Thursday, November 29, 2012

Training Nov 27-29th, 2012


A. Snatch Balance, build to a tough single
B. OHS @ 55X1, 3-3-2-2, 4 min
C. 5 sets @ 90%:
12 OHS @ 95lb
15 Chin-ups
35 Double Unders
2 min b/t sets
+ 10 min rest
D. 5 sets @ 90%:
10 DL @ 185lb
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
10 Wall Balls
2 min b/t sets

A. 155 - still struggle with timing etc., with this movement. 
B. 135,140,150,155
C. 74s, 67s, 70s, 71s, 91s (dumped OHS forward and arms blew up and split pull-ups 8-7, breathing was good though)
D. 65s,61s,62s,62s,62s.   

28th- basketball game - conditioning good.  body a bit sore from getting knocked around. It did not affect training.

A. Thruster, build to a 1RM
B. Squat Clean Thruster Cluster, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 5 min
C. 5 sets:
15-20 KBS - 88lb
15 Kipping Ring Dips
3 min rest

A. 215#.  - rushed for time so stopped here. felt sloppy like I couldn't coordinate the drive out of bottom.  Maybe 225 in there.
B. 165,175,185,185,185.   3:30 rest between as I was short on time this AM. 
C. 20 KBS and 15 RD per set, unbroken.  ~65s per set.  2-3 breaths after KBS to walk and set up for ring dips

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Training November 25th, 2012

A. DL @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 55% RM x 10 sets, 45 sec
B1. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, 2 min
B2. Wtd Ring Dips @ 20X0, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
C. Complete 1 round per minute for 5 minutes @ 90% effort:
6 touch n go Power Snatch @ 115lb
6 Lateral Barbell Burpees
D. Complete 1 round every 2 minutes for 10 minutes @ 90% effort:
10 Power Snatch @ 75lb
10 Wall Balls - 20#
10 Step Down Box Jumps - 30"

A. complete at 275#. Easy, explosive.
B1. 160,167,173,177,177
B2. 60,70,80,90(2), 90(2)

C. complete at 4:58. closer to 95% last round. heavy breathing.  
D. complete at 9:59. closer to 95% last round. heavy breathing.

Pathetic on  C and D, but that's where I'm at right now. I probably would not have completed another round on time without going to max effort and even then not sure.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Training November 23rd and 24th, 2012

Row 2000m @ 75% - damper 3
3 sets @ 90%:
30 sec GH Sit-ups
30 sec Double Unders
60 sec Rowing - damper 10
120 sec rest
Row 2000m @ 75% - damper 3

7:19.3    - for reference PR 2k is 6:39 from a long while ago. 

17 GH, 45 DU, 309m
16 GH, 52 DU, 290m   - unb DU
16 GH, 36 DU, 282m  - multiple misses on DU

*used a "heavy" Nike rope for DU's today. 


A. Front Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 1-1-1, 5 min
B. Squat Clean, build to a 1RM
C. Achieve as high as possible on the ladder in 10 minutes:
Muscle-ups - 1,2,3...
155lb Thrusters - 1,2,3...

A. all sets with 38# chains added.   245,255,260.  
B. 255#   20#  below PR from July.  Failed at 260 and 270 multiple times.  Wasn't receiving bar in good position. I could power clean/front squat this but was trying to receive in a true clean. 

C.  completed the round of 6 and then got 3 muscle-ups on round of 7.  I need a stated goal to shoot for on these as I don't feel like I dig in competitively and kind of just accept whatever score I get rather than digging in and grinding for each rep to achieve best score possible. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Training November 20th and 21st, 2012


10 minutes of Airdyne @ 75% (complete 7 C2B Chin-ups every minute)

5 min rest
10 minutes of Rowing @ 75% (complete 5 touch n go clean and jerk @ 95lb every minute)

180 cals on AD, all CTB unbroken.  did a 10 minute running clock. about 40s of AD with 20s for transition and C2B. 

1362m. All Tng complete. after quick transition only about 30s for row. 


A1. Romanian DL @ 30X0, 4-6 heavy reps x 5 sets, 2 min
A2. Weighted Ring Dips @ 20X0, 3-5 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
B1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 75% RM per set x 5 sets, 1:30 min
B2. AMRAP Kipping HSPU x 5 sets, 1:30 min - head to floor
B3. Weighted Pronated Chin-ups @ 20X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 1:30 min

A1. 275, 305, 315,335,345(5).  Straps for last 4 sets.  
A2. 25, 35, 50, 65(4), 65(3)

B1. 4 (not at tempo, no belt)  5(with belt at tempo, 5, 5, 3.    5 reps is a rough number for me.
B2. 13,8,10,10,11. Shoulders didn't fatigue which is good.  Mainly came off wall due to balance.
B3. 70(2), 60,65(2) 70(2), 70(2)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Training November 18th, 19th. 2012

A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 3-4 min - all tough sets
B. Power Clean Cluster, x 4 sets, 3-4 min - all tough sets
C. 1 Bar Muscle-up every 30 sec for 10 minutes
D. Row Sprint 15 sec ALL OUT every minute for 10 minutes - damper 5

A. 155, 160(3F), 160(1.F.1)  165 (1.F.F).  I could PS cluster these weights easy. I think old wrist injury prevents good solid catch and lockout, I notice it every time I squat snatch.

B. 235 (3), 235(3) 235(4), 235(3).  I know it was 5 but I kept missing 4th rep. Didn't want to lower weight so just kept it there. 

C. Disaster.  2 reps in 8 minutes then called it. Thought I had figured these out, apparently not. 

D. 1166m total. Slight drop off towards end. 

*Pulling muscles felt fatigued this whole session. Maybe from kipping t2b yesterday?  Not sure.  Maybe cause I'm old.  

Split Jerk @ lite loads, 3 perfect reps x 3 sets, 2 min
Snatch Balance, 3 moderate reps x 3 sets, 2 min
15 x 60 sec Airdyne @ 50%/60 sec Airdyne @ 75%
10 Toes to Bar for 10 minutes

SJ- 155-165-175.  Shoulder feels good, so encouraged there.  Training partner, who has a more efficient jerk than mine, noticed my dip was much slower than his. I quickened my dip up and only focused on my speed and it seemed to help. I need to video more to notice these things. My cues for jerk are 1. keep chest up, 2. quick dip.  3. speed under. 

SB  105-115-125.- Still awkward for me. 

551 cals. ~25 cals during 75%, ~11 cals during 50%.  felt strong, could keep this up for a while.  I WANT 300 FY.   

t2b complete.  varied grips and hand positioning.  think i like palms away feet inside hands best. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Training November 14th-16th, 2012


A. DL @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 50% RM x 12 sets, 45 sec
B1. Hang Power Snatch from above knee, 3-3-2-2-1-1, 1 min
B2. Strict HSPU to Extra Depth @ 20X0, 2-2-2-2-2-2, 1 min
C. 10 sets @ high efforts:
5 Squat Snatch @ 95lb
5 C2B Chin-ups
30 sec rest

A. complete at 250
B1. 155,155, 165 1.F (too big jump on short rest) 160, 165, 170
B2. 3" for all. 
C 11:37 to complete.  first 6 sets were done fast unbroken. started to need a few more secs rest in between and missed SS twice. breathing mostly limiting factor, grip towards the end but not too much.   These are exactly the kind of sessions I need work on. 

15 x Row 60 sec @ 50%/Row 60 sec @ 75% - damper 5
10 GH Sit-ups x 5 sets, 1 min

7705m total

added weight to last 4 sets.  10#, 25# x3. 

Long slow aerobic stuff on rower or Airdyne I feel fine and can maintain for long periods. It's multiple modality at a faster pace where I perish. 

My schedule got pushed back a day as I came down with a nasty cold on Monday, and needed Tuesday to sleep in and recover form cold. 

A. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 2-2-2, 5 min
B. Hang Squat Clean, build to a 3RM
C. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
3 Muscle-ups
3 unbroken Hang Squat Clean @ 155lb

A. all sets with 38# chains added.  265, 275, 280(1). 
B. 215.   225x2 and then couldn't hang onto barbell.  Unsure if I should be using straps or dumping in between reps. But the squat out wasn't hard I just could not hang onto barbell for 3rd rep.
C. 9 rounds.  90% effort. Just didn't push coming off the cold.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Throwdown Series Wods.

3 rep max hang snatch

Bar can not go below kneecaps at any time.
Score is weight in pounds.
Workout will be done with 3 athletes sharing a barbell and 25 minutes to establish your 3RM. This should allow for plenty attempts for all competitors.

170#.  Hit 175 x 2.   Got a great coaching tip from a Oly coach that was on scene to relax on the snatch as I changed everything when it got heavy.  It helped tremendously with hitting 170 x3.  I think with that advice I can now hit 175 x 3

For Time:
30 Thrusters 95#/65# - scaled 65#/45#
500m row / 400m row
Score is total time.
6 minute time cap

2:36.  Thrusters unbroken.  Row was up and down a bit. Lots of pain afterwords. 

5 rounds for time:
9 burpees to 6" overhead
12 hang power cleans 95#/65# - scaled 65#/45#
15 wall balls 20# to 10' / 14# to 9' - 14#/ 8# to 9'
Score is total time.
18 minute time cap

Round 1 @ 1:50
Round 2@ 3:45
Round 3 @ 6:02
Round 4 @ unsure
Round 5 @ 11:36. 

Really tried to keep pace slow early but could not hold that pace for whole piece. Missed a few WB which I rarely do.  This is where I need the most work. Need the ability to sustain these efforts.   

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Training November 5th-7th, 2012

3 sets:
6 tough touch n go Power Snatch - start @ 125lb
90 sec Airdyne @ 85-90%
120 sec rest
125 -39cals, 135-42 cals, 140-43 cals

3 sets:
6 tough touch n go Power Clean and Push Press - start @ 155lb
90 sec Rowing @ 85-90%
120 sec rest
155-431m,165-416m, 170x5 - 422m
3 sets:
15-20 KBS - 88lb
90 sec Box Jumps - 30" - step down every rep
120 sec rest
19kbs -24bj, 20kbs-27bj , 17kbs - 26bj

1 Bar Muscle-up every 30 sec for 10 minutes
5 unbroken Muscle-ups x 5 sets, rest as needed b/t
For time:
Kipping HSPU - 25, 20,15,10,5
Strict Pronated Chin-ups - 10,10,10,10,10

completed 10 total reps.  couldn't hit them on 30s. Learning the form more and more for these and last few reps were ~40s apart. 

complete in ~5:30.  1 minute rest between sets. 

19:21. spent lots of time on the HSPU. first 3 sets of chins unbroken. 
round times:  4:15, 9:08, 13:25, then forgot to record after round 4,  19:21 total. 

A. Front Squat @ 20X1, 1-1-1-1-1, 3 min - build per set
B. Squat Clean Cluster, x 3 sets, 5 min - all tough sets
C. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
3/leg Front Rack Forward Lunges @ 135lb
6 Front Squats @ 135lb

A. 250,260,275, 285F, 285, 295. The miss at 285 was technical. 1RM is 315. 
B. 215,225,230 x4.     Was spent on 5th rep at 230 and didn't even try to clean it. 
C. 4 rounds plus  lunges and 2 FS.   Pathetic performance. Just did not feel good. 

*Notes:  I think I respond best to more squatting and heavy pulling frequently. Even if it is just quick touches, just to remind my  body what heavy squat or deads feel like. All lifts have felt heavy recently. *

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Training November 3rd, 2012

10 minutes @ 75%:
Row 300m
10/arm KB Snatch @ 16kg
--5 min
10 minutes @ 75%:
Row 300m
10 OHS @ 65lb
--5 min
10 minutes @ 75%:
15 cals Airdyne
15 Burpees
--5 min
10 minutes @ 75%:
15 cals Airdyne
5 Toes to Bar
5 Hand Release Push-ups

5 rds
5 rds plus 165m
5 rds plus 2 cals
6 rds plus 15 cals plus 1 T2b

Aerobic stuff feels good, but then it always has. It's when I have to go hard that kills me. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Training, November 2nd, 2012

5 sets @ 97%:
30 sec AMRAP Squat Cleans @ 135lb
30 sec AMRAP Lateral Barbell Burpees
30 sec AMRAP Cals on Airdyne
7-10 min b/t sets

Sc,LBB, Cals ,  feelings after

10,12,20  --I'm the man.
9,8,13 --- what the hell happened, this sucks. Clearly I am not the man.  
9,11,11 - -- I hate that stupid bike
8,11,15 - the bike isn't so bad, but now my quad is throbbing.
9,7,11-   I hope I can get ready for work in time

done on old airdyne.  I can not sustain power on these. 

Nov 1st
A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, 4-5 min
B. DL, quickly build to a moderately tough single
C. Push Press, 2 touch n go reps per minute for 10 minutes - start @ 175lb, increase where possible
D. 10-->1 unbroken Ring Dip/C2B Chin-up Ladder

A. 155,165,175(1.F) 175, 185- F,F -  shoulders and lats tight.
B. 455-  felt heavy. 1RM is 495.  Haven't pulled a 1RM or even deadlifted heavy in probably a year. 
C. 175 x 3, 185,190, 195(1.f), 195(f.f) 185, 185, 185
D. 5:51. 

Coming off of night shifts I really felt a lack of pop today. Was still sore and achy before the workout. I definitely don't recover as well on nights. I need to consider, 2 consecutive days off after nights or some type of skill, low aerobic work the next day.  The week prior I was feeling great. Not so great today.