Right now working out with others is top priority.
A. Pause Front Squat @ 24x1 + 1 FS. 5 sets. Built to 265.
B. High Hang Snatch x 2. 5 sets. Built to 135. Shoulder is limiter. Is getting better with Crossover Symmetry though.
C. BS x3 x 6 sets. 265x2 275 x 4. Every 90s
D. Four sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Alternating Reverse Lunges (185– back rack)
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 45 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 45 seconds
Got 52 lunges, 48 pull-ups. Lunges decreased form 16 to 10 per set. Pull-ups consistent.
A. Gymnastic work. L-hang, strict HSPU
B. Split Jerk x 2 reps x 8 sets. Built to 225.
C. Press working sets 3x140 x 3. 10 x95
D.Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:Run 400 Meters
8 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (65/35 lbs). Taken from ground. Scale as needed. Use a weight you can do quickly.
16/8 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters
8 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (65/35 lbs). Taken from ground. Scale as needed. Use a weight you can do quickly.
16/8 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters
A.Hi hang clean + Clean. EMOM up to 205.
B. Bs up to 335x1. then max reps at 285 @ 20x1. Hit 4
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes:
10 Burpee Box Jump - step down.
15 Deadlifts 225
20 Pull-Ups
25 Wall Ball Shots
30 Double-Unders
Rest 4 minutes, and then repeat.
1+17, 1+17
If time and energy permits:
A. FS x 2 reps. Up to 275
B. Hang Snatch + snatch + 2 OHS. Up to 145.
C1 BSS x8 @ 3011 45,45,55,65
C2. DB overhead press @ 2111 45/h x 8 for 4 sets.
D1 GHR x8 @ 3011 light band +10# x 4 set
D2 weighted plank suspended. + 10# x 4 sets
A. gymnastic work. L-hang, HSPU
B. "Jackie" - 5:56. 3s PR. unbroken, row 3:27. Have to row faster to lower time.
C. 12 min AMRAP
40 yrd med ball run
40 yrd single arm farmer carry with 80#
10 rounds