A. PC up to 265, just missed 285.
B. CGDL 365x2, 415x1, 435x1.
+ 7, 7s hills with full recovery. plus a few 30m four point starts.
11/20 - upper body push
Warm-up 2 sets of 10 cal AD, 10 banded KB swing, 6 v-up, 30s sorensen hold
B. FS. 185x3, 215x3, 235x2, 245x2. belt on last set. flats, no knee sleeves.
C. 3x 150m S,F,S runs. 7 mins rest between. 50 sprint, 50 float, 50 sprint. 20,19,20s. feeling really good here. during rest. 20 v-ups, 45s stir the pot.
D. harop curls 4x5.
11/22 upper body vertical pull, horizontal push.
A. build to a moderate tough BJ. up to 46"
B. segment 400's on bike.
30s at 95% rest 90s 30s @95%. 25 cals, 23 cals
rest 5.5 min
30s at 95% rest 90s 30s @95% 21,19.
C. stretch hams and calves.
11/24 rest
11/25 upper body horizontal pull and push