July 15
Run 800m - 2:56
rest 3 mins
run 800m - 2:58
rest 3 mins
Run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 83s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 78s
rest 2 mins
run 200m - 35s
rest 2 min
Had 3-5 more 200m run planned but legs had no drive left so called it here. Not enough running volume to be able to run "quickly" after two miles.
July 14
Incline Bench 8 sets of 3 at 60% +
Super Set
4 sets of 8-12
DB Bench Press
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs
Super set
4 sets 12-15
DB Fly
Seated Row- can sub Pendlay or Bent Over Barbell Row here as well. +
Super set
3 sets 8-12
Standing Barbell Curl
Close Grip Bench Press
Super set
3 sets 12-15
DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Rope pressdown- if no rope use v-bar or straight bar
July 13
Dead lift work up to a 3RM rest as needed b/t sets and attempts
385x3, 435x2. Too big of jump? Should have maybe hit 405x1 before. DL did not feel good at all today.
5 sets:
8 Push Press 135#
20 sit-ups,
10 KBS 1.5p,
12 box jumps 24”
Rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets
Did each set in 90s. Rested 90s
rest 3 mins
run 800m - 2:58
rest 3 mins
Run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 79s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 83s
rest 2 mins
run 400m - 78s
rest 2 mins
run 200m - 35s
rest 2 min
Had 3-5 more 200m run planned but legs had no drive left so called it here. Not enough running volume to be able to run "quickly" after two miles.
July 14
Incline Bench 8 sets of 3 at 60% +
Super Set
4 sets of 8-12
DB Bench Press
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs
Super set
4 sets 12-15
DB Fly
Seated Row- can sub Pendlay or Bent Over Barbell Row here as well. +
Super set
3 sets 8-12
Standing Barbell Curl
Close Grip Bench Press
Super set
3 sets 12-15
DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Rope pressdown- if no rope use v-bar or straight bar
July 13
Dead lift work up to a 3RM rest as needed b/t sets and attempts
385x3, 435x2. Too big of jump? Should have maybe hit 405x1 before. DL did not feel good at all today.
5 sets:
8 Push Press 135#
20 sit-ups,
10 KBS 1.5p,
12 box jumps 24”
Rest 60-90 seconds b/t sets
Did each set in 90s. Rested 90s