Thursday, July 19, 2018

July 19

A1. turkish getup x 3.   35,35,45
A2. DB pullover x 6.  50,60,60
B1 one arm cable row x 10/arm       100 x 3
B2. one arm DB low incline press  x 6   60x3
C1. 1 arm bottoms up KB carry 30m    35#x3
C2.   ring fall out   x 8 x 3
D1  prone plate switch 10/side x 3 sets
D2. band pull aparts x15 x 3 sets

15 mins bike ride.   15s hard 45s light x15. 

July 20 
lower body rehab

july 21

1 min on rower at 1:28/500 rest 4 mins x 2

July 22
A. press 5x5 w/ 95#
B1 l-up x 10
B2. incline Db press  60x10, 70x10
C1. face pull x 15 x 2
C2. strict ring dips max- 24 
D. 1 arm bottoms up KB carry for 30s with 35# KB. 
E1. ring push-ups x15
E2. db curl x 10
E3 tricep pushdown x 15   x 2 sets. 

July 23
lower body  - hamstring rehab
10 min walk.  5 min bike
A. single leg lying glute bridge x 3 sets.
A2. leg lowering on wall x 10
B1. med ball roll back x 10
B2. eccentric calf raises
C.  SL RDL   left leg light.   right leg unweighted.  working positions
D.   AD near all out for 15s, pedal light 1:45 x 8. 
E1. ring fall out x 8
E2. farmers walk 30s w/ 85#/ h

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 2 to July 18

Mon 7/2
300m sprint
15min rest
150m sprint

300m in 38.5.  started and ended on straight. hand timed and in spikes. 
150m in 18.3   started at half way point of curve. 

A- 1 pc emom x5
B- 3x 1 DL heavy but not 1 RM
C- 2 DL 50% of B, emom x5
D- 3x 5 harop curls
E- 3x 60s ea erom bottom calf raise hold

D and E. complete. 

Tues 7/3
A- 1 pc mom x5.   185,205,225,240,240.  no pop.  Need more than a day after the previous session. 
B- 3x 1 DL heavy but not 1 RM.  Skipped due to feeling tired. 
C- 2 DL 50% of B, mom x5.   Complete with 240. 

20min alt emom
1- 5 press
2- 5 pull-ups (weighted)
A- 5x 10 hammer curls
B- 5x 7ea cossack squat
C- 5x 5ea lunging box step ups, 12-16", no push off from back foot
D- accumulate 3 min of plank with feet on wall
7s hard 90-95%
53s easy 50%

Did 14 mins of the EMOM, since I did the clean and DL. 
press 115x2, 120x5
pull-ups with 35#

A. 35x4, 40x1
B. complete with 16# shot
C. 3 sets.   45# DB/h. 
D. completed later in day. 

AD sprints complete. 

Wed 7/4
20 block starts
10 straight
10 turn

this ended up being a travel day so I rested

Thurs 7/5
20 block starts
10 straight
10 turn

completed.  Did all 20 on the straight as it was brutal hot and I had a rhythm going and was trying to work out some things. 

Fri 7/6
3x 150m
walk back rest (~3-5min)
A- 3x 7ea bulg split squat
B- 5x 2 jump squats (light!!!)
C- 3x 10 pendlay row
D- 3x 3 weighted dips 
E- abwheel- 10 full negatives if able 

completed at field. 
A. did as front rack, 95 x 3. 
B. did with 65#
C. 155 x 3
D. ring dips.   65x3
E. did barbell roll outs as I did not have ab wheel on vacation. 

Sat 7/7
sprint drills 2x through
3x 20m tight high knees in addition
A- 1 pc 75% emom x5
B- 1 DL 50% emom x5
C- 1 pp light emom x5

A. 205 x 5
B. 255 x 5
C. 135x5

Sun 7/8
3x flying 50m
rest 3-4min
80-90% effort
A- 3x 3 light hang pc
B- 5x 1 backwards medball toss (10lbs)
C- abs of choice- rotational

did the flying 50s.  had guests so didn't get to the rest.  did 3x3 bounds. and 3 sets of 10s hanging windshield wipers to sort of complete the work. 

Mon 7/9
sprint drills
3-5 starts
cool down 

A travel day with Sean for a baseball game, so rested.   

Tues 7/10
4x 200

100m in 12.08.   Same exact time as 1 year ago.  Tried to relax on run, and did so for parts but also was very tense in parts. 

Did not find a team for the 4x200, so didn't run that. 

Wed 7/11
10min jog
sprint drills
10min jog

did not get to the jog.  played spikeball, soccer, and chased kids around park for an hour, swam a bit.  All in all probably a good effective shakeout. 

Thurs 7/12
+ (5min)
+ (5min)
~no more than 90%
A- 3x 5-7ea kb windmills
B- 3x 5-7ea kb oh lunges
C- 3x 5-7ea kb scottish getups

A. with 15# KB
B. with 30# DB/h
C. 20#/h  5,6,7

Fri 7/13
3x 3 cross fields
relaxed, 3min bw sets
A- 3x 5 cgbp
B- 3x 5 weighted pull-ups
C- 3x 5 hammer curl

A. 205x5x3 sets
B. pull-ups casing pain in right bicep.  subbed penally row.  155x5x3
C. complete

Sat 7/14
2 x 250m 80%
10min rest
tap/tap/tap... no push... relax
A- 1 pc emom x 7
B- 1 dl emom x7, 50%
C- 1 pp emom x7, light

A. 205 up to 275. 
B. 255 for 7 sts.
C. 135 for 7 sets.

Sun 7/15
3x 30m tight high knees
7 starts
no lift


Mon 7/16
sprint drills
5 starts
cool down 

rested here.  busy at home.

Tues 7/17

200m in 25.48.  blocks slid out and strained hamstring at ~100m mark.  Was easily going to be sub 25, probably a mid to low 24.

Wed 7/18
10min jog
10min AB
10min jog
30min mobility
