Thursday, December 12, 2013

1st and 2nd day post operation, Achilles Tendon rupture.

Wednesday 12-12-13
Pain was pretty high today. It got so bad at ~24 hours post-op that I called the Drs. office to see if I could get something stronger than the pain meds they were giving me. I'd put the pain at that time at about a 9/10. I was almost hyper ventilating from pain. The pain meds were lowering the pain from about a 9 to a 7 and that was lasting only about 3 hours, while the doses were every 6 hours. The nurse called back and said I could take Advil in addition to the pain meds and to stagger the Advil with the pain meds. I did so and it helped tremendously. Talk about information I could've used earlier in the day as I was moaning in agony. Since then I've been able to manage the pain just fine and it is about a 4/10 which is plenty tolerable and expected.

I was not able to do any mobility work or stretching today as I was in too much pain. Sleep was restless at best. The pain meds make me jittery and doesn't allow for restful sleep.

Thursday 12-13-13- 2 days post op.
Now that I am mixing in the Advil with the pain meds the pain is tolerable. Keeping my injured leg elevated is key. When I get up to go to the bathroom or drop the leg below my heart, all the blood rushes to leg and is quite painful. I had wanted to go to the gym tonight just to observe our class workout but think I am better served staying home and keeping it elevated. Starting with my 4pm dose today I am weaning off the pain meds.

As far as "exercise" today I was able to get in an upper body/shoulder mobility session. Only takes ~10 minutes. Works great, feeling good. Hopefully feel up for going to the gym tomorrow and getting in an upper body volume workout.

As far as updates I plan to try to write every couple of days for two reasons. Too document how I'm feeling and how I'm coming along. Second to possibly provide inspiration or a timeline for others who have this injury. I know for me it is invaluable to have seen a similar blog. It provides a timetable and inspiration and helps see the light at the end of tunnel.

As far as long term goals I might as well make a couple now. These are goals to show me I am back to the level I was at before the injury. I want to hit a 50" box jump and clean 300#. When I hit those 2 numbers I will know my explosiveness and strength are completely back. Will I hit them? I honestly don't know. As for a timeline, I'm not setting one but hitting those in 10-12 months from now seems like a good place to start.

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