Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday December 24th, 2013

2 weeks Post- Op.  In a CAM boot. No weight bearing.

A.  Airdyne 30 mins @ Z1.  303 calories and 8.3 miles. Felt good to sweat a bit. Super conservative, never breathed hard at all. This was a nice easy to start. Will progress the intensity and duration over time.

B1. ab wheel roll out 15,15,15
B2. 45# plate hold AMSAP,  65s,60s,45s

at home 20 dorsiflexion movements with injured leg.


  1. Are you resting the injured leg or actually pushing off with it? If so, in or out of boot?

    1. Josh. I am not pushing off it. It is essentially resting on the pedals. Non-injured leg and arms are providing the power on Airdyne. I am seated the whole time, i.e., not standing and no sprinting.

  2. Thanks for the info. I'll give it a shot later this week. Need something to keep my motor up as that was my strength in my transition to CF.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Did you also tear your achilles?

  4. Yes, I tore mine doing sprints. I had no previous pain to speak of but had been doing two a days for the past few weeks which was new to me. Also put on 15 lbs of muscle and lots of strength since starting CF.

    I tore mine on the 18th and had surgery the evening of 20th.
