Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 13 -15, 2015

July 15
Run 800m - 2:56
rest 3 mins
run 800m - 2:58
rest 3 mins
Run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 83s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 78s
rest 2 mins
run 200m - 35s
rest 2 min

Had 3-5 more 200m run planned but legs had no drive left so called it here. Not enough running volume to be able to run "quickly" after two miles. 

July 14
Incline Bench 8 sets of 3 at 60% +
Super Set
4 sets of 8-12

DB Bench Press
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs
Super set
4 sets 12-15
DB Fly
Seated Row- can sub Pendlay or Bent Over Barbell Row here as well. +
Super set
3 sets 8-12
Standing Barbell Curl
Close Grip Bench Press
Super set
3 sets 12-15
DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Rope pressdown- if no rope use v-bar or straight bar 

July 13

Dead lift work up to a 3RM rest as needed b/t sets and attempts
385x3, 435x2.  Too big of jump?  Should have maybe hit 405x1 before.  DL did not feel good at all today. 


5 sets:
8 Push Press 135#
20 sit-ups,
10 KBS 1.5p,
12 box jumps 24”
Rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets

Did each set in 90s. Rested 90s

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10 to 12, 2015

July 12 - rest

July 11
For time
2k row
1 mile run
3 mile AirDyne

23:51. Limiters were respiration and desire to push to limit. This felt like ~90% effort.
Row 7:16, ~15s transition into run
Run ~7:32, ~15s transition into AD
AD ~8:32. Took about 51 calories per mile.

Did not have a HR monitor. Bwt is ~195 lbs.

July 10

A. PC Cluster 1.1 x 5 sets

B. FS 3-2-1-3-2-1
3x245, 2x265 1x285   3x255 1x275.  Stooped here are I was squatting with metal plates and didn't want to risk a dump.  Didn't feel confident in rep 2 at 275.

4-5 HSPU
10 cals on AD. x 6 sets. Plan was to do more sets but again out of steam.


A. Bench Press, 5 working sets, 3 reps each @ ~85% 1RM (add 5-10 lbs from last week)

B. Pendlay Row 5 sets of 5, heavy weight, but don’t go to absolute failure


Conditioning 5 sets:  ( changed this a bit)

On the 3 mins 

6 strict pull ups
12 Push Ups
15 curls (5 lower range of movement, 5 upper range of movement, 5 full range of movement - dumbbell or barbell.
30 Double Unders

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 7-9

July 9
AM - 2 mile hike on flat ground at Taughhanock Falls.

PM - 30 min on rower for max distance
8,111m.  1:51.9/500m average.

July 8

A. Split Jerk Cluster; 1.1.1x5, rest 10s/2m


B1. CGBP; 20-15-10-5, rest 2m

B2. Bent Over BB Row; 8-10x4, rest 2m
T-Bar row   75,85,85,85.   2s pause at top.  Only had 1 BB so subbed Tbar row with a lighter bar.
5 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Strict C2B Pullups
40m SA DB OH Carry/ arm (full shoulder protraction @top)
Rest 60s b/w sets

8,8,6(2), 5(3), 4(4)
50# DB

Hill run on Ernsberger Rd.
3:46, 3:40, 3:50.  To Knapp winery truck entrance.  walk down and start next set at 10 mins.

July 7
3 mile hike at Watkins Glen State Park.  ~ 800 steps and increase in elevation. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 4 to July 6

July 6 - at lake, so minimal equipment.
Super set-
3 sets 8-12
Back Squat - 225 x 12 x 3 sets.  Up 10# and a few reps from last time.  Rest ~20s
HSPU - didn't have DB so subbed HSPU - did 8 per set, first few strict. HSPU were tough after the BS because midline was fatigued. 

rest 90s

Super set
3 sets 12-14
Barbell Walking lunges - 145,155,155x12.  Up a bit in weight from last time. Both times I have done these as Front rack. Rest 20s
Shrugs - large water jug in each hand x 20 reps.
rest 90s 

Super set
3 sets12-15
DB Side lateral raise - 10#/h x 12 reps per set.
Upright Row - used penally row again 85# x 12 for 3 sets

Ab circuit - 12-15 reps x 3 movements.
July 5- rest

July 4,
Run 30s @ 90%
rest 60s
x 12 sets.