30 sec @ 100% effort
Rest 2 min x 5
Rest 7 min
AMRAP Double Unders in 1 min
Rest 1 min x 5
find your avg watts for the 150 sec of work in rowing; divide that avg number by your body weight in lbs; post this score to comments
record your total double under reps for 5 minutes of work; post score to comments
(goal is high speed effort for both modalities)
sprint rows - avg watts for each565/585/585/595/565. avg=579. bwt=188 score =3.08
du's 109/84/66/74/74. total =407. cardio was good, shoulders got fried and I couldn't keep the rope going. started with 89 in a row which I think is a pr.
day 33/45
Hang Power Clean - build quickly to a heavy 2; not a 2RM effort
Press - build quickly to a heavy 3; not a 3RM effort
Grace practice - power clean and overhead touch and go reps
(choose a weight you can perform 5 manageable but challenging reps; rest 1 min; repeat 6 times; work on speed and good reps!)
post loads and notes to comments
deadlift 1x415 pr is 442
HPC- 2x165. felt good maybe should've went a bit higher but wanted perfect form so stopped here.
press- 3x145
grace practice --135,145,145,155,155,155. Felt really good here. The weight went overhead easier than I expected. I think all the jerk practice is teaching me to get that weight overhead with some hip drive.
day 32/45
7 sets for total time:
10 chest to bar chin ups
15 ring dips
20 box jumps - 20/14"
25 air squats
rest 2 min b/t sets
post total working time to comments
goal is high speed; try not to fraction
1:42, 1:56, 2:06, 2:28, 2:11, 3:39, 3:21
total time 17:23.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Quit Now
Quit Now
written by Jon Gilson of AgainFaster (againfaster.com)
Most days, I don’t ram the virtues of Crossfit down your throat. Today is not one of those days.
If you’re at a commercial gym, I want you to quit. Hell, you want you to quit. You just don’t know it yet.
Last time you were in Buff Joe’s Spandex-O-Rama, you were probably working out alone. You were listening to Kelly Clarkson belt out a tune somebody else wrote, and you kept losing the pull-up bar to some meathead who was using it to stretch.
It took you an hour to do a workout that takes 20 minutes because you had to wait to get the 30s from a pre-teen doing quarter-range tricep kickbacks. Screw that.
Quit now.
The transition isn’t easy--after my first Crossfit workout, I walked funny for a week.
Suck it up, Sunshine. Paying your dues is well worth the effort. Our methods will give you tremendous returns in motivation, work capacity, strength, and coordination.
Working out does not have to be a solitary slog through the machine minefield. There are future Crossfitters all over the country who are currently hooked to their iPod, standing on a treadmill, staring at a 5-inch TV, wondering why they’re not getting any better at anything.
The solution? Unplug all that sh*t. Come workout with people. All the computer programming in the world can’t replicate the motivation you’ll get from watching the guy next to you work harder and longer than you ever thought possible. In a few months, you’ll be competing at his level.
I tell my friends about our workouts.
“Today, we did Angie. 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats. Took about 25 minutes.”
This usually results in the “Holy Sh*t” stare. This is where your friend/girlfriend/mom/boss looks at you like you just told them that you believe euthanasia is a viable method of population control.
I love the stare.
The reason you get it is the numbers you just spat out. We think nothing of doing 100 of anything, because we do it all the time. Crossfit builds amazing work capacity quickly. There’s no magic trick involved. The human body can produce a staggering volume of work. Getting it to do so requires repeated attempts at doing more work than you did the last time out.
Try to do 100 pushups. You’ll end up breaking them down into multiple sets of 5 or 10 or 15. Next time you try, you’ll do sets of 15 or 20. A few months down the road, 100 straight pushups will just be a momentary respite from those nasty pull-ups, and you’ll thank God for every rep.
Your superhuman work capacity will transfer to every physical activity you undertake. Suddenly, running a 5k feels like the saddest little workout you ever did. Baseball doesn’t even seem like a sport, and football games are over before you get a chance to break a decent sweat. Your resting heartbeat will hover in the low 60s, and you’ll be able to hold sustained aerobic activity for hours.
You’ll also be stronger than you’ve ever been in your life. We practice the most effective lifts in the world—the snatch and the clean and jerk. Each of these movements is a full-body lift that requires power and coordination to complete. The weight goes through an unparalleled range of motion extremely quickly. This results in huge power output and work volume, and a whole boatload of strength. Check out “A Physics Lesson” for further explanation.
Coordination comes from all aspects of the Crossfit experience. You’ll learn handstands, kipping, dips, muscleups, and a myriad of other gymnastics skills. Spatial awareness, balance, and agility will result. You’ll be a more effective athlete in every sport you try, because the learning curve for new skills will flatten significantly—you’ll already have all the building blocks you need.
Crossfit is not easy. You’ll pay for your gains in sweat and skin. Nonetheless, you’ll get better week after week and month after month, with no end in sight. You’ll do it with a great community of athletes who live for every moment of endorphin-induced bliss, and you’ll love every second.
Call your gym and cancel your membership. Come out to Albany CrossFit, or stop by any of the Crossfit Affiliates. We’ll show you what you’re missing, and I guarantee you won’t ever want to go back.