5/1. Upper push
5/2. Grass cut + 20 mins walk. Range
5/3. Lower and vmax
5/4. Upper arm pump. 10 mins cardio. 20 mins walk. Coach game
5/5. 100m rest 90s x 15. 80% effort
5/6. Upper pull and cardio on AD. 5 mins 105, 3 mins 69, 2 mins 50, 1 min 28. Rest to work 1:1.
5/7. Lower and acceleration
5/8 upper push.
5/9. Vmax
5/10 upper beach
5/11. Basketball x 2 games
5/12. Rest
5/13. Upper pull
5/14. Lower accel.
5/15. Upper push
5/16. Lower and speed endurance out to 120m
5/17. Upper beach.
5/18. B-ball 2 games
5/19. B-ball 3 games.
5/20. Walk bike walk 15 mins each
5/21. Walk and upper pull
5/22. Lower mobility and light weights. And sled pushes in gym
5/23. Travel.
5/24. In Orlando 10 miles walking
5/25 Speed endurance out to 140m Pogo hops. Pushups. Depth lunges
5/26. 25 mins of pushups, Bulgarian dips, dip iso holds and 180 walking lunge steps
5/27. Acell. Lighter lower
5/28. Arms abs
5/29. 35 mins AD
5/30. Upper pull
5/31. Max v. Squat 3x236,265. Rdl 3x255. Bss 80x4. Nordics deadbugs