Below is a couple training videos. The first is a dead lift at 485. I hit 495 after but the music in the background has some lyrics that may be offensive to some so I'm refraining from posting that. A dead lift of 500 has been a long term goal of mine to accomplish. I knew I could get there quicker if I devoted myself to it, but I wanted to be able to deadlift 500lbs while still being fit enough to able to comfortably run a mile in under 6 minutes. Current mile time is ~ 5:40 so next time we go for a deadlift PR I hope to hit the 500 mark. At this point it will be time to set new goals.
This second video is a set of 5 deadlifts at 345 lbs at a Tap and Go pace followed by 20 seconds of sprinting on the Airdyne. This was repeated for 4 sets with 5 minutes rest between sets. I hit 325,345,365 and 375 for the deadlift weights and 21,20,18 and 15 calories on the bike. The Tap and Go pace means no pausing at the bottom.