28.3,14Monday [high]3 sets, 10min rest200m run60s rest100mgoal pace- 26/ 13
no power or pop coming back on the 100m. last years best 200 was 26.1, so will likely best this in a competition setting and with spikes. All runs are in flats and hand timed.
Lifting:A- power clean- 3, 3, 3B- DL- 55% x3 emom x7C- reverse lunges x5ea x3D- windshield wipers x10, 3 sets
A. 195,205,215
B. 285 with band tension
C. 70,80,80#/h
D. complete
D2. stair calves 4 sets of 10 with 60# DB. focus on eccentric.
Tuesday 9/26
UB BB pull focused.
8 mins in bottom of squat in 1 and 2 min increments. weighted for 4 with 45#.
150m were in the 20-22s range as I recallThursday [high]5 x150m, 90s rest+10 x 30m sprint, start laying on ground face down- work on reaction and quickness- quick off the ground- drive phase
completed lifting. I don't recall weightsA- power jerk- 3, 3, 3B- pull-ups- 5, 5, 5C- single leg ghd x5 ea, 3 setsD- jefferson curl x5, 3 setsE- side plank hold 60s ea x3
Saturday [Low]sprint drills- 2 x20m eawalking Askipping Awalking Bskipping BCrotarytight high knees+5 x30m arms out drag sprint (maintain drive throughout 30m- should look like you are a kid trying to be an airplane taking off... like a jet fighter)+10min jog
Ended up doing this Friday morning
Saturday - walked 8 miles plus some upper body
Sunday - rest