A- power clean- 1, 1, 1
B- glute bridge x5, 3 sets
C- bulgarian split squat x5, 3 sets ea
D- ghd raises, fast concentric x8, 3 sets
A. 245,260,270 very good pop here today.
B. 295,315,315
C. 80#/h x 3
D. complete. 0,10,10
sprint drills
5x 70m sprint 95%
4-5min rest
complete. felt good
weds 12/20
20 mins AD and stretch
10 block starts
rest as needed
A- split snatch x1, 1, 1 (use the side that mimics how you come out of the blocks... leg forward that is forward in the blocks)
B- RDL x5, 3 sets
C- 2 jump squats q 45s x10
D- wide stance jefferson curl x5, 3 sets
completed block starts indoors. felt good.
A. 1701,80,180
B. 315,325,325
C. only did 3 sets and right knee was feeling awkward. didn't have knee sleeves with me so did a depth box jump every 45s instead.
D. was not able to complete these at gym I was at. Did GH raises instead. 10# added.
10min jog ez
2 sets, 5min rest
5x 40-50m hill sprints 80% (mechanics)
walk down rest
sprint drills
complete with upper body
[Sunday] - 12/24
3 x3 cross fields
sprint drills
complete. As warmup did light weight or no weight of 2 sets 7-10 reps.
GHD raises
skater squats
1 leg RDL
one leg bridge
split squat with trail leg in ring