Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 16th through June 22nd, 2014

 Right now working out with others is top priority. 

A. Pause Front Squat @ 24x1 + 1 FS.    5 sets.  Built to 265. 
B. High Hang Snatch x 2.   5 sets.       Built to 135.  Shoulder is limiter. Is getting better with Crossover Symmetry though.
C. BS x3 x 6 sets.   265x2 275 x 4.   Every 90s
D. Four sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Alternating Reverse Lunges (185– back rack)
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 45 seconds

Got 52 lunges, 48 pull-ups.   Lunges decreased form 16 to 10 per set. Pull-ups consistent. 

A. Gymnastic work.  L-hang, strict HSPU
B. Split Jerk x 2 reps x 8 sets.  Built to 225. 
C. Press working sets 3x140 x 3.  10 x95
D.Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:Run 400 Meters
8 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (65/35 lbs). Taken from ground. Scale as needed. Use a weight you can do quickly.
16/8 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters


A.Hi hang clean + Clean.   EMOM  up to 205. 
B. Bs up to 335x1. then max reps at 285 @ 20x1.  Hit 4

2 sets:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes:
10 Burpee Box Jump - step down.
15 Deadlifts 225
20 Pull-Ups
25 Wall Ball Shots
30 Double-Unders

Rest 4 minutes, and then repeat.
1+17, 1+17

If time and energy permits:

A. FS x 2 reps.  Up to 275
B. Hang Snatch + snatch + 2 OHS.  Up to 145. 
C1 BSS x8 @ 3011   45,45,55,65
C2. DB overhead press @ 2111  45/h x 8 for 4 sets. 
D1 GHR x8 @ 3011  light band +10#  x 4 set
  D2 weighted plank suspended.  + 10#  x 4 sets

A. gymnastic work.  L-hang, HSPU
B. "Jackie" -  5:56.  3s PR.  unbroken, row 3:27. Have to row faster to lower time.
C. 12 min AMRAP 
40 yrd med ball run
40 yrd single arm farmer carry with 80#
10 rounds


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11th to June 14th, 2014

Day 10 - BSq mod + Thruster mod + Horizontal CP
A1. Back Squat @ 50X1, 2 reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min
A2. Single Arm Ring Rows @ 30X0, 4-6/arm x 5 sets, 1:30 min - ensure hips/shoulder remain square to rings at all times
B. Double KB Front Squats @ 32kg/arm, AMRAP x 3 sets, 1 min
C. Standing Single Arm, Elbow Locked, Scapular Retraction @ slow eccentric/concentric tempo
D. Standing Double Arm External Rotation work - perform at a variety of angles

A1. 295,310,320,330, 330x1
A2. 4-5 per set.
B. 8,7,6.   Rest 5 minutes and then 14.  was sandbagging big time, got mad did 1 more set and hit an appropriate amount. 
C and D. ironscap routine.

Day 11 - tng DL int + mixed MAP sets (short int)
touch n go DL, work to a challenging triple
4 sets @ 95%:
20 sec Rowing
40 sec rest
20 sec No Push-up Burpees
40 sec rest
5 min rest
4 sets @ 95%:
20 sec Rowing
40 sec rest
20 sec No Push-up Burpees
40 sec rest

DL for TnG triple - 415
complete conditioning

Day 12 - Push Strength + Push Stamina + AD ALEnd
A. Press work, feel it out 
B. Push-up work, feel it out
C. Pendlay Rows @ 20X0, 3 tough reps every 30 sec x 30 total reps 
C. AirDyne, 20 sec near ALL OUT x 6 sets, 3-4 min

Day 13 - off

Day 14 - off

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6th, to June 10th, 2014

6-6- 14   Day 5 - OHS work + Pull Strength + Pull Stamina + Row ALEnd
A. Lower Trap work - one are at a time
B. Weighted Parallel Grip Chin-up on Rings @ 22X2, build to a max set of 2 
C. Weighted Supinated Chin-up @ 20X0, build to a max set of 5
D. AMRAP Strict Pronated Chest to Bar in 2 mins
D. Row Sprint, 25 sec all out x 8 sets, 2:15 min

A. complete.
B. 70#.  2s pause at top is tough.
C. 50. 
D. 18. these went fast. 
E. 161,161,159,158,156,150,155,150. Felt very good first 2 sets. Would be interesting to see where 500m time is at. 

Day 6 - LBC + 30 min MAP Low %’s
4 sets:
30 sec Weighted Right Side Bridge
30 sec rest
30 sec Left Arm Farmer Carry @ 40kg KB
30 sec rest
30 sec Weighted Left Side Bridge
30 sec rest
30 sec Right Arm Farmer Carry @ 40kg KB
30 sec rest 
30 min @ 75%/moderate effort:
10 lite alternating db power snatch
20 cal rowing
20 walking lunges
20 cal airdyne 

complete. 25# for bridges, used 95# for farmers carry. 
9 rounds plus 10 snatch.  KB snatch w/ 35#

Day 7 - RDL int + FSq mod + SL int
A. Romanian Deadlift @ 22X1, build to a tough set of 2 - 2 sec pause with plates a few inches off the floor
B. Front Squat @ 50X1, work to a single
C. Front Rack Barbell Walking Lunges, 6 moderate effort reps (i.e. 3/leg)  per min x 10 mins 

A. 365 with straps. 
B. 285 with knee sleeves and oly shoes. Warm-up sets were in flats. Built to a 225 clean and front squat during build up. 
C. 135x3, 145x1, 155x4, 165x2

Here is the 225 clean + front squat.  Maybe a bit fast on the tempo, and caught clean a bit forward on the toes. Easy fix there. Moderate effort. Those legs are SCRAWNY!  Happy to be here easily. 6 months since surgery. Hope to be back to 300# clean by end of year, maybe earlier. 

6-9-14 Day 8 - Press stamina + AD MAP (60/60—>120/120)
External Rotation work - one arm at a time
Scap Protraction work - one arm at a time
4 x 180 sec AirDyne @ 85-90%/180 sec AirDyne @ 50%

85,81,77,79 calories per working set.  422 overall. Old Airdyne at home. 

Day 9 - off

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2nd to June 5th, 2014

Cycle 4
Day 1 - DL int + BSq mod + Step-up Stamina
A. Deadlift, work to a challenging single - NOT a max
B. Back Squat @ 50X1, 4-4-3-3-2-2, 2 min - only last 2 sets tough, build for 1st 4 sets
C. DB Russian Step-ups onto 20” box, 15/leg x 3 sets, 30 sec b/t legs - increase load per set, last set should be GRUELLING

A. up to 460. with belt. Felt right, left a bit in there, no psych up or anything wild. 
B. 225,245, 265,285,    305x2,320x2.   with belt, knee sleeves and oly shoes. Haven't been wearing anything except nano's most days. Decided to use the accessories today. 
C. 35#, 35#, 45# per hand. 

In warm up I worked up to a moderate hang power clean, hang clean at 175#. Very easy. Cleans feel fine. 

Day 2 - Press int + Ring MU’s + GHR + AD ALEnd
A. External Rotation variation - both arms moving @ once
B. Scapular retraction variation with straight elbow - both arm moving @ once
C. GH Raises @ 20X0, 5 tough reps per min x 5 mins
D. GH Raises @ 10X0, 25 x 1 set
D. AirDyne, 18 sec near ALL OUT x 6 sets, 4 min min b/t

A + B.  completed ironscap routine.
C. complete with 35# across chest
D. complete with 10#
E. 27,27,11(different bike),25,24, 20.    

Day 3 - ABC + 30 min MAP Low %’s
EMOM x 15 mins:
1st - 10-15 sec L Sit on Rings
2nd - 20 sec weighted front bridge
3rd - 5 SLOW GH Sit-ups
30 min @ 75% effort:
100 cal AirDyne
10 unbroken Russian KBS @ 32kg x 5 sets - 5 breaths b/t
100 cal Rowing
10 continuous burpees x 5 sets - 5-7 breaths b/t
AirDyne for Cals in remaining time

complete EMOM. ~12s sit on rings. 25# plate on back for bridge, 25# weighted sit-up. Was at home, so didn't have access to GHD. 

30 min AMRAP- misread this and completely left out the Rowing.  Thought it was odd I was on the bike for ~18 mins at the end.  Got 362 cals.