Sunday, December 24, 2017

A- power clean- 1, 1, 1
B- glute bridge x5, 3 sets
C- bulgarian split squat x5, 3 sets ea
D- ghd raises, fast concentric x8, 3 sets

A. 245,260,270  very good pop here today. 
B. 295,315,315 
C. 80#/h x 3
D. complete.   0,10,10

sprint drills
5x 70m sprint 95%
4-5min rest

complete.  felt good

weds 12/20
20 mins AD and stretch 

10 block starts
rest as needed

A- split snatch x1, 1, 1 (use the side that mimics how you come out of the blocks... leg forward that is forward in the blocks)
B- RDL x5, 3 sets
C- 2 jump squats q 45s x10
D- wide stance jefferson curl x5, 3 sets

completed block starts indoors. felt good. 

A. 1701,80,180
B. 315,325,325
C. only did 3 sets and right knee was feeling awkward. didn't have knee sleeves with me so did a depth box jump every 45s instead. 
D. was not able to complete these at gym I was at.   Did GH raises instead.  10# added.

10min jog ez 
2 sets, 5min rest
5x 40-50m hill sprints 80% (mechanics)
walk down rest
sprint drills

complete with upper body

[Sunday]  - 12/24
3 x3 cross fields 
sprint drills

complete.  As warmup did light weight or no weight of 2 sets 7-10 reps.
GHD raises
skater squats
1 leg RDL
one leg bridge
split squat with trail leg in ring

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dec 11 to Dec 17

5 sets
120m 90%
60s rest
50m 95%
4 min rest between 

A- power clean- 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
B- glute bridge x8, 3 sets
C- bulgarian split squat x8, 3 sets ea
D- ghd raises, fast concentric x8, 3 sets

complete on 12/11. didn't feel great here today,especially on lifts. 

A. 185,215,235   195,225, 255
B. complete 295,305,305
C. complete with 70#/h
D. complete. 

12/12 Tuesday

12/13 Wednesday.   25 mins AD

sprint drills
15-20 block starts
-focus on drive phase
rest as needed

A- split snatch x3, 3, 3 (bar speed emphasis but heavier than last week)
B- RDL x8, 3 sets
C- 3 jump squats + 5 box jumps, x7 sets
D- jefferson curl x5, 4 sets

12/14. complete on indoor lane. felt good here. I pretty much do sprint drills as part of warmup for almost every running session. 

A. 125,135,135
B. 295,315,315
C. complete with 95#
D. complete.  

upper body

4 x30m tight high knees
4 x150m accelerations
-build/drive 0-40m
-tap/tap, fly phase, 40-100m
-decelerate 100-150m
sprint drills

did the tight high knees in place
track was snow covered and was very cold outside, so subbed AD sprints for 20s. ouch.
completed sprint drills

plus 2.5 miles walked in NYC before knicks game. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Monday December 4. 
power clean- 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1. 195,205,215
B- 3x 7ea cossack squat with 30s ea hold on last rep
C- regular lunge into elevated front foot lunges x3ea, 4 sets- same as last week but more sets...
D- side plank leg lifts- 10 reps, 3 set

Tuesday December 5 
70m x7 [95 %]
4 min rest between 
Ub bb 

Ad 25 mins
Stretch 10

A- split snatch x5, 5, 5 (bar speed emphasis)
B- RDL x6, 3 sets
C- 5x 5 jump squats, light load, bar speed focus (ie 95lbs or less)
D- jefferson curl x5, 3 sets
E- 3 x60s horse stance hold (work that groin!)

A.  95, 105 105
B. 295,305,305
C. 95 x5x5
D. Added Glute bridge. 225x15
D. Complete 
D2. Calf raises.  70x12x 3 sets 
E complete 

7 x 40m sled drag, 80%, focus on body position/lean
rest as needed
 Completed in side yard as part of Thursday work out

Ub bb 

Saturday December 9. 
3 x 30s tight high knees on soft surface (i.e. high jump pad)
60s rest
10 block starts in spikes

Complete.  Felt pretty good on most starts 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

120m x3-5 [90%]
5 min rest between 
5 x40m stick drill

A- power clean- 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1
B- 5x 5ea cossack squat, front rack
C- regular lunge into elevated front foot lunges x3ea, 4-5 sets- perform a walking lunge into the elevated front foot lunge... thus each rep will have 2 lunges... ie R lunge into L elevated front foot lunge then do L lunge into R elevated front foot lunge... repeat this 2 more times for 1 set
D- side plank leg lifts- 5-10 reps, same as last week

lifted first then completed 5 120s.  Was not able to get to stick drill.

A. forgot weights.   think it was 185,205,225    195,225,25
B. 15,35,45   used barbel in front rack. 
C. only did 2 sets with basketball final tomorrow. Will do 4 or 5 sets in weeks ahead. 135,155
D. did these.  extremely awkward and not sure I am doing them right. 

UB in AM
basketball in PM.  last basketball until January 11. should make the training week a little easier.

10 min AD
10 min stretch 

A- split snatch x3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
B- RDL x8, 3 sets
C- 2 jump squats q 45s x10, light load
D- snake ups x5, 3 sets, slow and controlled
E- 3 x60s horse stance/hold

A. 135,155,175    155,165,185
B. 275,295,295
C. complete with 20#/h
D. no idea what these were 
E. complete.  this is tough to keep posture for that long, but a good hip and groin stretch is achieved. 

did the tight high knees 3x 30s.  Will do blocks on Saturday


10x 30m block starts in spikes


5 x 50m hill sprints at 80%
rest 5min
5x 70m hill sprints @ 80%
rest- walk down

did not get to

3 x 30s tight high knees
60s rest
10 block starts, 30m, spikes if you have them and able to use them...

A- split snatch x3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
B- RDL x8, 3 sets
C- 2 jump squats q 45s x10, light load
D- snake ups x5, 3 sets, slow and controlled
E- 3 x60s horse stance/hold

did all parts just took 2 days. see above

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Monday - 11/20
200m x3 [80%]
4-6 min rest between 
don't push the groin too much

complete on pavement.  Groin felt ok. 

A- power clean- x2, emom x10, lighter today and focus on bar speed... try to pick a weight where bar speed is maximized but so is the weight... i e if start to slow down during lift, go back down... groin
B- 4x 5ea overhead cossack squat, continue to work on getting lower... this is more important than the weight for now... b careful of groin, just work the stretch...
C- elevated front foot lunges x5ea, 4 sets- perform the same as last week
D- side plank leg lifts- when on the right arm with the right leg lift off the ground slowly and lower slowly... you will b balancing on r arm and left leg... 5-10 reps, 3 sets ea... feel out groin...

A. forgot weights.  Think I went from like 135 to 185
B. used a 15# barbell, little more normal. 
C. Only did 2 sets because had semifinals for basketball league and didn't want any residual soreness. 115 and 135.
D. complete.  could definitely feel groin. 

Tuesday 11/21
AM- UB weights
PM basketball

Wednesday 11/22
25 mins AD


5 x 50m sled drag, light- 
feel a little resistance but don't push groin here either
rest as needed

didn't get to this again.  Spending a lot of time in woods right now.  couple more weeks. 

3x3 crossfields
3 x 30s tight high knees
60s rest

A- split snatch x3, emom x10, lighter/faster today on this one...
B- 3 DL, no tng, x4
C- 3 each x10m walking cossack squat lunge 
D- rotating back extensions x5ea, weighted
E- 3 x30-60s horse stance hold

A. complete 95 to 115 I think
B. 385,405,435,435 
C. complete
D. 15#   did 3 sets, wasn't sure what you were looking for here. 
E. complete.  Could feel in groin. 

did not get to the cross fields or the tight high knees. instead did 6x 30m sled drag.  used 35# on sled. 

Overall groin seems to be ok. Wasn't a problem with basketball. Can feel it on end range in challenging movements. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Nov 13 to Nov 19

Monday Nov 13
65m x5 [90%]
5 min rest between 

completed on blacktop after lifting.  time was short today. only needed abut 2 mins recovery with the 90% protocol. 

A- power clean- x3, 3 sets
B- 3x 5ea overhead cossack squat
C- elevated front foot lunges x5-7ea, 3 sets- this week perform as follows- step up to small step (6-12"), perform full depth in the lunge, then when getting up, step up onto the box, then bring the trailing leg from the ground up to parallel to the ground on the front side
D- 10 weighted jumps with lunges (light), x3-5 sets, rest 90sec
E- side plank- 60s ea side x3

A. 225,235,245.  last rep on 245 was sloppy.  
B. 10#.   OH mobility is poor
C. WOW these were tough.  left me sore for a few days.  95,115,115
D. not sure but did these as jump switch lunges with 15#/h
E. complete 

AM - lifting UB, de loading
PM - basketball

20 mins AD

Thursday Nov 16
sprint drills & hurdle walks
10 block starts (30m)
5x stick drill, 40m

Did these today as I could make it to the track

A- split snatch x3, 3 sets
B- 5 DL, no tng, x3
C- single leg EROM RDL x5ea, 3 sets- lee working on this here
D- waking weighted lunge x5ea, 3 sets
E- rotating back extensions x5-7 ea, work on adding from last week...

A. 115,125,145. Alternating foot and TnG
B. trap bar DL   365,385,395.  
C. 70,70,70
D. skipped.  went to do first rep and tweaked something in groin, so immediately stopped
E. 7, 7x10, 7x10

UB deload

since didn't get to last week, will try to get this one in- 
5 x 50m sled drag using a light load / small resistance... 
rest as needed
5 x 100m hill sprint, walk down rest, effort should not exceed 80% RPE, work on turnover and positioning up the hill

won't be doing these this week as I tweaked my groin Thursday on the walking lunges.  didn't seem to be bothering me sat and sunday.

Saturday and Sunday sat in woods and hunted most of both days. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

11/6 to 11/12

Sunday [high]
75m x5 [95%]
5 min rest between 

A- power clean- x2, 4 sets
B- 3x 5ea cossack squat to a full feared position if able, then rotate so knee goes to ground like a hurdler stretch, then back up
C- elevated front foot lunges x5-7ea, 3 sets (work towards that erom at the bottom)
D- db squat jumps x1 q 30s x10
E- wall plank- accumulate 4min

complete. felt good at 75m

A. 225,235,245,255
B. wasn't sure I did this correct.  25,35,35
C. EROm is fine with lunges, difficult with RDL.   forgot the weights but i think 185 for 7. 
D. complete with 20#/h
E complete in 6 mins I think. 


20 min AD
PM basketball

rest- hunted all day


Thursday [low]
5 x sled drag (light load), 50m 
- if no sled, can also drag something like a tire (i've done this frequently and it works well)... you just want a smidge of resistance... 
rest as needed
5 x 100m hill sprint, walk down rest

DID not get this done.  Too cold and I did not prioritize it this week. 

Friday [high]
sprint drills
hurdle walks
15x block starts (50m)- ease to 75% from 30-50m and feel the rotary/turnover to carry your speed- tap tap tap...

A- split snatch x2, 5 sets
B- DL x3 55-60% q 45s x12
C- single leg EROM RDL x5ea, 3 sets
D- harop curls- accumulate 25 good reps
E- rotating back extensions x5-7 ea direction (10-14), 3-4 sets based on feel... 1-2s pause at the top (rotate at the top 90deg if possible, gradually rotate as you perform the concentric portion)

complete.  felt good.  no spikes as it was 25 degrees and windy and my feet were frozen!

A. 135,145,155,165.  All TnG
B. 295
C. 60,70,70.  better control than last week and  bit more weight. 
D. complete.   7,6,6,6
E. complete 10 x 3.  

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Oct 30 to Nov 5

Restart 19


Tuesday [high]
5 x150m
5 min rest between 

A- power clean- 5 x1 (heavy today)
B- 3x 7ea cossack squat
C- bulgarian split squat @3030 x8, 3 sets
D- wall plank- accumulate 3min

Couldn't get to the track this morning so runs were after lifts and on pavement. 
A. 225,245,255,265,275(F)
B. complete with 35,45,45
C. 60# Db/h
D. complete

runs in 20s or so. 

Weds 20 mins AD

Thursday [low]
3 x80m hill
3 x50m hill (same grade hill as 80m set)
3 x20-30m hill, steeper than the first 2 distances...
walk down rest
rest as needed
between distances

complete on 11/2 with UB BB

Friday [high]
sprint drills
hurdle walks
10x block starts (30m)
5x 40m stick drill

A- split snatch x1 emom x10
B- DL x5, 3 sets
C- single leg EROM RDL x5ea, 3 sets
D- harop curls x5, 4 sets

runs complete
A. from 95 to 185.  failed 190
B. trap bar DL   335,365,385
C. complete with 60# DB.  EROM added quite a bit of difficulty
D. complete. 
D2. seated calf raises with 205 x 15 x 3sets
D3   standing calf raises with 205 x15   3 sets

20 mins walk

Thursday, October 26, 2017

10/23 to 10/29

Monday [high]  10/23
3 x200m
8 min rest between 

26,27,30.  done in flats.  feels like saturday session has a bit of residual soreness which saps some power on these days. 

A- power clean- 3x3
B- barbell lunge, 4ea, 3 sets
C- 3x 5ea cossack squat
D- accumulate 5min FLR, rings ok :)

A. 215,225,235   
B. 185,215,235.  done as reverse lunge
C. 25,35,35.  love these. always feel good after
D. done on rings in 7 mins.  2:10 to start then incrementally smaller sets after. 

Tuesday [low]
3x3 crossfields

couldn't get to a field so did 20s/20s off x 3. no pop here. 

UB BB plus various core exercises. 

Thursday [high]
sprint drills
15x block starts through drive phase (30m)
-record a few of these

complete. also did the hurdle walks and skips in warmups

A- banded DL x3 emom x7 (if no bands, perform at 55%)
B- single leg sorrenson hold x20s ea x3
C- 7 sets, 2 squat jumps, light/explosive
D- awkward plank amsap ea x3

A. 275 plus band.  
B. complete
C. used 20# Db/h 
D. complete.

Saturday [high]  - 10/28
5 x5 hurdle walks (hip opener/mob)
5x 40m stick drill sprints
3x 30s tight high knees, rest as needed
-keep knees towards midline


A- split snatch x1, 5 sets
B- RDL x5, 3 sets
C- harop curls x5, 3 sets

A. 155,165,175,175m, 185, 195 miss
B. 315,325,335
B2. calf raises x 10   80,100,100
C. complete
D1. ab wheel roll out x 8
D2. 1 arm KB front squat x 8 per side 45,55,70
D3. 40s FLR w/ 25# on back

30 min AD
15 min stretch

Thursday, October 19, 2017

week 17 10/16-10/22 2017

Monday [high]
2 x200m
2 x125m
2 x75m
4min rest between 

A- power clean- 5, 5, 3, 3
B- barbell lunge, 5ea, 3 sets
C- 3x 5ea russian stepups
D- accumulate 5min FLR

200s 27,28s
125s 17,16s
75  9,9s

A. 185,195, 215
B. 175 done as reverse lunges as they feel better on my knees
C. front rack with 115
D. complete.  did first 90s in rings then switch.  complete in 7 mins i believe.   harder than i remember!

bball in PM

20 mins AD easy
15 mins stretch

Thursday [low, no track]
3 rounds, 5min rest between
5 x80m hill sprint ~80% RPE
walk down rest


did an easy circuit
A1. glute bridge x 10 @ 225
A2. landmine rotations x 10
A3. calf raises x10@ 80#
A4. face pulls x 10

Saturday [high]
sprint drills
5 x5 hurdle walks
7x 30m sprint from blocks
4x 40m stick drill sprints

A- split snatch x1 emom x10
B- RDL- 7, 7, 7
C- ghd raises x10, 3 sets
D- side plank leg lifts x30s ea x3